button mushrooms – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Tue, 03 Nov 2020 19:09:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 A KMTC Don Quits Classes To Claim Fortunes In Mushroom Farming https://elimupedia.com/a-kmtc-don-quits-classes-to-claim-fortunes-in-mushroom-farming.html Tue, 03 Nov 2020 19:09:33 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1226 A KMTC Don Quits Classes To Claim Fortunes In Mushroom Farming

It is unimaginable that mushroom farming can turn a hustler into a millionaire overnight. David washiali, a former lecture of anatomy at Bondo KMTC, quit his job 5 years ago to invest in this unique venture and he is not ready to regret his moves.

David, currently a farmer of button mushrooms, claims he is earning a net amount of ksh. 30,000 daily.” This amount is untaxed and I have all my time to serve myself,” explains David. The 39 year old farmer insists that formal employment is a real waste of time since one spends all his time striving to help others fulfill their dreams.” For this reason, I sacked my employer and took his position in my life,”

He insists that mushroom venture is one of the easiest and cheapest start ups that jobless graduates and hustlers can venture in.

He urges new farmers to start with oyster mushrooms since they are easy to maintain, market and produce seeds, unlike button mushrooms whose productivity rate transforms from generation to generation. Button mushrooms are however more expensive and have a higher market value and therefore potential farmers should consider graduating to button mushrooms once e the venture picks.

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According to the former don, an eighth an acre piece of land is more than enough for the venture and even its expansion. Other requirements include:

  • A mud walled grass thatched house, with uncemented floor. He began with an 8m by 13m dimensions. The house should actually be dark. From this, he harvested 35 punnets a day and each punnet costed ksh. 120 back then, earning him ksh.4200 daily.
  • A mixture of sand and saw dust / wheat straw/ water hyacinth can serve as a very good substrate.
  • For start up, 5 liters is just enough. Spawns can be purchased at JKUAT.

After picking up, a farmer can invest in solar driers and more trained work force.

However, Washiali warns investors of risks associated with mushroom farming like invasion by rodents and a short lifespan. He urges investors to seek market prior to harvesting.

Ready Markets

Ready markets can be found at;

  • Fresh horticultural retailers in major towns and cities
  • Devani and kanchan mushrooms
  • Agridatt limited
  • Rift valley mushrooms
  • Online mushrooms