BELIO KIPSANG – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Fri, 22 Sep 2023 03:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MOE Warns Teachers Against Remedial Teaching, Illegal Levies Fri, 22 Sep 2023 03:51:39 +0000 MOE Warns Teachers Against Remedial Teaching, Illegal Levies

The Education Ministry has warned school heads over imposing remedial classes, noting the programmes are illegal.

Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang expressed concern that some school heads continue to impose illegal levies on parents to pay teachers who conduct remedial teaching.

“We cannot explain why we need extra hours in the name of remedial teaching,” Kipsang said.

He said the hours the ministry has prescribed for teaching was sufficient for imparting skills, competencies and knowledge learners will apply in tackling examinations.

He pointed out that remedial teaching and the levies associated with it was a burden to parents.

“Extra levies had made us acquire a bad name under the name of remedial teaching,” he said.

Kipsang spoke during a meeting with field education officials and national government administration officers counterparts in the Coast Region at Shimo La Tewa Secondary school in Mombasa on September 19.

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Kipsang’s warning comes at a time when primary and secondary schools are preparing for the national exams.

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) exams are set to begin on October 30.

The Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE) exams on the other hand will begin on November 3 and conclude on November 24.

Kipsang said the ministry will put measures in place to ensure that examinations in the country remain credible.

He further called on educators to reclaim the trust of the society by managing this year’s national examinations in an honest manner.

“As officers deployed to oversee the administration of national examinations, we must therefore ensure that we guard the conduct of the examinations against all sorts of malpractices so as to enhance credibility, validity and reliability of the examinations,” he said.

Machogu, Education PS Disagree over top job Thu, 07 Sep 2023 02:52:09 +0000 Machogu, Education PS Disagree over top job

A distasteful rift has erupted between Education Cabinet   Secretary Ezekiel Machogu and his Principal Secretary for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Dr Esther Muoria over one of the senior positions in the ministry.

Following the differences, Machogu has now warned of dire consequences to any official in the Ministry who continues to disregard the bona fide Director of Technical Education Dr Meshack C. Opwora.

“In the same vein, disregard of any approvals, directives or instructions granted or given by the duly appointed and posted Director, Technical Education, properly performing his functions as such, will be dealt with appropriately, in line with the applicable legal, regulatory and policy framework,” Machogu says in a letter dated September 1, 2023.

The letter addressed to all chief executives and directors-general of semi autonomous government agencies under the State Department for Technical, Vocational Education and Training and Principals of National Polytechnics and technical Training Institutes is also copied to Dr Muoria, Dr Belio Kipsang (Basic Education PS) and Dr Beatrice Inyangala (Higher Education and Research PS).

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PSC Announces 1000 Internship Vacancies For Teachers-Apply Now

Heads Instructed to Compile List of 2023 KCPE, KPSEA and KCSE Invigilators

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Sources at the Ministry revealed that Machogu’s letter was precipitated by alleged push by Ms Muoria for the appointment of another senior officer in the Ministry as the Director of Technical Education in an acting capacity. Dr Muoria had on April 12, appointed John Kiplagat Tuwei as the Acting Director of Vocational and Technical Education (DTE).

And during a TVET meeting on August 25, at Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu,  Tuwei graced the training of principals occasion where PS Muoria introduced him as the Director for Technical Education despite Dr Opwora having  been confirmed for the position.

Ministry Orders schools to settle Their Arrears With postal corporation Thu, 06 Jul 2023 03:08:07 +0000 Ministry Orders schools to settle Their Arrears With postal corporation

The Ministry of Education has directed County Directors of Education to ensure that schools have settled their arrears with the Postal Corporation.

A letter written from the State Department for Basic Education and signed by Paul Kibet for PS Kipsang Belio dated July 4, said the corporation owes schools payment for postal boxes.

The PS pointed out that this amounted to financial indiscipline by the schools, adding that it was unacceptable.

“This is to ask you to ensure that all schools in arrears settle their debts with the postal corporation immediately and in not more than one month from the date of this letter,” the letter reads in part.

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He said the Corporation had also notified the Ministry that some schools have been sharing the boxes, an action that he frowned upon.

“This should stop forthwith as each school has its own allocation of resources,” he said.

The PS directed those sharing boxes to apply for the same within a month.

“A report on compliance to the Principal Secretary will be expected from you,” he said.

The letter was copied to the Post Master General John Tonui.

Be Compliant and Pay School Fees, Government Tells Parents Tue, 13 Jun 2023 03:22:36 +0000 Be Compliant and Pay School Fees, Government Tells Parents

Principal Secretary for Education Belio Kipsang, has attributed the current financial constraints faced by public schools to huge unpaid fees by parents.

Kipsang who raised concerns over the fee arrears, urged parents to take their responsibility seriously despite economic challenges and make prompt payments.

The Education PS expressed the need for parents to support school Boards of Management (BOM), through payment of authorised fees to facilitate activities and programmes of the schools.

“If you have a fee balance, the school might not manage itself, kindly support your respective schools, so that they are managed better,” he appealed.

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Junior Secondary School Capitation Per County

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The PS commended a majority of parents whom he said are investing in the future of their children, noting that they shall reap from their success.

He encouraged students to maximise any opportunity they get in school since the current digital era requires individuals, who are able to solve emerging problems in society.

Dr Kipsang made the remarks in a speech read on his behalf by the Rift Valley Regional Education official, Lawrence Kaburu, during the Annual General Meeting cum prize-giving day for Kabarnet High School in Baringo County.

He challenged schools to embrace ICT as a useful tool for curriculum delivery, as Kenya’s Vision 2030 states.

Mr Kaburu who is in charge of Quality Assurance and Standards, reiterated the sentiments made by the Education PS whereby he challenged schools countrywide to make good use of their digital platforms, to rebrand their institutions.

Kaburu stated that the internet is equally an important tool for learners and society, hence schools must adopt it so that their online presence can be felt not only in the country, but beyond.

County Director of Education, Japhet Masibu, in his remarks called upon parents not to delay paying school fees for their children, now that some institutions were flexible and allowed installment payment where need arises.

Masibu was referring to the case of Kabarnet High School where he said parents owe the institution close to Sh26 million in arrears noting that if the trend is allowed to continue it can affect service delivery in the extra county school which has a population of more than 1, 800 students.

“I am urging the parents to support the school so that no child is sent home and miss classes due to school fees,” the County Director said.

The Institution’s Chief Principal, Julius Ndirangu, attributed the situation to difficult economic conditions, which he noted have affected parents in paying school fees, hence straining various functions of the school.

However, he said that the fees challenge has not deterred the institution whose 273 students out of 318, qualified to join various universities this year.

The institution managed to achieve a mean score of 7.9 in last year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), up from 7.6 the previous year.

Ndirangu stated that the current 411 candidates have set a target of a mean grade of 9.5 marks this year and he is optimistic that it will be realised through collaborative efforts from all the stakeholders.

Kipsang: Secondary Schools to Get Capitation Next Week Thu, 25 May 2023 03:32:34 +0000 Kipsang: Secondary Schools to Get Capitation Next Week

Principals of Junior and Senior Secondary Schools have a reason to smile after the Ministry of Education and National Treasury reached a deal to disburse capitation money by next week.

State Department of Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang assured the public-school principals across the country that the money was available and would be wired to their respective bank accounts without further delays.

The PS made the remarks during the launch of the Sh60 million Uasin Gishu ECDE milk programme at the Central primary school playground in Eldoret town which is set to benefit 40,000 learners in the region.

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The event hosted by Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii was graced by former West Pokot governor John Lonyangapuo—the chairperson of the North Rift Waterworks development agency.

Kipsang was reacting to complaints by the principals over the government’s delay to release capitation funds noting that the move was threatening to ground the running of the institutions.

The principals complained that they have not received the free day secondary education capitation funds for the second term and that the situation was compounded by the failure of some parents to pay school fees.

According to Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association chairperson Indimuli Kahi, the principals observed that schools were in debt and surviving on the mercy of suppliers.

“If the suppliers get tired of waiting for payment and refuse to supply, schools will be grounded,” Kahi said.

According to Kahi, schools opened last week for the second term which he observed is the longest in the school calendar.

During the term, students in Form Four undertake mock examinations as they prepare for KCSE exams at the end of the year.

Kipsang revealed that the Ministry of Education had distributed 18 million books to grade seven learners to ensure smooth learning in all public schools in the country.


KNEC to Review Examiners’ and Invigilators’ Allowances Thu, 18 May 2023 03:58:16 +0000 KNEC to Review Examiners’ and Invigilators’ Allowances

Basic education principal secretary Dr Kipsang has confirmed that the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec), will this year review the allowances paid to invigilators and examiners of national examinations.

This revelation comes at a time that contracted professionals are grappling with challenges of low pay, delayed payments, poor working conditions and low morale.

The ps  added that officials contracted by Knec to supervise the 2022 examinations will be paid after discussions with the National Treasury.

According to 2023/2024 budget estimates, that Knec has a shortfall of Sh1.8 billion. The council needs Sh1.024 billion to administer the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education but has an allocation of Sh942.1 million. For the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, the requirement is Sh4.82 billion while the allocated budget is Sh3.18 billion. Sh1 billion will be used for the national assessment of learners in Grade Six.

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“The areas we have identified as key underfunded areas are critical to the achievement of our mandate. We, therefore, require an additional Sh42.043 billion and Sh1 billion in the recurrent and development budgets respectively,” said Dr Kipsang.

To improve quality assurance, the PS said the ministry has procured vehicles for education directors, which will be distributed next month. He also assured contractors who built classrooms in secondary schools last year but have not been paid that they will be paid before the end of the current financial year.

Bitter Exchange Between Mukumu Girls Principal and Ps Kipsang Sat, 08 Apr 2023 04:36:33 +0000 Bitter Exchange Between Mukumu Girls Principal and Ps Kipsang

Sacred heart Mukumu girls high school principal, Frida Ndolo has had a bitter exchange with the Basic Education Principal Secretary, Belio Kipsang.

On Wednesday, April 5, Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Susan Nakhumicha and Basic Education Principal Secretary visited Mukumu Girls’ High School in Kakamega County to establish what might have caused contamination in food and water that the learners took.

The food contamination left two students dead and tens hospitalised.

Why are you on the phone?” PS Kipsang told Ndolo, adding: “Don’t you realise we are here on an important fact-finding mission, to establish what caused the deaths of our daughters?”

In response, Ndolo said: “I am calling the person who should be opening the food store.”

In a quick rejoinder, Kipsang said: “All along, you knew we would be visiting your school. So, why did you not plan early enough?”

Appearing nervous, Ndolo disconnected the call as the respective ministries’ officials looked at her. She, thereafter, remained silent throughout the session led by CS Nakhumicha and PS Kipsang.

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The principal had earlier attracted backlash from Kenyans, including Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale, after her April 3 notice on the closure of the school went viral.

Addressing parents in the letter, she said: “This is to notify you that following consultation with the Ministry of Education directors and TSC directors, it has been decided that the students break off to heal of the toxic environment already created by the media.”

Chrispinus Juma, a Facebook user, took issue with the blame directed at the media by Ndolo.

“Ndolo claims the media has created a toxic environment for learners, yet postmortem conducted on the two deceased girls indicated they died of gastritis or stomach inflammation. Was it not toxic food or water that killed the girls?” he posed.

Western Region Director of Education Jared Obiero said an investigation into management of the school was urgently needed, hence the decision to close it indefinitely.

“Last year (2022), a student of Mukumu Girls’ High School died. Recently, the school lost two more students in a case of suspected food poisoning. We cannot allow this to continue. The school will remain closed until the safety of our children is guaranteed,” he said.

In her address to journalists after a tour of the school on Wednesday, Health CS Nakhumicha said she was disappointed to see how dirty the school’s kitchen was.

“You (Ndolo) must ensure the kitchen is cleaned,” the minister told the school’s principal, adding that even the dining tables were unsightly.

As this happens, Ndolo is only three months away from retiring, as she will attain the retirement age of 60.

Meanwhile, food and water samples from Mukumu Girls’ High School were collected for analysis at KEMRI laboratories. The results are yet to be out.

Kipsang’: Teachers Must Have Had Early Exposure to KCSE Papers, But There Was no Leakage Sat, 18 Feb 2023 04:50:59 +0000 Kipsang’: Teachers Must Have Had Early Exposure to KCSE Papers, But There Was no Leakage

Basic education PS Belio Kipsang has denied there was cheating during the 2022 KCSE exams.

Kipsang said teachers may have had early exposure to some exam papers but there was no leakage.

He spoke when the department appeared before the National Assembly Education committee on Friday.

“Teachers may have had early exposure to the second paper done at 11am, but I can tell you with certainty that no leakage happened in the first paper,” Kipsang said.

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List of Sub-County Schools Elevated to County Status after Posting Stellar KCSE 2022 Results

MOE Grilled Over Establishment of ksh. 250m Open University When Existing Universities are Bankrupt

I will Review 2021-2025 CBA to Motivate Teachers, Macharia Confirms

SRC to Issue New Salary Structure For All Government Employees

Teachers And Public Servants To Have Salary Increment Every Four Years In New SRC Proposal

KUPPET Wants SRC to Make House Allowances Equal in Each Job Group In all Counties

The PS said the ministry and the examinations council have put in place tight measures to deal with early exposure of the second paper.

“This year 2023 examination we have a firm plan on how to deal with early exposure,” he said.

This is even as Education CS Ezekiel Machogu, PS Kipsang and Knec officials were summoned in a twin probe into alleged cheating in the 2022 KCSE exam begins in Parliament.

The top Education ministry officials will face Senate’s Education Committee to explain the widespread claims that the exam was marred with irregularities.

MOE Grilled Over Establishment of ksh. 250m Open University When Existing Universities are Bankrupt Sat, 18 Feb 2023 04:29:58 +0000 MOE Grilled Over Establishment of ksh. 250m Open University When Existing Universities are Bankrupt

Members of Parliament have raised concern over the proposed establishment of a Sh250million Open University of Kenya.

The legislators questioned the rationale of setting up the Open University of Kenya, which will be domiciled at JKUAT.

The MPs were speaking when the State Department for Higher Education appeared before the National Assembly Education committee on Friday.

The committee vice chairman Malulu Injendi asked why there’s a need to invest in an Open University when existing higher education institutions are suffering.

“You are painting a negative picture of universities. When even Helb and other universities don’t have money, you’re raising money to build an Open University,” Injendi said.

The Malava MP said the government should invest in already existing institutions that struggling to stay afloat.

“I thought you invest in what you already have. Why are you building another one yet we have some struggling? he said.

Read also:

I will Review 2021-2025 CBA to Motivate Teachers, Macharia Confirms

SRC to Issue New Salary Structure For All Government Employees

Teachers And Public Servants To Have Salary Increment Every Four Years In New SRC Proposal

KUPPET Wants SRC to Make House Allowances Equal in Each Job Group In all Counties

TSC Promotes Over 7,200 P1 teachers to junior secondary

Government to Conduct a Mop-Up Exercise Targeting 200,000 Grade 7 Learners Yet to Report

The government is set to spend Sh250 million in setting up the Open University of Kenya.

The Open University will operate like other institutions but will only have virtual classes and no physical learning.

Kabondo Kasipul MP Eve Obara asked about the concept behind setting up the proposed university.

“Will it finally be a fully-fledged university?” Obara said.

Higher Education Principal Secretary Beatrice Inyangala responded, saying the institution will embrace digital technology.

Inyangala added that the cost of setting up physical infrastructure will have been reduced.

“Here students can move from certificate to degree. It’s a solution for students who have dropped out of university,” she said.

According to a notice in the local dailies, the ministry wishes to work with experts to develop programmes for the first phase.

The courses listed include a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, Bachelor in Technology Education and Bachelor of Data Science.

Others are Bachelor of Science in Business and Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Economics and Statistics and Bachelor of Science in Agri-Technology and Food Systems.

Postgraduate diploma courses include Leadership and Accountability, Learning Design and Technology.

Lawmakers also questioned how the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms is spending the Sh236 million allocated to the team.

In September 2022, President William Ruto appointed a 49-member team to spearhead education reforms.

The team was allocated Sh236 million under the Ministry of Education.

MP Injendi asked ministry officials to list activities done by the task force.

“Make us understand what activities are done by this team that they have been allocated Sh236million, we want to know,” he said.

The Malava MP was speaking when the  State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education appeared before the education committee.

The department PS Belio Kipsang promised to take the committee through an elaborate explanation of the terms of reference for the task force.

“We will take you through terms of reference, work plan and budget,” Kipsang said.

He committed to submitting the task force work plan before the end of the day.

The 49-member team gazetted by President Ruto will address three major issues on the Competency-Based Curriculum.

The task force will submit recommendations in the basic education sector, on CBC and the higher education sub-sector.

Ministry of Education Justifies ECDE Teachers’ Quest For Salary Increment Tue, 14 Feb 2023 02:58:25 +0000 Ministry of Education Justifies ECDE Teachers’ Quest For Salary Increment

The Ministry of Education has urged the Senate Committee on Education to ensure Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers are well remunerated. Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang said the teachers play a critical role at the preprimary and also need to be well facilitated. Kipsang said ECDE teachers have a major responsibility of preparing and shaping learners for their future education.

“As you undertake your oversight role, we are asking you to negotiate on behalf of the ECDE teachers of this country with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) so that they can be paid what they deserve,” said Kipsang. He said the work done by ECDE teachers cannot be compared to other levels of education because they are the first to interact and induct every child to the school life journey.

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ECDE Teachers’ New Salaries and Allowances Per County 

New salaries, allowances to benefit 90,000 ECDE teachers

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KICD: CBC Does Not Overwork Learners

Heads on The Spot For charging JSS Admission fees

List of Teachers Set to Earn their Pension

Taskforce Proposes Ban of School Fees

Urgency to Trim TSC’s Powers Proposed By Presidential Working party on education reforms

The PS said the ongoing debate on pay cuts that affects the ECDE teachers is a concern that should be given special attention to ensure they get a better pay. Kipsang made his remarks while making a presentation on Kenya’s Education Architecture, legal and policy framework to the Fourth Senate Standing Committee on Education during a consultative induction retreat held in Naivasha. He told the committee that the country must invest in quality ECDE and protect the interest of teachers.

“According to research providing quality ECDE reduces the cost of education by 15 per cent for a country,” the PS added. He also said there is urgent need for both levels of Government to harmonise and come up with one scheme of service for ECDE teachers across all counties.

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) yesterday urged schools to ensure accuracy as they register candidates for the 2023 national exams. In a public notice, KNEC urged head teachers and principals to ensure correct spelling and order of candidates’ names as documented in birth certificates.

They are also to clearly indicate the gender, year of birth and subjects the student has been registered for.

“Please note and ensure accuracy on information of different categories of candidates with special needs like visual, hearing and physical impairment. There will be no registration,” read the notice.

Registration for KCPE and KCSE candidates started on February 1 and will end on March 30. According to KNEC’s registration guidelines, schools with less than five candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for this year’s exam as independent exam centres.
