COVID-19 – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 20 Jun 2022 12:22:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 State Announces Return of Mandatory Wearing of Masks Mon, 20 Jun 2022 12:22:24 +0000 State Announces Return of Mandatory Wearing of Masks

The Ministry of Health has announced return of wearing of masks, amidst a surging increase in covid-19 infections. The ministry urged Kenyans to prioritise wearing facemasks and vaccination even as the cold season nears.

According to Health CS Mutahi Kagwe, the continued upsurge in infections is a very big concern to the ministry of health.

Kagwe maintained that Kenyans in confined places like Public Service Vehicles, aircrafts, public offices, supermarkets and places of worship will have to wear masks.

“Political indoor meetings are super-spreaders events. We also require worshippers to wear face masks when inside places of worship to contain the virus,” said Kagwe.

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He warned of an increase in Covid-19 cases in the country as the country moves into the cold season.

The cs noted that the weekly average has gone up from 0.6 per cent at the beginning of May to 10.4 per cent this week.

“The sharp rise in infections should mean something to our country and we must once again take steps to prevent a slide into a crisis like the one we experienced in 2020 and 2021 when we lost many lives and resources,” Kagwe said.

Further, Kagwe appealed for immediate vaccination to those yet to receive the jab saying that all Kenyans should take necessary precautions.

“Those who have not been vaccinated should do so immediately. Those who have been vaccinated and need a booster shot should do so immediately,” Kagwe noted.

The increase in cases is so far not associated with increased hospitalisations. The majority of cases are under the home-based care program.

Kagwe warned of a possibility of the steady increase in infections getting worse in the coming weeks due to the cold weather.

“It is important for us to appreciate that we are faced with a number of challenges that are going to affect these numbers. The first one is that we are in a political season where everybody is out there in the open, many gatherings continuously at all times.”

2021 KCSE Candidates To Be Prioritized For Covid-19 Jab Before Joining Universities Sun, 05 Jun 2022 06:40:06 +0000 2021 KCSE Candidates To Be Prioritized For Covid-19 Jab Before Joining Universities

Students who sat their KCSE exam in 2022 and are currently waiting to join institutions of higher learning will be prioritised for Covid-19 vaccinations.

This is even as the deadline to submit their course choices lapsed on Thursday, after an opening for 14 days.

Health PS Susan Mochache said the students will be prioritised due to their out-of-school interactions.

“In particular, we are keen to reach the more than 800,000 young people who completed their KCSE in April 2022 and have now joined the community,” Mochache said.

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According to Mochahce, the targeted group is at risk of contracting infections as they explore different aspects of life.

“We appeal to all their parents and guardians to encourage the young adults to be vaccinated before they join their next level of education,” she added.

Some 144,461 learners who scored C+ and above will be elligible for degree courses in the available 70 universities.

The remaining almost 600,000 students can also take up slots as self-sponsored students or opt for TVETs.

Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement will for the first time enroll students in primary teacher training colleges.

The 32 government-owned institutions are open for applications.

Kuppet Wants Government To Release Co-curricular Activity Calender Mon, 21 Mar 2022 04:00:15 +0000 Kuppet Wants Government To Release Co-curricular Activity Calender

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers has urged the government to release schools’ calendar of events.

KUPPET’s demands follow the March 11 order by Health CS Mutahi Kagwe  on the resumption of sporting activities in schools owing to reduced Covid-19 infections.

Sporting activities in schools were suspended in March 2020 by President Uhuru Kenyatta during the national lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus.

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Nakuru Kuppet executive secretary Mr Duncan Macharia said the Education ministry should release the events calendar for proper planning.

“We don’t have enough time. The ministry should have released it by now. We need to engage the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association, music festivals, drama festivals and the Kenya Science and Engineering Fair,” he said.

Macharia added that sporting activities in schools help to identify and develop students’ talents.

“School games help us to identify talents. We develop the next generation of athletes and other sportsmen and women who may end up participating in global events.”

He maintained that school co-curricular activities keep students occupied and reduce indiscipline.

“When learners are engaged in these sporting activities and other co-curricular activities cases of school unrest will reduce,” he said.

Apart from the school co-curricular activities, tournaments that involve high school students include Copa Coca Cola and Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom.

Ministry Cautions Heads Against Vaccination Of Students Within the School Compounds Sat, 05 Feb 2022 03:12:35 +0000 Ministry Cautions Heads Against Vaccination Of Students Within the School Compounds

The ministry of education has confirmed that Pupils and students aged 15 years and above will now get a Covid-19 shot. The ministry however has cautioned school heads from authorizing the vaccination within school compounds.

According to the ministry, third term is an  examination term, and therefore the ban on school activities remains in force.

Parents whose children fall within the  stated age bracket will present their children to various vaccination centres for the jab (see list).

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Through a circular dated February 3, 2021, Early Learning and Basic Education PS Julius Jwan, , directed Regional Directors of Education, County Directors of Education, and the Sub-County Directors to oversee the campaign.

On the same Jwan gave this directive,the government launched a two-week mass vaccination campaign that targeted 14 million Kenyans.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i said at least one million Kenyans will be vaccinated daily. Matiang’i maintained that the administrators, from County Commissioners to assistant chiefs will have to treat the campaign seriously for the target to be attained.

‘‘I would like to tell the Deputy County Commissioners, chiefs and local chiefs as we agreed last week that we must cooperate with the Ministry of Health to meet the target,’’ he said.

New Guidelines For Resumption of Games in Schools and Colleges Sun, 12 Dec 2021 02:51:39 +0000 New Guidelines For Resumption of Games in Schools and Colleges

Running of sports and games in public schools and colleges is expected to be more costly as the Ministry of Education gradually reintroduces resumption of co-curricular activities.

As per the new rules prepared by the Ministry of Education, there will be an increased planning of the sports events at all levels of learning arising from the number of officials overseeing the exercise at any given time when activities fully resume.

All sporting activities in schools were halted following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

The government through the Principal Secretary in the State Department of Basic and Early Learning Dr. Julius Jwan in his Circular dated June 16,2021 on implementation of Free Day Secondary Schools for the year 2021-2022; which gave new reduced fees guidelines, the government pays Sh. 1,500 activity fees to each student in secondary schools both day and boarding.

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However, parents who have their children in boarding schools pay a varying amount to top up on the activity fees depending on the school category; with parents who have children in boarding schools category A which comprise of all National and Extra County Schools located in Nairobi,Mombasa,Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Thika and Eldoret only paying additional Sh 798 activity fees.

Those who are in boarding schools Category B which includes all schools that are boarding schools and extra county schools that are located in other areas other than the town of Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Thika and Eldoret having nothing to pay on the activity fees.

With the new health protocol in place, which clearly shows the increased number of officials than it was before; and government through the Ministry of Education has not issued any guidelines on whether it will increase activity fee allocation to every learner, it is feared that the extra cost might be shifted to parents.

As revealed in Ministry’s document titled Proposed Health and Safety Guidelines or Protocols for Resumption of Games and Sports in Learning Institutions in the Context of COVID-19, which were prepared in February 2021 by the Ministry’s State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education, the health guidelines reveal that medical personnel which must be part of the team for the championships are among the newly introduced officials in the sporting and games activities.

Alongside that, there is the formation of COVID-19 rapid response committee which will be tasked in enforcing the COVID-19 health guidelines.  This will be a new committee in the sporting in learning institutions.

The protocols also require that the number of spectators be restricted and regulated, an increase in the number of equipment and facilities required in a given sporting or game activity and also more hosting institutions will be required because of social distancing.

Some rules in some of the games will be required to be modified to ensure minimal contact, and identification and booking of accommodation for match officials will also be part of the new normal in the sporting activities in the COVID-19 era.

According to the health and safety guidelines (protocols) by the Ministry, more days will be required for various sporting activities since some of

the activities will have to take longer because of COVID-19; which means that there will be a revert to term 1, 2A and 2B to reduce on the

numbers, while transportation of students to abide by the Ministry’s with that of transport guidelines.

Most recently, the Ministry through a Circular dated November 15, 2021 addressed to all Regional, County and Sub-County Directors of Education re-introduced co-curricular activities in schools; starting with interschool sporting activities.

On October 18,2021, the Ministry of Health recommended that inter-school sporting activities may gradually resume with strict adherence to the current guidelines prepared by MOE.

The activities (interschool sporting activities) which are supposed to be carried out in strict adherence to the guidelines prepared by the Ministry are part of the efforts made by the Ministry on gradual and safe resumption of co-curricular activities in schools.

“The Ministry of Education advises the Principals to engage learners in internal co-curricular activities and guided inter-school contest over the weekend and after classes. Meanwhile the Ministry is working on modalities for full resumption of activities in due course,” read the Circular signed by Principal Secretary in the State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education Dr. Julius Jwan.

However, the initial focus will only be on non-contact or low contact activities as guided in the protocols implying that athletics (heptathlon, decathion), badminton, table tennis, gymnastics, darts and cycling which are non-contact sports have been given the green light to commence in the Circular at interschool level.

Others include contact sports which are low risk including Soccer, Hockey, Netball,Basketball,Handball and Volleyball; and jogging, team building, trekking and tug of war too have been allowed to resume though at interschool level.

According to the guidelines, contact sports which are high risk will remain closed and this affect activities like Boxing,Karate,judo,Rugby,Chess and Scrabble;which will also include water sportslike swimming and lifesaving.

Guidelines For Secondary Schools

According to the Ministry’s protocols guidelines on preparations for resumption of sports in Secondary Schools under Pre-Competition stage,a number of guidelines have been set which include maintaining an adequate ratio of coach to participant for adequate supervision, participants to hydrate often by provision of adequate safe drinking water.

Keeping training sessions short, ensuring participants put on clean face masks when not in action, avoiding contacts that are unnecessary like handshakes, high fives, hugs, pecks fist-up among others; and after testing, the participants are supposed to be kept away from contact until the end of the competition.

Others include ensuring of adequate accommodation villages that are compliant with COVID-19 protocols, and maintaining proper records of participants for contact tracing for the required period of competition.

On venue preparation, the Ministry’s Protocols requires that there should be clear display of posters on COVID-19 protocols which should be at strategic points on portable stands, all over the field, venue and rooms.

Proper signage to control flow of movement should be ensured, designated hand wash points with soap at strategic places at the venue should be available, screening all for temperature and record keeping, with all non-participants being required to have their face masks on at all times.

Other Protocols include sourcing, accounting for and sanitizing all the equipment beforehand; fumigating the field or rooms and the village before use, and availing adequate peddle operated waste bins at strategic points in the venue.

Regarding handling competitors and spectators or fans, the Protocols requires that there should be screen ag for temperature in call room or checking area, ensuring that they comply with health and safety protocols by limiting their number through the use of indelible ink or identification stamps.

Regular reminder via public address system on the health and safety protocols throughout the duration of the championship, with a structured communication to technical persons and officials on guidelines and information governing the competitions in place.

The Protocols also requires that the competitors and spectators or fans be provided with facilities that ensure compliance with the protocols for instance time keepers stand should cater for social distance.

495,000 Teachers Have Taken First Dose Of Covid-19, says Akhwale Tue, 14 Sep 2021 04:05:26 +0000 495,000 Teachers Have Taken First Dose Of Covid-19, says Akhwale

A total of 345,000 teachers have taken the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine over the last one month, surpassing the government target of 330,000 teachers.

The latest report by the Ministry of Health shows that 345,000 teachers in public schools have taken the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, while 125,274 had completed both doses.

The remaining teachers are expected to take their second dose in the next two weeks in line with the six week window advised by health experts.

National Covid-19 vaccine deployment task force chairman, Dr Willis Akhwale yesterday attributed the increased uptake of the doses to the improved flow of vaccines into the country.

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“We have witnessed a high uptake of the first dose by teachers in the last one month,” he said last evening as 204 people tested positive for the disease from a sample size of 2,963 tested in the last 24 hours.

The positivity rate remained at 6.9 percent for two days consecutively.With the improved supply of vaccines, already 150,000 teachers in private schools have also taken the first dose after the government expanded the vaccination target to this group.

Another consignment of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in the country yesterday when the government received 210,000 doses from Poland.

“The arrival of the doses is a welcome boost to the ongoing Covid-19 vaccination programme,” Dr Akhwale said as the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (Kepsa) plans to commence phase one of the private sector led Covid-19 vaccinations tomorrow.

He said the event will be presided over by Health Principal Secretary Susan Mochache and Chief Administrative Secretary, Dr Mercy Mwangangi.

Kepsa chairperson Flora Mutahi and CEO Carole Kariuki will give an elaborate plan and modalities put in place to ensure a maximum number of employees are vaccinated in the shortest time possible.

Dr Akhwale confirmed yesterday that half of the 141,600 J&J vaccine doses received last week were allocated to Kepsa which had mobilised Sh1 billion for the procurement through the Africa Union platform.

Already, a total of 3,099,807 vaccines have been administered across the country as of Sunday.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said last evening that of these, total first doses were 2,270,827 while second doses were 828,980.

“The uptake of the second dose among those who received their first dose was at 36.5 per cent with the majority being males at 56 per cent while females were at 44 percent,” he added. The proportion of adults who are fully vaccinated hit 3.04 per cent.

An estimated 137, 115 health workers; 125, 274 teachers and 70, 182 security officers have been vaccinated so far. Those aged 58 years and above who have been vaccinated are, 244,998 and 251,411 others.

On August 17, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) gave teachers seven days to go for the jab or face disciplinary action.

“We will be asking our county directors and regional directors the number of teachers they have facilitated to get the vaccination and how many teachers are not vaccinated and for whatever reasons, because the Ministry of Health has assured us that there are enough vaccines,” Nancy Macharia, the Commission Chief Executive Officer said.

By then, only 33 per cent of the teachers had been vaccinated. However, immediately the directive was issued, the following day teachers thronged vaccination centres to beat the deadline.

Health officials had warned that school children are at risk if teachers and staff are not vaccinated.Macharia expressed concern with the ‘reluctance’ amid the slow pace that had been witnessed so far.

She said the number of those who had taken both the first and second doses, was inspiring and needed to be enhanced.

She raised concern that teachers had not fully embraced the vaccine despite the government placing them among the frontline workers, therefore, putting them on top of the priority list as far as mitigation measures are concerned.

An estimated 178,734 and 110, 42 teachers had received their first and second doses respectively by August 14.

Teachers Could Miss August Salaries For Snubbing Covid-19 Vaccine Tue, 17 Aug 2021 07:14:17 +0000 Teachers To Miss August Salaries For Snubbing Covid-19 Vaccine

Tutors have seven days to comply with State directive to get vaccinated or forfeit their August remuneration.

More than 200,000 teachers risk missing out on their August salaries for failing to take the Covid-19 jab.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) gave the tutors, from both public and private schools, seven days to take the full dosage of the Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine in line with a directive by Public Service head joseph Kinyua that all pubic servants take the TSC doses or face unspecified disciplinary measures.

Yesterday, TSC Secretary Dr Nancy Macharia revealed that only 110,342 teachers have received full dosage since the exercise began, against the government target of 130,671.

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Another 178,734 had only taken the first dose, the teachers employer announced yesterday. Macharia termed the figures far from impressive and gave those yet to get the jab seven days to comply.

She regretted that the number is still low despite the government having prioritised and identified teachers as frontline workers together with health, police and Military officers, who were targeted during phase one of the vaccination

A well-placed source at the TSC headquarters who sought anonymity revealed that the commission may consider a raft of disciplinary measures against those who do not comply with the directive.

“What TSC is doing is to enforce the Kinyua directive among teachers, failure to which there will be penalties such as withholding the next salaries for those who will not have taken the jab upon the expiry of the seven-day notice,” said the source.

Last week, the government ordered all civil servants to take the jab within two weeks or risk disciplinary action after only a few volunteered to take the jab.

Kinyua accused some State officials of deliberately refusing to get vaccinated so that they can stay at home, negatively affecting service delivery.

“In our recent meeting, it was reported that there was a low uptake of covid-19 vaccines among public servants” said Kinyua.

“It has therefore been decided that all the civil servants will be prioritised in the ongoing vaccination and that those who will not have been given the vaccination by august 23rd will be treated as disciplinary cases and appropriate action will be taken against them,” he added.

Kinyua directed principal secretaries and accounting officers to ensure the directive is adhered to. It is against this backdrop that Macharia, as the TSC accounting officer, Issued yesterday’s warning.

TSC boss Launched a rallying call to all teachers to beat covid 19 by getting the jab.

Stop Hiring School Buses For Non-Academic Activities, Magoha Cautions School Heads Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:14:15 +0000 Stop Hiring School Buses For Non-Academic Activities, Magoha Cautions School Heads

Education CS George Magoha has warned principals against hire of school buses for non-academic activities in bid to combat spread of Covid-19.

Magoha said some administrators are permitting the use of school buses for purposes unrelated to academic-related functions.

“Further, some of the schools are failing to comply with Ministry of Health Guidelines on social distancing in motor vehicles, thereby exposing learners to the dangers of Covid-19,” he said.

“The Ministry is, therefore, notifying all school administrators and Boards of Management to use school buses exclusively for academic-related purposes.”

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Magoha said they should desist from hiring out the vehicles for other purposes.

“In transporting learners, administrators must ensure that all Ministry of Health measures of combating Covid-19 are strictly adhered to,” he said.

He asked parents and guardians to ensure transportation for Form One learners who will be reporting to schools from Monday, August 2, 2021.

“Firm action will be taken against individuals or groups found to be flouting the directives on use of school buses,” he said.

In most cases, the school buses are hired by people going to funerals and weddings at a fee.

This depends on the capacity of the vehicle.

Taking people to funerals and not fumigating them subject teachers and children to Covid-19 disease.

Kenyans To Wait Longer For The second Dose Of Covid-19 Thu, 03 Jun 2021 06:22:15 +0000 Kenyans To Wait Longer For The second Dose Of Covid-19

Kenyans who received the first dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine will wait longer for the second shot, as per the revelations of a  senior Ministry of Health official.

Only 172,000 doses remain for the second Covid-19 vaccination while 130,000 vials are expected from the World Health Organisation Covax programme.

What that means is that over 600,000 out of the more than 900,000 people that have received the first shot have no certainty of getting the second.

National Vaccine Task Force chairman, Willis Akhwale, confirmed that the available doses would cover those who received their initial jabs in March.

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“There are challenges globally but we are going to get the vaccines and administer them to everyone in small bits. We hope to get another batch this month but we cannot give an actual date,” Dr Akhwale said.

The first shots were administered in Kenya from March to the end of May.

“We expect more doses from Covax. There are delays, but they will come,” Dr Akhwale said.

The ministry is racing against time to acquire the drug, having extended the timeline for inter-dose administration to 12 weeks from eight.

The shortage of doses has been occasioned by the ban in exports by India’s Serum Institute, the world’s biggest producer of vaccines, which could not live up to the international demand following a sharp rise in coronavirus cases in the country.

The Covax scheme needs more than 20 million doses by the end of this month to distribute to countries.

With the Covax challenges, the Kenyan government has been looking for means of getting alternative vaccines.

Dr Akhwale said of the 30 million Johnson and Johnson vaccine doses the government has procured through the African Union (AU), the first batch of 10 million is expected in just over two months.

“Our tentative date for receiving the next batch that we have procured via the AU is August,” Dr Akhwale told reporters in Nairobi.

“This will be used for phase two vaccinations. If it comes earlier than that, the better. We hope August will be the latest month the vaccine will arrive in Kenya.”

The hope of Kenyans is pegged on donations from wealthy countries who are working in collaboration with the Covax programme for equity in distribution.

Before then, those who have received the  first dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine will only have about 70 per cent protection.

Scientists and other experts do not know how long this immunity will last.

Research published by AstraZeneca in February showed that the first dose alone reduces disease transmission by up to 67 per cent.

Sports Back: MOE Releases Games and Sports Calendar of activities 2021 Sun, 30 May 2021 05:35:28 +0000 School Games Back: MOE Releases Games and Sports Calendar of activities 2021

The ministry of education has released calendar of activities 2021 for school games and sports, more than a year after they were banned by the government of Kenya, following a surge of covid-19 infections.

Games and sports activities are set to begin in term one during the new school calendar, expected to start towards the end of July.

The National championship for term one games activities has been set between 2nd October 2021 and 10th October 2021 in Nandi County, preceded by referees’ clinic, which will occur between 2nd and 4th October 2021. According to the calendar, sub counties will complete their term one games by 21st August 2021. County games must end by 11th September 2021 while regional sports competitions must end by 18th September 2021.

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Term one games and sports activities include; athletics, cross country, decathlon/heptathlon, basketball, hockey and handball. With term one ending on October 1st, national championship is set to occur during the holiday.

Term two games and sports activities include; soccer under-19, soccer under-16, volleyball, racket games, and netball. The national championship will occur between 11th December 2021-19th December 2021 in Embu county, preceded by referees’ clinic between 11th December and 13th December. Sub county competitions will end by 30th October 2021, while county competitions and regional competitions will end by 13th November and 27th November 2021 respectively.

The federation of east African secondary school  Association (FEASSA) games 2021 is yet to release dates and venues for the east African competitions.
