GRADE 6 – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 15 Sep 2022 13:11:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Grade Six Learners Will Be Placed in Selected Junior Secondary Schools Thu, 15 Sep 2022 13:11:28 +0000 How Grade Six Learners Will Be Placed in Selected Junior Secondary Schools

KNEC opened the Grade 6 assessment portal from August 15,2022 to August 30,2022 for the Grade 6 learners to select their JSS schools in readiness for placement in January 2023.

The pupils were expected to upload their preferred schools, and according to a statement from the Ministry of Education (MoE), students were required to pick national, regional, county, sub-county and private schools-with Prof. Magoha further instructing them to pick two for national, regional and private schools’ categories.

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List of Regional Junior Secondary Schools With Day-School Wings

Final  List Of Approved Private Junior Secondary Schools Per County

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According to MoE, the key considerations and requirements for selection and placement were that learners would be offered placement in all existing registered public and private secondary schools and that public secondary schools which share a compound with a public primary schools will utilize the available classroom(s) in the primary school as additional learning space.

Further, existing registered private secondary schools, having adequate space, will be available for learners whose parents will pay the fees charged.

According to Prof. Magoha, selection will be premised on the principles of merit (performance in KPSEA), equity (affirmative action where required), choice of schools by learners and institutional declared capacity.

In compliance with the 100 per cent transition policy, all learners will be placed in JSS institutions and for standalone JSS, only those that are registered will be eligible for selection and placement.

Existing registered public and private secondary schools will not require re-registration to offer JSS as MoE will undertake registration of all JSS as standalone institutions, as long as they have complied with the minimum classroom requirements and having a fully equipped laboratory.

Learners with special needs and disabilities pursuing the Stage-Based Pathway will transition to the next level based on performance in the Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA)administered by KNEC and each learner’s readiness to transition.

Inclusive education shall continue for learners with special needs who attend regular schools. Learners will be placed in appropriate JSS institutions based on their disability and performance in KPSEA.

At the end of Grade 6, KNEC will issue a summative assessment, Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA)to all 2022 Grade 6 learners from November 28 to November 30,2022 which will contribute to 40 per cent of a learner’s score.

Here, KNEC will assess the thirteen subjects offered from Grade 4-6 using five papers consolidated as Mathematics, English Language, Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language (KSL), Integrated Science (which combines Science and Technology, Agriculture, Home Science and Physical and Health Education), and Creative Arts and Social Studies which also combines 4 subjects; Social Studies, Religious Education (Christian, Islamic and Hindu Religious Education), Art and Craft and Music.

Each of the five papers will be scored out of 100 per cent while the overall score will be reported as a sum of the scores out of 500 marks. Thereafter learners will be issued with a KPSEA Transition Report.

According to the recently released timetable for the KPSEA exam,the students will have a rehearsal on Friday November 25,2022.

Mathematics and English will kick off the assessment on Monday,November 28,2022.

Day 2 papers, Integrated Science and Kiswahili/KSL will be held on Tuesday, November 29,2022.

On Day 3, learners will only sit one paper; Creative Arts and Social Studies.

KNEC further revealed that the KPSEA examination will be purely multiple-choice questions that will easily be marked using the new Optical Mark Recognition technology acquired recently which electronically scored the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

According to KNEC, the machine works by shining a beam of light on the candidate’s paper using a dedicated scanning device, then the contrasting reflection at predetermined positions on a page will detect marked areas as they reflect less light than the blank areas of the paper.

Learners with special needs who are able to follow the regular pathway will have their KPSEA papers adapted based on their area of special needs.

Alarm as Many Preferred Junior Secondary Schools Miss in the selection portal Wed, 31 Aug 2022 02:52:11 +0000 Alarm as Many Preferred Junior Secondary Schools Miss in the selection portal

Several junior secondary schools have been left-out in the selection list that is currently being used by parents and grade six learners to select preferred junior secondary schools.   

What has worsened the situation further is the failure to complete new classrooms yet there is only one term to go.

Yesterday, Education PS Jwan Julius confirmed that the schools will only be updated in the application portal within the next 10 days if they meet the required standards.

“In the long run, we shall have captured all of them and therefore there shall be no cause for alarm,” he said.

What that implies is that the affected schools will not get grade seven learners in 2023, despite Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha’s deadline extention to September 10 from the initial deadline of August 30.

Read also:

Latest List of All Junior Secondary Schools-Do Your Revision Here

Latest List Of Approved Private Junior Secondary Schools Per County

Latest List of Public Junior Secondary Schools

Latest List of Primary schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Latest List of national schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Latest List of Regional Junior Junior Secondary schools

Latest List of county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Latest List of sub-county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

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A majority of schools have expressed lack of readiness for Junior Secondary, maintaining that they are yet to prepare enough space for the transitioning learners.

Additionally, Other schools have raised claim that the classrooms set aside would not be adequate since a huge number of students are expected to join the junior secondary schools from Grade Six.

The new secretary-general of the National Parents Association, Eskimos Kobia, also admitted that all was not well.

He gave an example of Naivasha, where each school was benefiting from one new classroom in the first phase yet there are over 400 students in Grade Six in most public schools.

“We shall in the coming days engage the ministry on listing all junior secondary schools, school fees and the completion of the classrooms on time,” he said.

Nakuru Director of Education Fredrick Osewe noted that all public schools in the county were in the portal.

He said private schools not listed had not met the standards.

“We have over 180 public schools from the county in the portal and we are in the second phase of construction CBC classes,” he said.

But according to one head teacher in Naivasha, some schools were missing from the list, leaving parents and students in confusion. “We are glad that the government has reviewed the deadline as tens of schools are missing from the selection portal,” said the teacher.

Another teacher from Kinangop in Nyandarua County noted that stand-alone primary schools were the most affected. “We have primary schools that don’t neighbour a secondary school, meaning that they will have to use the few classrooms to host the coming number of students,” said the teacher.

In Uasin Gishu, the principal of Little Lambs Schools Benjamin Wemali said they had completed 16 classrooms for junior secondary, and the construction of a laboratory was underway yet the school had not been placed in the portal yet.

“We have the codes which show that we are approved to host junior secondary. Whether our school name appears in the portal or not, it does not mean that we cannot host a junior secondary school,” he said.

A principal in a public school in Kisumu also claimed that the name of their school is missing from the selection list.

“We are in the process of preparing the infrastructure for learners who will join the junior secondary school but the name of our school is not among them,” said the head teacher.

Ministry Releases Dates For Grade 6 Junior High Schools Selection Exercise Fri, 22 Jul 2022 11:54:38 +0000 Ministry Releases Dates For Grade 6 Junior High Schools Selection Exercise

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec)has released dates when Grade 6 learners will carry out selection of junior secondary schools (JSS)ahead of January 2023 placement.

Grade six learners will select junior secondary schools for placement next month, according to the announcement by the Education ministry George Magoha.

The online portal will be opened on August 15th and get closed on 30th.

Under the competence-based curriculum (CBC), junior secondary school (JSS) will comprise Grades 7, 8 and 9.

Through the online Knec portal managed by their schools,the learners will be able to select junior secondary schools of their choice just like the KCPE candidates.The learners are expected to transit to Grade Seven in January next year.

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“First of all, the children will have to apply and we are going to tell them the number of slots available. We are almost completing the process. We encourage the private schools, which we will say are ready for junior secondary schools, to allow the children to apply on the public platform so that they are placed,” said Prof Magoha.
