CBA – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:01:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ray of hope as TSC Meets Unions to Review 2021-2025 CBA Mon, 21 Aug 2023 05:01:23 +0000 Ray of hope as TSC Meets Unions to Review 2021-2025 CBA

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has now invited tutors’ trade unions for a meeting on pay talks on Monday.

The meeting is expected to review the 2021/2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) given that the unions signed a non-monetary pact in 2021 with TSC amidst the harsh economic situation at that time.

The unions however, promised members that a review on the basic salary would be undertaken once the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) gives TSC a go ahead.

And in a letter dated August 15, TSC has since sent an invite to the unions on review of the CBA at the Kenya School of Government (KSG).

“The purpose of this letter is to invite you to a meeting with TSC scheduled for August 22 at 9.00am. The meeting will take place at Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete in Nairobi,” reads a letter from TSC.

Teacher unions include Kenya Union of Post-Primary Teachers (Kuppet), Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (Kusnet).

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The invite comes against the backdrop of SRC announcement of a 7 – 10 per cent salary raise, which came as a relief for teachers who have been pushing for a pay rise.

Under the new arrangement, teachers are the biggest beneficiaries of the salary rise for civil servants, which will be backdated to July 1. SRC chairperson Lyn Mengich said the review is about harmonisation to achieve equity and fairness in remuneration and benefits in the public service within the principle of affordability and fiscal sustainability.

“Pursuant to the constitutional principle of affordability and fiscal sustainability, SRC engaged the National Treasury on funding. The National Treasury advised SRC to consider reviewing remuneration structure within a budget allocation of Sh27.7 billion for the year 2023/24,” said Mengich in a press conference two weeks ago.

Out of the Sh21.7 billion, the teaching service will receive 44.2 per cent or Sh9.5 billion under the new proposal.

According to the proposed salary increment for teachers after the Government’s proposal, the highest grade of D5 could earn at least Sh173,422.

In the rank of D5, the proposal shows that a 7 per cent increment will see teachers who earn a basic of Sh131,380 rise to a minimum of Sh140,577.

In the event of 10 percent, a teacher whose current basic pay is Sh157,657 will get a maximum of Sh173,422.

On the other hand, the lowest paid teacher in grade B5 will see a rise from the current Sh21,756 to a minimum of Sh23,279 if 7 per cent is effected and from the current Sh27,195 to a maximum of Sh29,915 if 10 per cent is implemented.

Against the backdrop of these developments, TSC announced on Saturday that at least 14,000 applicants will be promoted to higher job groups, even as mixed reactions were raised by those left out.

TSC has advertised for promotion vacancies about three times saying it lacked qualified applicants.
The Commission was allocated Sh1 billion for promotions this financial year.

At the same time, TSC said last month when launching its 2023/27 strategic plan that it requires an additional budget of Sh134 billion to ensure successful implementation of its activities in the next five years.

TSC Secretary, Nancy Macharia said the budget will among other functions cover recruitment of an additional 111,870 teachers on permanent and pensionable terms and engage another 100,000 interns under its newly launched to address the current shortage.

Other areas that the Commission seeks to cover within this period include establishing a teacher support institute, decentralizing key functions and promotion of teachers.

“During the five-year plan period, we project to recruit a total of 111,870 teachers. I am happy to report that, in this financial year, the TSC has been allocated Sh4.68 billion for the recruitment of 20,000 intern teachers… For successful implementation of this plan over the next five years, the Commission will require an additional budget of Sh134.4,” said Macharia.

TSC’s target is to employ at least 22,000 teachers annually, which amounts to over Sh70 billion within the period.

The bulk of this funding is expected to come from the National Government, though the Commission also intends to supplement by strengthening its collaboration with stakeholders.

Macharia said that under the new strategic plan, the Commission has taken keen interest on the welfare of teachers who ultimately shape learners’ lives.

KNUT and KUPPET Demand for a Review of CPG Fri, 24 Feb 2023 03:45:06 +0000 KNUT and KUPPET Demand for a Review of CPG

Teacher Unions have unanimously called for the review of Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) in order to avoid cases of teachers stagnating in one job group for a long period.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Collins Oyuu maintained that CPG has caused too much stagnation, and that while re-negotiating for the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), they will have to look into the issue of CPG.

“When we had the Scheme of Service, the pathway to promotion was automatic. However, the CPG has led to stagnation of teachers. If you are not an administrator, deputy head or maybe head teacher, your improvement in terms of salary is quite minimal,” he added.

According to Oyuu, the 2017-2021 CBA was actually generated by job evaluations from Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) – where heads and deputies were seen to bear huge workloads, hence their salaries increased as classroom teachers were ignored.

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On his part, KNUT Deputy Secretary General Hesbon Otieno said the current CPG has loopholes since it was designed out of the 2017-2021 CBA.

Otieno notes that the design of CPG only benefits a few cadres of teachers, most of whom are in administrative positions.

“We might not revert to the Scheme of Service, but we can review the CPG so that it is in tandem with all aspects of promotion and growth of teachers,” said Otieno.

Moffats Okisai, Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Busia Executive Secretary, noted that the CPG has resulted in more harm than good in the teaching profession since it has birthed career stagnation.

“If the status quo will be maintained, it will take forty years of labour for a class room teacher to ascend to the position of Chief Principal. This implies that all will have exited service before reaching the apex,” said Okisai, further noting that the CPG needs to be revisited, reviewed and revised.

He notes that the calibration of job group cadres is a policy that has demoralized and killed the working spirit among teachers.

“Imagine having to progress from Senior Teacher I, II and III; Deputy Principal I, II and III; and from Principal, Senior Principal to Chief Principal. With this long wait, you can’t purport to act in a given administrative position and expect to be confirmed automatically,” he added.

Okisai also proposed that TSC should be conducting interviews quarterly in order to help build a data bank of school administrators and assure teachers of their progression; and further give much prominence to higher qualifications.

“In the past, teachers used to progress from being assistant teachers to heads of departments to deputy principals and finally principals. In addition, some job groups were regarded as common cadres. The rapid results initiative was equally being embraced. A teacher’s progression was certain after every three years of service on a given job group. This was a superior arrangement as opposed to the new arrangement that has been marred by confusion,” he said.

TSC vide Circular number 7/2018 date May 2, 2018 introduced the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for the teaching service, which became operational with effect from November 8, 2017.

The guidelines replaced the Scheme of Service for non-graduate and graduate teachers and for technical teachers and lecturers.

The CPG is currently applicable to teachers serving in public institutions both in primary, secondary, Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and primary and secondary Special Needs Schools (SNEs).

It established a new grading structure for the teaching service, which elongated the job scales from ten  to eleven grades based on the relative worth of each job.

The eight established grades for primary school teachers are:  Primary Teacher I and II, Senior Teacher II and I, Deputy Head Teacher II and I, Head Teacher and Senior Head Teacher.

The 10 established grades for secondary school teachers are: Secondary Teacher III, II and I; Senior Master IV, III, II and I; Deputy Principal II and I; and Principal, Senior Principal and Chief Principal.

For promotion from one grade to the next, a teacher is required to serve for a minimum period of three years in each grade, and is also subject to existence of funded vacancies in the approved establishment, minimum qualifications per grade, relevant Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules, relevant experience and satisfactory performance.

On December 13, 2022, TSC Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Nancy Macharia told the National Assembly’s Departmental Committee on Education that all teachers were promoted in 2017, costing the government Ksh54 billion, and that it was not true some teachers had remained in the same grade for up to 10 years as was alleged.

Dr. Macharia insisted that the longest a teacher may have stayed in the same job grade is four years and that the government was doing everything possible to ensure they were promoted.

In January this year, the commission advertised a total of 13,713 promotional vacancies for both primary and secondary school teachers, with interested parties being given up to January 31, 2023 to submit their applications online.

Primary school teachers had the lion share of the vacancies, with the commission setting aside a total of 10,507 vacancies for head teachers and deputy head teachers.

KNEC Opens CBA Portal for CBC Learners To Select Schools, Transfer Tue, 09 Aug 2022 04:40:38 +0000 KNEC Opens CBA Portal for CBC Learners To Select Schools, Transfer

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has opened the Competency-Based Assessments (CBA) portal for learners choose preferred schools as they transit to the 6-2-3-3 system ( see list of schools here).

The CBA portal, also called Competency Based curriculum (CBC) portal, involves procedures on parents can register, capture and compare the scores of learners against the school selected.

It will be possible for a learner to register for any school of choice and at concurrently transfer from one institution to another.

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Once a learner has been registered a parent will be required to access the CBA portal through the KNEC website.

How to Register

  • Login and select a grade and level
  •  Click on Register Learners button
  • Click on Add Learners button
  • Capture leaner details are required
  • Click on Save learner button

Its is important to note that the selection and registration process is only limited to Grade 3 for the Age-Based pathway or at Foundation and Intermediate for Stage Based pathway.

If an error is made during the registration process no need to worry since the council has made it possible to amend the process.

At this stage, a parent will select a learner, click on Edit button then on Save Learner button, you will be requested to update the details.

To remove a learner, a parent will be asked to select the learner then click on Delete button.

One of main requirements for a parent to transfer a learner transferring to another school is to provide the assessment number. If not available, the assessment number can be searched using the learner’s previous school code or school name.

At this stage, a learner will have to access the CBA portal through the KNEC website and follow the below procedures;

  •  Login with the School Username and Password to select a Grade or Level
  • Click on the Register Learners button
  • Click on Add Learner from Another School (transfer) button
  • Key in the Assessment Number for the learner then click the Find button
  • Click on the Transfer button

After completing the above-required procedures, a transfer request shall be sent to the previous school. Upon accepting the request, the learners shall be transferred automatically.

KNEC advised that in case a learner faces challenges with transfer process, he/she can contact the Sub County Director of Education.

The government made it possible for a parent or learner to exercise full authority by declining a school of no choice. This also involves steps in which a learner will still have to visit the CBA portal.

KICD Warns Teachers, Parents Against Buying Grade 6 CBC Model Papers Thu, 07 Jul 2022 07:26:38 +0000 KICD Warns Teachers, Parents Against Buying Grade 6 CBC Model Papers

Parents having Grade 6 candidates have been cautioned against purchasing model test papers for the pioneer competency-based assessment exams to mark the end of primary school at grade six. The competency-based curriculum (CBC) exams are scheduled for November this year.

Already, there are business people selling models of the test papers for the summative assessment, which will account for 40 per cent of a learner’s score. The remaining 60 per cent will be obtained from formative assessments sat in Grades 4, 5 and 6.

It is the final score that will be used to place learners in junior secondary school (JSS), when the  pioneer class will be transiting in January 2023.

“Because learners are going to be assessed in Grade 6, there are people selling model papers supposedly for that grade. Do not buy them; they must be approved by KICD. We want to make this assessment as natural as possible, almost like what they do in school on a day-to-day basis,” said Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development chief executive Charles Ong’ondo.

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“Let parents expect a low stakes assessment because we already have 60 per cent of their ability through 20 marks from Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6,” said Prof Ong’ondo.

According to Ong’ondo, the curriculum allows learners an opportunity to explore their potential and interests before choosing their preferred pathways in senior secondary school in JSS.

“This is consistent with the psychological age of these children. They are aged 12 or some of them who are a bit older will be 13, 14 and 15. Psychologically, that is the most volatile age for all human beings. They want to explore, in school you will see them excelling in sciences but next term their attention shifts to arts. It’s fine because it is an age of exploration,” Ong’ondo stressed.

Ong’ondo was speaking during the Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) conference in Mombasa, where he said the CBC curriculum emphasises the achievement of demonstrable learning outcomes in every learner at different levels. At the pre-primary school level, CBC concentrates on giving learners interactive skills.

Unions Launch a Fresh Push For Teacher’s Salary Increment Sat, 21 May 2022 03:35:02 +0000 Unions Launch a Fresh Push For Teacher’s Salary Increment

Teachers’ unions KNUT and KUPPET are working secretly behind the scenes to ensure an increment in salary for their members.

The reports in our custody reveal that Both Knut and Kuppet national officials have held several meetings casually with top TSC officials. Mostly the agenda in those meetings are issues aimed at giving room for at least a slight salary review.

Even though teachers have missed out on pay rise through the national budget, a section of union officials from both unions have cited a possibility of a supplementary budget as a sure way of making teachers get higher perks.

Supplementary Budget is usually done when the government Ministries and state Departments request for additional funds from the treasury in the course of the year.

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Teachers missed out on national budget since TSC and teachers’ unions failed to strike an agreement aimed at reviewing the non-monetary CBA they signed in July last 2021 early enough to factor a salary component.

According to Sources close to TSC, the Commission is more determined to solve the biting teacher shortage in the country rather that investing resources on salaries.

Even though the Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani allocated an additional ksh 143b to TSC this year, the latter has refuted claims that the money will be used to award salary increment to teachers.

In its report to the parliament, TSC confirmed that the additional allocated funds will be used to employ additional teachers.

In the budget, the commission had an allocation of ksh 2.5 billion for employing 5,000 teachers on permanent terms and another ksh 1.2 billion for employing 6,000 others on internship.

The talks between the Commission and the teachers’ unions, knut and kuppet concerning the review of CBA 2021-2025, which created new hopes for teachers’ salary changes collapsed.

Should the ongoing secret talks between TSC and teachers’ unions bear fruits, teachers will get additional salaries through a supplementary budget.

Uncertainty Still Rocks Transition To Junior Secondary Schools Despite CBC Training Mon, 16 May 2022 09:05:15 +0000 Uncertainty Still Rocks Transition To Junior Secondary Schools

Implementation of junior secondary under the competency-based curriculum (CBC) has been rocked by uncertainty, which has worried parents, teachers and education stakeholders.

Matters revolving around the content, domiciling, infrastructure, funding and placement under CBC are still a concern yet to be addressed clearly.

On Wednesday last week, Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha had to give a clarification that junior high schools will be domiciled in both boarding and day schools.

His reaction targeted an earlier conflicting information by senior state officials, among them Government Spokesman Cyrus Oguna, that junior high schools will only be offered in day schools and learners will only be admitted to boarding schools once they reach senior secondary. “All the existing boarding and day secondary schools will admit learners transiting from Grade 6 to Grade 7 under CBC based on guidelines to be provided by the Ministry,” said Magoha.

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Under the new CBC, junior high schools comprise Grade 7, 8 and 9, after which learners will transit to senior high schools (Grade 10,11 and 12). University duration will also reduce from 4 to 3 years.

According to Magoha the ministry of education has identified 1,500 primary schools that will host junior secondary, saying the institutions have adequate learning and teaching facilities and land for physical expansion.

Notable gaps yet to be addressed include Congestion in public secondary schools, which has remained a concern in recent years.

1,250,649 learners in the pioneer CBC class are projected to transition to Grade 7 alongside 1,320,395 others who will be joining Form One under the 8-4-4, totalling 2,571,044 new learners. This will no doubt exert pressure on the already stretched facilities in secondary schools. The scheduled double intakes in 2023 and 2024 as the last two 8-4-4 classes exit primary school will push enrolment from 4,381,701 to 6,029,168 in the first year, and to 7,649,943 the following year. This will leave a shortfall of 1,489,144 places in secondary schools next year. It is this gap that the government has been trying to close with the construction of 10,000 classrooms. So far, over 6,000 have been completed.

The project was launched late last year and the Jubilee administration has only two-and-a-half months left to construct the rest.

“The anticipated enrolment increase will also require expansion of laboratories, libraries, wash facilities and related resources. Effective transition, therefore, calls for nationwide and local context-specific planning to ensure all learners are equitably placed,” the report reads.

Worryingly, none of the 47 counties has adequate spaces in secondary schools for the combined 2.5 million learners exiting Grade 6 and Standard 8 in November. Kakamega leads with the shortage of spaces at 93,703, followed by Bungoma (83,243) and Nairobi (83,062). Lamu has the least at 4,634, followed by Isiolo at 6,338 and Taita Taveta (6,897).

Aware of the problem at hand, the government has been encouraging private schools, especially those in urban areas, to set up stand-alone junior secondary sections to provide more spaces. A few of them are already establishing junior high wings. Enrolment in the 1,301 private secondary schools stands at 203,448 as per the latest official data.

Though  the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has come up with the competency-based assessment framework, the ministry has yet to guide on how results will be used for placement in various categories of schools.  Learners will attain 60 per cent of their final grade from formative assessments at the end of Grade 4, 5 and 6. The final 40 will be from a summative assessment at the end of Grade 6—the first such to be administered in November by the name Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), effectively replacing KCPE.

Another sticking point is that the 2022/23 Budget presented by Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani increased the allocation for the free day secondary education programme from Sh62.2 million to Sh64.4 billion only, despite the huge increase of learners. At Sh22,224 annual capitation per learner, at least Sh27 billion ought to have been allocated. Some learners will, however, go to private schools, hence will need no government support.

Finally, secondary schools face a teacher shortage crisis that has persisted for years. Also of concern is that more teachers are exiting the service than the government can replace.

Relief As KUPPET Calls Off Planned Nationwide Teachers’ Strike Mon, 28 Feb 2022 04:15:21 +0000 Relief As KUPPET Calls Off Planned Nationwide Teachers’ Strike

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) yesterday called off planned national strike ahead of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination, which kicks off next week.

Union’s Secretary General Akello Misori said they had called off the strike to enable the examination proceed smoothly, he, however, asked the government to guarantee security of teachers during the supervision of the examination.

“What we want is the security of teachers who will supervise national examination in conflict areas like Mandera, parts of Rift Valley, especially West Pokot,” said Misori. He further asked the government to beef up security in the Northern frontier counties ahead of the exams.

Addressing the press in Kisumu at the weekend, Misori said it was up to the government to beef up security to address fears raised by some teachers, who have been tasked to invigilate the examination in conflict-prone counties.

The Teachers Service Commission had written to the union’s officials, warning that the planed strike would disrupt the national examinations.

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TSC lawyer Calvin Anyuor told the union to rescind the decision, adding that all stakeholders needed to focus on the national exams set to commence next week.

Anyuor said to enable what he termed as a”seamless transition,”Kuppet ought to focus on overseeing smooth conduct of the national exams rather than stoking chaos.He also asked the union to recon-sider its plans to down tools over the failure by the commission to review the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Anyuor said the commission is currently consulting with the relevant Government agencies to review the union’s CBA demands.

He said the 2022 academic year is delicate with two national examinations slated for April and November hence the need for a peaceful atmosphere.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha had appealed to the union last week to withdraw its strike notice. Magoha said time was wrong for the union to call for a strike since national examinations were about to commence. Even as Magoha said it was their democratic right to down tools to press for their demands, the CS pleaded with the teachers to suspend the strike notice until the examinations have been done and marked.

Speaking in Ainamoi sub-county, Kericho county when he commissioned a Competency-Based Curriculum class-room last week, the CS said the government is out to ensure examinations are done in conducive environment without any disruption.

“Our children are not like chess pieces to be played around with. So we are pleading with Kuppet officials to withdraw the strike notice immediately and let our candidates do examinations in a conducive environment without any disruption,” Magoha stated. He,however,urged TSC chiefexecutive Nancy Macharia to engage the union with a view to ironing their issues amicably.

Kuppet had written to TSC last week urging it to review the CBA given that the economy was on a recovery path.”As the commission is well aware, the consequences of the remaining options may be dire.”Misori said in a letter dated February 22.

Yesterday, the union called off the strike, with Misori saying they have consulted widely with the Government and that there was no cause for alarm at the moment.

“We have been assured that the issues ralsed are under consideration and we are giving the State ample time to address our issues before we talk again, “he said.

The union wants TSC to revise the 2021-25 CBA with a view to effecting a 30 to 70 percent salary increment.

This, if done, will see the basic salary for the lowest-paid teacher increase from Sh34,955 to Sh59,425 and the highest commuter allowance to Sh 8,500 and Sh 20,800 for the lowest and highest paid teachers, from Sh5,000 and Sh16,000.

Other payments that the union seeks TSC to review are hardship and house allowances, especially for those deployed in conflict prone zones.

They propose a 50 per cent increment of hardship allowance, which will see the lowest-paid teacher earn Sh16,350 and the highest-paid get Sh57,150 from Sh10,900. And speaking in Kiambu yesterday, Magoha told the union to engage TSC in talks over the labour dispute.

“I have already pronounced my position on the issue and I do not think teachers will heed the strike notice.  The union should hold talks with TSC which has unfettered independent powers, “said the CS said while inspecting ongoing construction of Competency-Based Curriculum classrooms at Thika Girls Karibaribi Secondary School in Kiambu.

It’s Because of us That the Salary Freeze Guidelines Were Withdrawn, Oyuu Boasts Fri, 26 Nov 2021 04:21:37 +0000 It’s Because Of us That the Salary Freeze Guidelines Were Withdrawn, Oyuu Boasts

The Kenya national union of teachers’ secretary general, Collins Oyuu is now giving himself credit for the withdrawal of SRC’s salary freeze guidelines. Speaking at a church in Awendo, the KNUT boss said its because of the letters KNUT served to TSC, parliament and SRC that the salary freeze was lifted, implying that there can be negotiation for salary better perks in less than two years, as opposed to the initial SRC guidelines that froze salary increase for two years.

“We have served more than twice with the teachers’ service commission, and we also serve with members of parliament, selected members of parliament to review the issue of SRC, guidelines on the two years, where every other institution signing a CBA was to wait for two years without any cash being discussed. That was thrown out of parliament and the guidelines withdrawn and we now have the opportunity to negotiate on better terms and conditions of service in line with your pay hike,” said Oyuu.

Assuring teachers that that KNUT will do everything possible to ensure their welfare is improved and right are not infringed, Oyuu urged teachers making noise over TPD and cashless CBA to stop making noise since the government can’t be pushed by noise.

“You cannot push the government by making noise. You can only push the government by sitting on a round table and addressing issues one after the other, Afterall, when you say you are speaking to the government through the press, how sure are you that the government is listening? The person listening to you is the press,” he added.

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KNUT Claims It Never Signed TPD Plans, Dismisses Calls To Abolish Boarding Schools

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Stop Pushing Our Teachers To The Wall To Record Them Complaining: Oyuu Tells Media

Teachers Who Fail Consistently in TPD Tests Likely To Be Removed From Payroll

I will not fight for you Unless You Meet These Conditions: Oyuu Tells Transferred TPG Members

Teachers Pressure Group Meeting Disrupted by Men In Black as Members accuse Oyuu, TSC

List Of Primary school Teachers Deployed To secondary schools

List of TSC Appointed Headteachers, principals, Deputies and senior teachers Per County

Oyuu also cautioned teachers to avoid the press since the government doesn’t listen to teachers’ issues via the media but rather through a round table.

“So, let’s avoid the press or the media at all costs so that what the media can come out and talk about are the successes of the negotiations that went round silently. Right now, as we speak, the teaching fraternity is now encountered with a lot in the air about transfers of teachers and the transfers are being said to be punitive outside there. Nobody has told you of a transfer that is said to be punitive and our mandate as KNUT, the mouth piece of the teacher, is to speak on your behalf. Any other person who has been transferred and you feel tis is not in line, come to us,”

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TSC Announces December Training of Teachers in CBA and CBC-See Allowances Wed, 17 Nov 2021 04:24:03 +0000 TSC Announces December Training of Teachers in CBA and CBC

The teachers service commission, TSC, has planned the training of teachers in competency-based curriculum, CBC, and competency-based assessment, CBA, starting from 24th November 2021 to 17th December 2021. Both face to face and virtual modes of training will be applied.

The training, which will adopt a cascade model, will begin with the principal master trainers (PMT) at the national level, who will then train master trainers. The master trainers will then trainer the trainers of trainers (TOT). Training of TOTs and MTs will be conducted virtually while PMTs will be trained physically.

Once trained, the TOTs, which include curriculum support officers (CSOs) and CBC champions will train regular teachers physically at zonal level and special needs education teachers at county level. Both will be face to face trainings.

The specific dates for the training are as follows:

24TH -26th November 2021 CEMASTEA Induction of principal master trainers (PMTs)
26th November-3rd December 2021 Virtual Training of master trainers (MTs)
6th -10th December 2021 Virtual Training of trainer of trainers (TOTs)

  • CSOs and CBC champions
  • SNE CSOs and CBC champions
13th -17th December 2021 Zonal level face to face teacher training in each zone (regular)
13th -17th December 2021 County SNE Venues face to face SNE teacher training in each county venue

The Mode of training

The teacher training will be conducted as follows

  1. The blended model of training requires that the Master Trainers train the Curriculum Support Officers and CBC Champions both regular and SNE virtually for 4 days.
  2. The CSOs and CBC Champions (Both regular and SNE) will train teachers through face to face with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 prevention protocols for 5 days.
  3. The Master trainers will offer professional support during zonal teacher training.

Target teachers

The target participants for the training will be 2 teachers and the Head teacher from each public primary school both regular and SNE. The county directors will identify one teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teacher from grade 4 to 5 (Regular and SNE schools).The Head teachers and teachers will attend the training for five days during the zonal teacher training. The Training of Teachers from SNE schools and Asal areas will be residential.

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The purpose of this MEMO is to kindly request you to:

  1. Invite the CSOs and CBC Champions for TOTs virtual training (Each CSO to pair up with two CBC champions)
  2. Invite the SNE CSOs and SNE CBC Champions for TOT virtual training
  3. Invite 2 Teachers per school. One teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teacher from grade 4 to 5 (Both regular and SNE) for face to face training
  4. Invite the head teachers from both regular and SNE schools for face to face training
  5. Identify, Procure and prepare training venues for regular zonal teacher training and SNE training with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 protocol.

Allowances for the training

Trainees will be entitled to breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Additionally, they will be given transport reimbursement at the end of the training.

Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:04:31 +0000 Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed

The Kenya union of post primary education Teachers (KUPPET) national chairperson Hon. Omboko Milemba has called for an immediate suspension of TPD implementation until certain conditions are met.

According to Milemba matters pertaining to TPD are so sensitive that they cannot be rolled out without fully engaging education stakeholders and subjection to a robust public participation. The KUPPET boss therefore demands that TCS seeks public participation on TPD before implementation.

Milemba has also maintained that teachers will not engage in TPD modules using their own money, unless a CBA with a monetary value is signed with the employer.

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“The teachers are not going to engage in a self-sponsored training suggested by the employer. We will not register for the TPD courses until we sign a CBA with a monetary value. Furthermore, there is need for public participation into the matter before it is implemented,” said Milemba

The Emuhaya mp who is the kuppet  national chair was speaking to members of the press at his Esirulo residence in Emuhaya constituency.
