DPTE – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 28 Aug 2022 05:34:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Unemployed P1 Teachers To Be Given Priority In Future Recruitments: TSC https://elimupedia.com/unemployed-p1-teachers-to-be-given-priority-in-future-recruitments-tsc.html Tue, 30 Nov 2021 08:11:00 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4824 Unemployed P1 Teachers To Be Given Priority In Future Recruitments: TSC

The teachers service commission, TSC, has confirmed that Over 300,000 unemployed teachers who are holders of the recently scrapped P1 teaching certificates will be granted priority in future employments.

TSC, in August, introduced a retraining programme for unemployed teachers with P1 certificates to upgrade to the new nine-month Diploma in Primary Teacher Education to match the current requirement. This move would inform the end of the P1 certificate, which had been in operation for more than 50 years.

Initially, there were fears that teachers holding the certificate qualification after the upgrade to diploma qualification could be locked out of future employment by the commission. That is not the case now since TSC boss Nancy Macharia has said that all teachers trained for the P1 certificate courses will be employed despite the policy change.

“Remember when we were training certificate P1 teachers it was a government policy. All those trained before the policy came in place must be employed and they will not be disadvantaged,” Macharia said. She was speaking in Naivasha during a media workshop.

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2021 List Of P1 Teachers Moved To Secondary Schools Per County

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The P1 course was designed to facilitate learning in the 8-4-4 system, which is being replaced by the Competency-Based Curriculum.

The government had in September asked unemployed teachers to attend a nine-month retraining programme to advance their certificate qualification to a diploma to be CBC compliant.

TSC in May wanted to have the unemployed teachers upgrade to diploma.

The change is expected to affect over 300,000 teachers currently qualified and registered by TSC but yet to be absorbed in public employment.

Under the new diploma training, the entry requirements for admission to the teacher training colleges was elevated to a mean grade of C (plain) in KCSE.

Teacher trainees hoping to become primary school teachers need to have scored C (plain) in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics and one humanity and one science subject.

Diploma trainees will specialise in three subjects in the learning areas they wish to focus on.

The areas of specialisation are grouped into four clusters, but teachers will only pick one subject from each category.

Under the curriculum designs, cluster one subjects are Kenya Sign Language, Indigenous Languages, Foreign Languages (German, French, Arabic and Mandarin (Chinese).

Cluster two subjects are mathematics, home science, agriculture, and science and technology, while cluster three subjects are social studies, and religious education (Christian, Hindu, Islam).

Teachers who choose cluster four subjects will specialise in art and craft, and music.  Mandatory subjects include English, Kiswahili, physical and health education, and Kenya Sign Language for the hearing-impaired.

The government hopes the new programmes will enable teacher trainees to acquire the required skills, attitudes and competencies to effectively teach and deliver the CBC curriculum.

List of TTCs Accredited To Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education https://elimupedia.com/list-of-ttcs-accredited-to-offer-diploma-in-primary-teacher-education.html Sun, 01 Aug 2021 05:50:12 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3934 List of TTCs Accredited To Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

The quality and standards directorate of the ministry of education has approved a section of private primary teacher colleges (PTC) offer the recently launched diploma in primary teacher education course. Teachers wishing to pursue primary teacher education in a private teachers college should apply in any of the teachers colleges in the list below for consideration.

Teachers Training College County Date Approved
1. Kamagambo Adventist College Migori 09/02/2021
2.Nakuru Teachers’ Training College Nakuru 08/02/2021
3.Neema Lutheran Teachers Training College Nyamira 08/02/2021
4.Tendo Valley Teachers Training College Meru 08/02/2021
5.Nabongo Teachers Training College Bungoma 08/02/2021
6.International Teachers Training College Kajiado 17/10/2019
7.       Nyanchwa Teachers Training College Kisii 11/02/2021
8.St. Paul’s Nyabururu Teachers Training College Kisii 15/10/2019
9. Rachuonyo Teachers Training College Homabay 09/06/2020
10. Madonna Teachers Training College Uasin gishu 18/10/2019
11. Rongai Teachers Training College Nakuru 18/10/2019
12.   Fr. Solidati Teachers Training College Meru 14/10/2019
13.St. Augustine Ishara Teachers Training College Meru 17/10/2019
14.   Mwingi Teachers Training College Kitui 15/10/2019
15.Holy Rosary Teachers Training College Machakos 15/10/2019
16.Mutitu Adventist Teachers Training College Machakos 17/10/2019
17.   Sunrise Teachers Training College Kitui 18/10/2019
18.Kibwezi Teachers training college Makueni 17/10/2019
19.Eastern Kenya Intergrated Teachers Training College Machakos 17/10/2019

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All P1 Teachers To Upgrade To Diploma

TSC To Train 26,000 Teachers to help in coaching / mentorship Of ‘Indisciplined’ Colleagues

Why Current Unemployed P1 Teachers May Remain Unemployed Forever

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants

Applicants must have a KCSE Mean Grade of C (plain) with a C in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics and any of the humanities and sciences subjects. For candidates with disabilities, the minimum entry mean grade set is C- (minus) and a C- (minus) in the cluster of subjects.

Diploma in primary and early childhood teacher education intake 2021 https://elimupedia.com/diploma-in-primary-and-early-childhood-teacher-education-intake-2021.html Wed, 16 Jun 2021 10:13:51 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3552 Diploma in primary and early childhood teacher education intake 2021

The ministry of education, state department of early learning and basic education has advertised intake slots for Diploma in primary teacher education ( DIPTE) and diploma in early childhood teacher education (DECTE) intake 2021.

According to the advert, registration forms can be downloaded from the ministry of education website. Similar copies can also be obtained from the county director of education offices on any weekday before the deadline. Applications begin on 16th June 2021 and end on 30th June 2021, taking a duration of two weeks. Once closed, the application window will not be opened again to suit late applicants.

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How To Apply For Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Course Online

New: Lists Of TSC Promoted Teachers 2021 Per County

All P1 Teachers To Upgrade To Diploma

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

How Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Will Prepare Trainees For CBC Implementation

Updated: List Of Registered Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

Potential teachers with special needs and those who sat their KCSE in march 2021 are highly encouraged to apply.

The advert warns applicants against registering in more than one center. The ministry of education warns that double registration will lead to automatic disqualification.

Applicants must have a KCSE Mean Grade of C (plain) with a C in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics and any of the humanities and sciences subjects. For candidates with disabilities, the minimum entry mean grade set is C- (minus) and a C- (minus) in the cluster of subjects.

The designs will guide trainers and trainees on how best to deliver quality learning and teaching in tandem with the requirements of the CBC, which focuses mainly on enlarging learners’ knowledge, experiences, imaginative understanding and development of moral values for life-long learning.

Prof Magoha said this category of teachers will be trained specifically on how to teach pupils under the CBC.



All In service Teachers and Unemployed Teachers To Pursue A mandatory Post Training Certificate https://elimupedia.com/all-in-service-teachers-and-unemployed-teachers-to-pursue-a-mandatory-post-training-certificate.html https://elimupedia.com/all-in-service-teachers-and-unemployed-teachers-to-pursue-a-mandatory-post-training-certificate.html#comments Thu, 27 May 2021 13:57:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3347 All In service Teachers and Unemployed Teachers To Pursue A mandatory Post Training Certificate

All In service teachers and teachers not yet employed by the Teachers Service Commission will undergo a mandatory post training certificate if the new proposal by the teachers’ service commission concerning teacher education goes through. The Post Training Certificate for In- Service Teachers will target all in service teachers and teachers not currently Employed by TSC, but have completed corresponding teacher education courses.

The teachers to be enrolled in this course are graduates of:

  • Early childhood development education training
  • Primary teacher education training
  • Diploma in teacher education training
  • Bachelor of education
  • Diploma in education
  • Special needs education

Read also:

Updated: Lists Of TSC Promoted Teachers 2021 Per County

TSC Proposes Scrapping Of Bachelor Of Education Degree

Proposed New Entry Qualifications for teacher education For CBC

Recommendations of TSC concerning Teacher education Employment Qualifications At All Education levels

All P1 Teachers To Upgrade To Diploma

Ministry of Education To Offer P1 Teachers CBC diploma Courses through school-based programmes

Diploma In Primary Teacher Education To start In June, as MOE Plans an Upgrade For All P1 Teachers

The post training teacher certificate course will be offered will be offered within a duration of 9 Months during School Holidays (Distance learning elements during school time and online mode).

Teachers who will be undertaking the post training teacher certificate course will also do micro teaching during this training.

The rational for the post training teacher certificate course is CBC compliance and the learning areas will involve:

  • Competency based curriculum learning areas and pedagogy
  • 21st century principles and practices of teacher education
  • Andragogy and lifelong learning assessment
  • Action research
  • Inclusivity
  • Coaching and mentorship identification and nurturing of learner potential
  • Blending content and pedagogy micro teaching
  • Practicum supervision and assessment
  • Reflective teaching and pedagogical reasoning.
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Recommendations of TSC concerning Teacher education Employment Qualifications At All Education levels https://elimupedia.com/recommendations-of-tsc-concerning-teacher-education-employment-qualifications-at-all-education-levels.html Thu, 27 May 2021 12:18:14 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3344 Recommendations of TSC concerning Teacher education Employment Qualifications At All Education levels

  • That the minimum qualification for entry into teaching in Kenya at all levels be a Diploma in Education.
  • Admission into the ALL Diplomas and Degrees in teacher Education Courses shall be Demand Driven
  • That the Diploma in Education courses for CBC students at each level shall be Three years after 844 and senior school since they will have had time for specialization in the content areas.

Read also:

TSC Proposes Scrapping Of Bachelor Of Education Degree

Proposed New Entry Qualifications for teacher education For CBC

  • There is need to have pathways for teacher education at Diploma level (ECDE, Junior and Senior Secondary, SNE)
  • That there is a Diploma in Secondary Education which will cater for defined learning areas/Subjects required in Junior and Senior Secondary level which have shortages
  • All the 8-4-4 and CBC students must undertake first the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Courses for a period 3 years majoring on the key subjects and thereafter undertake a Postgraduate Diploma in Education for a period of one year for teaching at Junior and Senior school and SNE .
  • That there shall be a Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Education to cater for Teacher Education learning areas. This will be for preparing Teacher Educators who will be training the preservice Teachers at the Teacher training colleges.
  • That there shall be a minimum of One – School Term Practicum at all levels of Teacher Education, assessed by external examiners.
  • That the in-service teachers and qualified – registered teachers outside employment be inducted and certified to offer the Competency Based Curriculum.
  • That a Curriculum for Teacher Educators (Trainers) be developed by KICD and TSC in collaboration with Universities and CUE that shall gradually form a basis for employment of (appointment of) Teacher Educators.
  • That Assessment at Teacher Education level shall be a balance of the Formative and Summative.
  • There shall be a need to develop a Kenya Teacher Education Policy to anchor all the proposals in this document.
  • There is need for TSC to set up Institute of Teacher Support and professional development
  • Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (PP1&PP2)
  • Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (Grade 1-6 )
  • Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (Junior (7-9) and Senior (10-12) Secondary Level)
  • BA/BSC with Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Junior and Senior Secondary, SNE)
  • BA/BSC with Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Education (Teacher Educator)
  • Diploma in Special Needs Teacher Education (Specialized Curriculum areas-  Autism, Deaf, blind, multiple disabilities and Multiple cerebral palsy for foundation, intermediate, Pre-vocational and vocational levels)
  • Diploma in Technical Teacher Education (Appropriate Technical subjects in Junior and Senior Secondary).
Proposed New Entry Qualifications for teacher education For CBC https://elimupedia.com/proposed-new-entry-qualifications-for-teacher-education-for-cbc.html Thu, 27 May 2021 12:11:08 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3342 Proposed New Entry Qualifications for teacher education in CBC

Early childhood Development

Certificate is currently redundant

Teachers in pp1 and pp2 will teach all subjects and must have the following qualifications

  • Diploma in early childhood teacher education
  • KCSE mean grade of C plain
  • Mean grade of C in all the subjects

Primary Teacher education

Certificate is currently redundant

Grade 1-6 teachers must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Diploma in primary teacher education
  2. KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent
  3. C plain in all the cluster subjects

Grade 1-6 teachers will teach all subjects at grade 1-3. At grade 4-6, there will some specializations on the indigenous subjects and foreign languages.

Junior Secondary teacher

Grade 7-9 teachers must have the following qualifications

  1. Diploma in secondary teacher education
  2. Minimum KCSE grade of C+
  3. C plus in three teaching subjects

Teachers with diploma in secondary education will teach three subjects at junior secondary or senior secondary.

Read also:

TSC Proposes Scrapping Of Bachelor Of Education Degree

Primary teacher education (SNE)

This category of teachers must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Diploma in education (special needs education), specializing in foundations, primary schools and lower secondary schools.
  2. KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent
  3. C minus in all the cluster subjects

This category of teachers will teach all subjects at foundation, intermediate, pre vocational, vocational, lower secondary schools and primary schools.

Technical teacher education

Teachers in this category will teach three subjects at junior secondary or senior secondary.

This category of teachers will have the following qualifications:

  1. Diploma in technical teacher education
  2. KCSE mean grade of C plus or its equivalent
  3. C plus in the three teaching subjects

For admission into this course, candidates with relevant diplomas and certificates shall be considered.

Secondary teacher education

Teachers at this level will teach three subjects in junior secondary or senior secondary schools. The minimum qualifications for this category of teachers are:

  1. A three year Bachelor of Arts or science degree, followed by a one year post graduate diploma in education.
  2. KCSE mean grade of C plus or its equivalent
  3. B minus in the three teaching subjects

Teacher education educators

Teachers in this category will train potential teachers in primary diploma teacher training colleges and early childhood teacher trainees.

  1. A three year Bachelor of Arts or science degree, followed by a one year post graduate diploma in education.
  2. KCSE mean grade of C plus or its equivalent
  3. B minus in the three teaching subjects
Diploma In Primary Teacher Education To start In June, as MOE Plans an Upgrade For All P1 Teachers https://elimupedia.com/diploma-in-primary-teacher-education-to-start-in-june-as-moe-plans-an-for-all-p1-teachers.html https://elimupedia.com/diploma-in-primary-teacher-education-to-start-in-june-as-moe-plans-an-for-all-p1-teachers.html#comments Sun, 23 May 2021 03:11:05 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3310 Diploma In Primary Teacher Education To start In June

Training of the pioneer breed of primary school diploma teachers is set to start after the government completed the selection process.

Under the new tuition regime, diploma will be the minimum training level for all primary school teachers as the government rolls out plans for quality teaching and learning.

About 1,000 students have been selected to join six Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs) across the country as teacher education reforms kick-off to anchor the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Only TTCs of Machakos, Thogoto, Baringo, Egoji, Migori and Shanzu will receive students from 2ND June  to start their first term under the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE).

Each college has been allocated 150-200 students for a start with more colleges expected to get students during the second intake in September (click here to apply for the next intake). The students will start their first term of 14 weeks, which will be followed by the regular calendar of training.

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Updated: Lists Of TSC Promoted Teachers 2021 Per County

All P1 Teachers To Upgrade To Diploma

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

How Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Will Prepare Trainees For CBC Implementation

Updated: List Of Registered Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

How To Apply For Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Course Online

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha said intake will be done in two phases. This means candidates, who sat the 2020 KCSE, will have the opportunity to apply for the diploma teaching programme for September intake.

Short-listed students said the initial reporting date of May 24 has been pushed back to June 2.“Some students will report on Monday next week while the rest will start in June,” said one of the shortlisted students. The duration for the diploma training is three years.

It also emerged that plans are underway to upgrade the present P1 teachers already in service and those unemployed. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) said last week that teacher education designs are ready for the diploma training.

KICD Director Charles Ongondo last week also stated that the P1 teachers will be given a chance, virtually and in-person to upgrade.

“We are developing a diploma programme for them and that may be school-based or virtually. But we shall communicate in good time,” Prof Ongondo said last week.

However, the big news is that plans are complete to roll out the much-awaited diploma teacher training across the country. Tutors, who will coach the first cohort of diploma teachers, have already been identified.

Applicants must have a KCSE Mean Grade of C (plain) with a C in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics and any of the humanities and sciences subjects. For candidates with disabilities, the minimum entry mean grade set is C- (minus) and a C- (minus) in the cluster of subjects.

The designs will guide trainers and trainees on how best to deliver quality learning and teaching in tandem with the requirements of the CBC, which focuses mainly on enlarging learners’ knowledge, experiences, imaginative understanding and development of moral values for life-long learning.

Prof Magoha said this category of teachers will be trained specifically on how to teach pupils under the CBC.

The development comes as complaints arose over the minimum qualifications of the students who are admitted to these colleges. Critics argued that the students should have been admitted with an aggregate grade of C (plain), regardless of the subject performances.

However, sources in the government said the new rules are meant to tighten quality started with the enhanced qualifications for the diploma intake.

Applicants for Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) were required to have a C (plain) mean grade.

“The idea here was to get a teacher who will teach mathematics is well-grounded in the subject area as opposed to cases where the teacher scored a D and goes ahead to teach the subject,” said a senior ministry official.

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The official familiar with the details said the reforms were informed by the revelation that some teachers entrusted with certain subjects had not done well in those areas.

“It has been challenging because teachers are expected to perform where they do not have content mastery. For example, we expect children to do well in maths but the teacher had a D+,” said the official.

The official said that those used to the old ways of doing things and are slow at adapting to change have been opposing the move.

“The reforms need to be embraced and even if we had few students, they will be quality ones, who upon graduation will deliver the expected outcomes.”

The curriculum has been reformed with five core learning areas approved. They are professional courses, teacher support courses, English, Kiswahili or KSL for trainees who have hearing impairment and physical and health education.

“Teacher Training Colleges will ensure that the teacher trainee receives appropriate training and professional development, which will accord them an opportunity to engage in research,” said former Education PS Belio Kipsang.

https://elimupedia.com/diploma-in-primary-teacher-education-to-start-in-june-as-moe-plans-an-for-all-p1-teachers.html/feed 2
KNUT, TTCs Demand Revision of TTC Admission Rules https://elimupedia.com/knut-ttcs-demand-revision-of-ttc-admission-rules.html Sun, 18 Apr 2021 04:23:55 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=2847 KNUT, TTCs Demand Revision of TTC Admission Rules

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, wants the government to revise entry requirements for the just introduced diploma in primary teacher education.

Through the deputy secretary general, Hesbon Otieno, KNUT has urged the ministry of education and the qualification authority to adjust the minimum grade to C- to avoid the current challenges being faced with regards admission of new students.

According to Otieno, the current grade (C plain) discourages applicants, reducing the number of applicants interested in joining the teaching profession.

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Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants

Updated: List Of Registered Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

“I think C- is not a bad grade but if you put it at C plain, then get ready for the same challenges,” said Otieno.

Otieno argues that C plain will create a competition with others like health related and technical courses, where one is guaranteed employment or self-employment after graduation.

“ What will be the option for teachers, do they go for TTCs where they are not guaranteed employment or do they go for health related and  technical courses where they will be employed immediately after graduation?” he asked.

Directors of teachers training colleges have also appealed to the government to review the entry grades for the diploma programmes in teacher education.

“The new grades are higher, especially in mathematics and science subjectsa, baring many students from applying. The grade has been raised to C plain meaning that those with D plus will be locked out. As if the grade is not enough, there is mandatory requirement for specific subjects. It might be hard and that’s why we are calling for review,” quipped Mr. Muindi Mutukaa, the director of mwingi teachers training college.

The government phased out P1 certificate and replaced it with diploma in teacher education with a KCSE mean grade of C plain with the same grade in mathematics, English, Kiswahili, one of the sciences, and one of the humanities.

To qualify for a diploma in primary teacher education course, applicants should have a KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent with a C plain in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

Applicants with disabilities should have a KCSE mean grade of C-(minus) or its equivalent with a C-(minus) in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

Applicants for the diploma in early childhood teacher education must have a KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent with a C plain in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

The ministry has called for application three times but the applications received so far are far much lower that the required number.

Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants https://elimupedia.com/cut-off-requirements-for-diploma-in-teacher-education-and-ecde-might-be-lowered-due-to-fewer-applicants.html https://elimupedia.com/cut-off-requirements-for-diploma-in-teacher-education-and-ecde-might-be-lowered-due-to-fewer-applicants.html#comments Wed, 07 Apr 2021 05:36:04 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=2780 Cut off Requirements For Diploma in Teacher Education and ECDE Might be lowered due to fewer applicants

The Ministry of Education has extended the application window for early childhood education and primary school diploma courses.

This is after the ministry failed to get sufficient number of applicants for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) at the expiry of the earlier deadline last month.

In the new announcement by Early Learning and Basic Education Principal Secretary Julius Jwan, qualified Form Four leavers have upto April 20 to apply for the training tailored in line with the implementation of the competency-based curriculum (CBC).

Various stakeholders in education last month said the new requirements for entry into the training programmes were set too high and would leave out thousands of Form Four leavers interested in joining the teaching profession.

Applicants for DPTE should have a mean grade of a C (plain) and the same grade in mathematics, English, Kiswahili, one humanity and a science. Candidates with disabilities will be admitted with a mean grade of C- (minus) and the same grade in the cluster subjects. To qualify for the DECTE, applicants must have a mean grade of C plain.

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The duration of the course shall be three years in accordance with the approved curriculum designs.

The Nation established that the candidates who qualified were so few that they can hardly fill vacancies in the 32 public teacher training colleges. Private colleges will also hope to enrol from the same pool as the entry requirements apply to them as well.

According to the Kenya Economic Survey, there are over 200 registered private teacher training colleges.  In some sub-counties, none of the applicants who showed interest qualified for admission, with some stakeholders calling for a review of the selection criteria.

“We already compiled the names and forwarded it to the ministry even though the number was too low. You may find that a student had good grades in all other subjects but had a C- (minus) in mathematics. This disqualified them,” side Kwale County director of education. The county registered 30 successful applicants. It has a new TTC that is set to begin operations in May this year with a capacity of 200 students.

Although the government has not released the official number of successful applicants, reliable sources have revealed possibilities of high under-enrolment.

With the programmes set to begin in May and very few applicants, the ministry will have to lower the requirements so that it gets the required number of applicants.

The introduction of the new training programmes will see the phasing out of the certificate in teacher education, popularly known as P1, whose last cohort graduated in December last year. In 2019, enrolment of P1 trainees in TTCs stood at 31,737 with public colleges accounting for 11,111 trainees while private entities had 18,589 teacher trainees.  Some 2,037 teacher trainees were enrolled in the diploma programme.

https://elimupedia.com/cut-off-requirements-for-diploma-in-teacher-education-and-ecde-might-be-lowered-due-to-fewer-applicants.html/feed 1
Intake For Diploma and ECDE Teachers Begins Today-How To Apply https://elimupedia.com/intake-for-diploma-and-ecde-teachers-begins-today-how-to-apply.html Tue, 06 Apr 2021 03:44:15 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=2770 Intake For Diploma and ECDE Teachers Begins Today-How To Apply

Ministry of Education has urged Form Four leavers seeking admission to Diploma Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) to start applying today.

The Ministry is inviting applications from Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) holders to apply for either a Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) or Diploma in Early Childhood Development Teacher Education (DECTE).

Education Principal Secretary Dr Julius Jwan said applicants have until April 20 to seek slots at TTCs.

Hard copies are available in the County Directors of Education (CDEs) offices. Duly filled registration forms should be submitted to Sub County Directors of Education Offices from April 6 – 20 by the applicants in person.

Those with special needs are also encouraged to apply,” said Jwan, in a notice.

The duration of both courses will be three years in accordance with the approved curriculum designs.

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Why Current Unemployed P1 Teachers May Remain Unemployed Forever

The New Diploma In Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) Course-Requirements, Intake and application

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How Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Will Prepare Trainees For CBC Implementation

How To Apply For Diploma in Primary Teacher Education Course Online

Candidates have also been urged to register in only one centre, with the Ministry warning that double registration will lead to automatic disqualification.

Applicants for a Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) should have a KCSE Mean Grade of C (Plain) or its equivalent with a C (Plain) in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, and also a C in any of the Humanities subject and Sciences subjects.

New curriculum

However, for candidates with disabilities, the minimum entry grade is C- (Minus) and a C- (Minus) in the cluster of subjects stated above.

Applicants for the Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) require a C (Plain) Mean Grade in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (KCSE) or its equivalent, as equated by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).

However, candidates with disabilities will be admitted with a C- (Minus) grade in KCSE or its equivalent.

The Government had suspended training of primary teachers for an year, to not only allow for the phase out of P1 certificate courses in Teacher Training Colleges but also allow time for development of a curriculum to teach the new diploma course.

The move was meant to replace P1 with diploma course, to ensure teachers are trained in accordance with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) needs.

Education Cabinet Secretary  Prof George Magoha has already announced that the first cohort of diploma teachers will be admitted in May.

According to the CBC taskforce, Pre-Service Competency Based Teacher Education (CBTE) will provide the education sector with a valuable opportunity to train teachers on the CBC approach.

For effective implementation of the curriculum, the Taskforce recommended that the Education ministry ensures all tutors in pre-service teacher education training colleges are inducted on effective interpretation and implementation of the teacher education curriculum framework and designs.

The Ministry, Commission for University Education and Universities are also expected to review and align the Teacher Education programmes to CBC and Competency Based Assessment (CBA) and build the capacity of all university teacher educators in line with the aspirations of CBC.
