green tea – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 17 May 2020 09:36:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 10 Most Natural Anti-Ageing Solutions. Fri, 15 May 2020 13:21:35 +0000 Top 10 Most Natural Anti-Ageing Solutions.

Whether we like it or hate it, old age is awaiting all of us, irrespective of when or where we were born. It is among the most painful realities that we must be prepared to face. With time, we must deteriorate; physically, mentally, socially. The good news is that even as the number of your years increase, you can still look younger, beautiful and stronger with proper use of anti-ageing remedies and solutions. One major cause of physical aging is damage of the body cells, caused by free radicals and anti-ageing solutions can solve this.

The natural solutions below can be applied to stop ageing, get rid of ageing wrinkles and appear more beautiful at old age. These ways even help get rid of age-related diseases and infections.

Note that this list is not exhaustive, and many other supplements may also offer anti-aging effects.

1. Turmeric consumption

Turmeric contains a chemical substance called curcumin, which is one of the strongest antioxidants. Aging occurs when cells stop dividing and start dying. Curcumin makes some proteins active in the body, delaying the time that cells take to stop dividing and also protecting the cells from any form of damage. This decelerates the speed of ageing and infections, thus increasing lifespan.

Chewing fresh raw turmeric or adding turmeric powder to foods and drinks can surely make people look stronger, younger and more beautiful as they get older. Even creams made of curcumin are ok if applied to increase the life of skin cells.This can thus be a good anti-ageing remedy.

2. Switching to green tea

Those who were enlightened earlier switched to green tea or its concentrates long time ago and are growing younger. Thanks to the chemical component epigallo-catechin gallate. EGCG offers strong protection against diseases that come with age, increasing the strength of an individual and the length of life in this world. It does this through its ability of the mitochondria to produce more energy body cells. Naturally the chemical component of green tea rids destroyed cells, making the process of getting older very slow.

EGCG is an excellent fighter of skin wrinkles and restores the age of the skin. Those who cannot get fresh green tea can get the same benefits from its supplements.Green tea is the anti-ageing remedy applied by Indians and Chinese.

Read also: Top 10 Best Anti-Wrinkle and Anti-ageing Creams.

3. Trying Collagen supplements.

One of the most useful components of skin is collagen since it prevents wrinkling of the skin and makes the skin softer. A softer skin is depicts tender age. Old age is accompanied by low or no production of collagen and can be evidenced by numerous wrinkles on a rough scaly skin.

Ingesting powdered collagen or capsular collagen or adding it to foods and drinks therefore makes the skin more hydrated, smoother and more elastic, properties only seen in the skins of children. This induced collagen also removes wrinkles in the face and around the eye regions, bringing a youthful outlook.This can thus be a good anti-ageing remedy.

5. Using coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is produced by the increase the process of respiration and also protects body cells against damage. Every minute, the body’s ability to secrete this coenzyme decreases, resulting to weakness and increased cell death. CoQ10 supplements are very detrimental in reducing ageing since they fight free radicles, rejuvenating that youthful energy and glowing face.This can thus be a good anti-ageing remedy.

6. Using Nicotinamide riboside and mononucleotide

These are the raw materials for the formation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a component of all somatic and gamete cells that helps in production of energy and repair of DNA. As one’s age increases, the body loses its ability to produce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. A diet supplemented with Nicotinamide riboside and mononucleotide leads to formation of more nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This leads to production of more Energy and decline in bad proteins in the body. It  can thus be a good anti-ageing remedy.

7. Use of Saffron

Saffron is a weed that grows in Spain and India. It contains a chemical substance called crocin that reduces anxiety, protects the brain against mental deterioration, prevents damage of nerves, prevents skin cells from getting aged.

Being that saffron is unaffordable globally, its supplement concentrates can equally perform the same roles. It can  be a good anti-ageing remedy.

8. Use of garlic.

Natural Garlic is known for its ability to fight inflammation and oxidation in body cells, which may lead to ageing of major body organs. Regular consumption of garlic therefore restores the cells to factory standards, making people to appear younger, cuter and stronger.

9. Consumption of red wine.

Red contains a chemical substance called Resveratrol that activate the genes of life, increasing an individual’s lifespan in this world. The same chemicals reduce age related stress, making individuals wrinkle free, younger and beautiful as they were at younger ages.

Apart from red wine, Resveratrol can also be obtained from grapes, red berries and peanuts and can serve as a very good anti-ageing assistant. If intending to looker younger and hotter, the you have the answer. Consume grapes, red berries and nuts regularly. Even rodents and monkeys do, and that is the secret to their youthful looks.
