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With teacher’s service commission determined to make services purely digital, teacher transfers are among the services to pioneer this long-awaited innovation.

Currently, teacher transfer applications and approvals are done online. TSC resorted to this after a study found that teachers undergo a lot in their attempts to get transferred. From difficult to deal with school heads to lots of cash to submit the transfer forms in time, most teachers could give up along the way, yet it is their right to be transferred after meeting the minimum conditions of transfer as prescribe by TSC.

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Digital transfer approvals, just like in the paper age, are done by the head of institution through a positive recommendation. In case a teacher wants to transfer to another county, then the TSC county director must also give a recommendation, in line with that given by the head of institution, after which the request is forwarded to TSC headquarters in Nairobi.

Procedure for online teacher transfer request approval

  • Visit the TSC website using your browser. On the tabs at the top of the browser, click on the online services tab.
  • A drop down menu appears with several services. Click HRMIS.
  • From the drop down menu, select teacher transfer.
  • A window appears that prompts you to enter your TSC number, ID number and mobile number. Enter correct details in the given spaces and click log in.
  • A six digit authorization code will be sent through your mobile number. Enter the authorization code and click log in.
  • You are now at the head of institution (HOI) portal. An incoming transfer will be displayed. Click action button to recommend the transfer and enter your comments.
  • Click the submit button once through.

Nb. Sometimes, the head of institution gets transfer requests through the institution emails or HOI portal.

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