INTERN TEACHERS – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 19 Nov 2023 05:05:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Intern Teachers to Get Confirmed on PnP Terms in 2025 Sun, 19 Nov 2023 05:05:45 +0000 Intern Teachers to Get Confirmed on PnP Terms in 2025

A total of 46,000 intern teachers will have to wait a little bit longer before their employment terms are converted to permanent and pensionable after their employer Teachers Service Commission (TSC) affirmed that their term of employment will automatically change after two years.

Appearing before the National Assembly Education Committee chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly last week, the Commission’s Director of Staffing Antonina Lentoijoni stated that the interns will have to wait for another one year before the government confirms them to permanent and pensionable.

“There are two sets of interns. There are those who started on February 1,and those who began working on September 1.The ones we are talking about sending letters of extension of contract for another one year in December are for those in February,”Lentoijoni said.

The Commission appeared before the lawmakers during the hearing of the 2023/2024 supplementary budget by the Committee, which was submitted in the National Assembly by the Chairperson of Budget and Appropriation Committee Ndindi Nyoro on October 26,2023.

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Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has however dismissed their employer’s position stating that TSC must honour its earlier commitment and absorb the teachers to permanent and pensionable immediately their first year term ends.

The Union Secretary General Akelo Misori said the proposal on teachers currently serving on internship contracts in primary and Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) will demoralise them.

“Whereas the teachers’ employment contract clearly stipulates that  they were to serve as interns for only one year,the TSC has not taken the necessary steps to employ them on a permanent basis from January 2024 when their current contract expires,” Misori said.

He argued that teachers have exhibited their patriotism to the nation by going out of their way to offer services to learners despite the hard-working environment.

In the supplementary budget the Ministry of Education will receive a third of the Ksh187.3 billion mini-budget, where education sector will receive Ksh62.1 billion.

In the proposed additional appropriations, the State Department for Higher Education and Research will receive an additional 29.3 billion while TSC is scheduled for an increased allocation of Ksh19.7 billion for teachers’ resource management, signaling the recruitment of tutors to alleviate a biting shortage, which has been exacerbated by the roll-out of the competency-based curriculum.

All Interns to Be Retained on TSC Pay Roll on Permanent and Pensionable Terms Sun, 15 Jan 2023 05:07:27 +0000 All Interns to Be Retained on TSC Pay Roll on Permanent and Pensionable Terms

All interns who have been serving in the year 2022 will be absorbed to be permanent and pensionable teachers.

This is according to a memo signed by TSC Director of Staffing Joseph Mugele dated January 11.

“The interviews for the exercise commence on Friday, January 13 and recruitment documents are scheduled for February 6,’ the memo reads.

The Director requested that the interns should not be removed from the payroll.This, he said would help in waiting for their employees under the new terms.

“The Board has resolved that all teachers who were serving on internship programmes in 2022 be absorbed on permanent and pensionable terms of service in the ongoing teacher recruitment process,” Mr Mugele said.

In a statement in December, the commission said 10,000 of the teachers will be employed on permanent pensionable terms while 25,550 will be intern teachers.

“The purpose of this memo is therefore to request that all the 2022 teacher interns should not be deleted from the payroll awaiting the processing of their employment on permanent and pensionable terms of service. Note this advisory and advise your staff accordingly,” he said.

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It said 9,000 of the slots are for permanent secondary school teachers and 1,000 for primary school teachers while 21,550 slots are for intern teachers for Junior secondary schools.

The Commission said another 4000 intern teachers will be hired for primary schools.

TSC also bowed to pressure from Parliament and included biological age as the key consideration in recruiting teachers.

This is the first time age is considered as a parameter of teacher listing in changes contained in an addendum to the guidelines for recruitment issued by the TSC.

The teachers’ employer has also emphasized the length of stay after one qualifies to teach, heralding a complete shift in the manner it seeks to employ teachers.

In the revised score sheet, length of stay and age are given priority at 70 and 25 marks, respectively.

The remaining five marks are awarded based on the strength of academic and professional papers one holds.

Those who qualified as teachers in 2011 and are not yet employed will get 65 marks followed by 2012 who will get five marks less, 60.

The subsequent years have their scores reduced by five marks with those who qualified in 2022 scoring 10 marks, the lowest in that category.

TSC Issues New Tough guidelines for hiring 35,521 Teachers, Promises to Confirmed All Current Interns Thu, 15 Dec 2022 05:32:46 +0000 TSC’s New Tough guidelines for hiring 35,521 Teachers

Tutors who have remained jobless the longest since graduation will get the first priority when the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) hires this month, while those already serving as interns in secondary schools will automatically be absorbed to teach in junior high.

On Wednesday, TSC announced that those who qualified as teachers in 2010 or before and have not been in employed by the commission will score an automatic 60 per cent, while those who graduated this year and last year will have a five per cent score under the section of ‘length of stay since qualifying as teacher’. This will apply for primary and post-primary teachers.

This is according to guidelines for the recruitment of teachers released by the TSC that will be used as the commission hires 35,000 teachers this month.

Academic qualifications will also play a big role in the scoring. For graduate teachers, a first class honours degree will earn the applicant 35 per cent of the marks, a second class 30 per cent and a pass 25 per cent. For diploma holders, a distinction will score 30 per cent, a credit 25 per cent and a pass 20 per cent.

The applicants’ communication ability is weighted at five per cent.

The application window will close tomorrow after which the TSC will develop the merit lists for the selection to start. Tomorrow, TSC regional and county directors will be taken through a ‘virtual sensitisation’ of the recruitment, including the guidelines.

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December 2022 Recruitment Slots For Junior Secondary Schools

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The TSC yesterday also released a schedule of activities during the recruitment period. After the closure of the application window, the commission will embark on the generation of applicants’ lists, shortlisting by the sub-county selection panel and invitation for interviews. This will be completed on Friday next week.

“The merit lists shall be used in the current recruitment of teachers and any subsequent recruitment process within the financial year,” reads the guidelines.

Only five applicants will be shortlisted per advertised post.

The lists of shortlisted candidates will be submitted to TSC headquarters by the regional directors on December 27.

“The list of shortlisted applicants by subject combination shall immediately be submitted to the TSC county director who shall verify the lists, compile and submit the lists to TSC regional director who shall in turn verify, compile and submit the lists to the headquarters for publishing on the TSC website,” the guidelines read. This will be on December 30.


The country recruitment process will take place for eight days beginning on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, and ending on Thursday, January 12. The successful candidates will be vetted at the county level, where complaints will also be handled up to January 20. During the period, the hired teachers will sign internship agreements, offer of internship letters and those on permanent terms will sign offer of employment letters. They are all expected to report to school on January 23 when schools open.

The commission has also explained that applicants who have training in subjects that are currently not in the secondary school curriculum will not be eligible for recruitment, even if they have a post-graduate diploma in education.

Some of the areas of study that do not qualify include Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources, Horticulture, Fisheries, Meteorology, Farm Machinery, Anthropology, Forestry, Sociology, Biotechnology, Animal Husbandry, Journalism, Theology and Divinity.

Government to hire 1000 Teachers as Interns-Apply Now Wed, 20 Jul 2022 02:52:55 +0000 Government to hire 1000 Teachers as Interns-Apply Now

The Ministry of Education has invited trained but jobless graduate teachers to apply for recruitment as intern teachers.

Public Service Commission chief executive Simon Rotich on Tuesday confirmed that 1000 vacancies are available under the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP), which operates under the State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education.

“Successful applicants will be appointed and deployed to schools where, in addition to acquiring practical skills and knowledge, the interns will be a vital support for the DLP,” Rotich said.

Successful applicants will serve in the schools where they will be deployed, under a contract of 12 months.

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Top 5 Shortlisted Successful Applicants Per School Per County in July 2022 TSC Recruitment, Dates and Venues

Final Interview Merit Lists For TSC Recruitment-July 2022

Schools Given 10 Weeks to Upload Results For Grades 4-6 practical subjects

“The interns will be paid a stipend by the State department, at a rate as determined by the Public Service Commission,” Rotich said.

Rotich also revealed that successful applicants will be awarded certificates at the end of the 12-month internship period.

Eligible applicants must have graduated not earlier than 2018 and be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Education with Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a specialty.

Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in ICT or Diploma in ICT or ICT Integration in Education are also eligible to apply.

Those with knowledge and background in networking and infrastructure, information security, applications development and projects management will also be considered.

They must also be able to integrate with Education in terms of E-learning and content development.

Rotich said August 9, 2022 is the application deadline and all applications must be done online via or

Recruitment of intern teachers is part of government efforts to bridge existing teacher deficit in the country.

The 2021 Annual Report of the Teachers Service Commission indicates that teacher shortage in primary and secondary schools stands at 99,213.

The report said 44,134 of that figure is the number of teacher shortage in primary schools.

Under the Medium-Term Plan III of the Vision 2030, the government empowered TSC to recruit 5,000 teachers annually to alleviate teacher shortage.

The Duties include, but not limited to;

  • Support of E-Learning and content development in line with the schemes of work
  • Provide class support and training of Primary School teachers in use of digital literacy devices
  • Support implementation of the Digital learning programme
  • Carrying out innovations to enable schools improve on use of digital learning.
  • Provide support in safe, secure and ethical use of technology in learning
  • Assist teachers by integrating ICT in delivery of teaching, learning and assessment
  • Support school staff with development and production of key school policies and procedures
  • Provide first line support and maintenance of ICT services in the schools

Duration of Internship

Twelve (12) months-Non renewable


The interns will be paid a stipend by the State department at a rate as determined by the Public Service Commission.


On successful completion of the Internship Programme, the interns will be awarded a certificate by the State department

How To Apply

Interested and qualified graduates are requested to make their applications through the Commission’s job portal accessible through or by 9th August, 2022.

TSC Reveals When Junior and Senior Intern Teachers Will Receive Stipend Wed, 23 Feb 2022 04:27:04 +0000 TSC Reveals When Junior and Senior Intern Teachers Will Receive Stipend

Sources close to the teacher’s service commission, TSC, have revealed the when the newly employed intern teachers are set to be paid.

Early January this year, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) posted a total of 1,995 intern teachers to schools. Additionally, it renewed internship contract for 4,005 teachers whose one-year service contract ended in December 2021. This brought the total number of intern teachers to 6,000.

However, all the newly employed interns and those who renewed their contracts missed their January stipend and are currently struggling to pay for basic needs.

The Commission had advertised 1,995 teacher internship posts in September 2021 where 1,038 posts went to primary schools and 957 posts to secondary schools.

According to TSC, the recruitment of the intern teachers was in support of the Governments initiative to develop a pool of young talents for the Kenyan Labor Market.

“TSC is determined to see that teachers are properly staffed. It is working with Ministry of Education to ensure enough teachers are provided by recruiting 5,000 teachers every year and also by engaging intern teachers,” reads a section of the TSC internship policy.

Sadly, the recruited intern teachers missed their January pay. TSC said payment for intern teachers are made earlier depending on the date they were received in their new station.

Upon receiving the intern teachers, School heads are required to fill and submit online casualty. Delay in submitting online casualty form on time derails the Commission effort to effect payment.

However, TSC sources say the intern teachers attached to both primary and secondary schools should expect their stipend for January and February to be paid on Friday 25th February 2022.

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The teachers will also have their payslips made available on the TSC T-Pay portal to show the total earning plus deductions.

Interns attached to primary schools get a monthly stipend of Kshs. 15,000/=while those in secondary schools get Kshs.20,000/=.

In the year 2020 recruitment of teachers on permanent terms TSC failed to automatically confirm intern teachers, instead it awarded them ten marks for serving under internship. In the new score sheet it released to guide recruitment of teachers in July 2021, TSC directed 30 marks to be awarded to applicants who will provide “evidence of internship service”.

There are still complains by some teachers on why intern teachers should be awarded 30 marks when some have served for less than two months under internship.

Some years ago TSC used to bar intern teachers from applying for permanent and pensionable. The teachers were only allowed to apply after finishing their contract. However, this has changed. In January also the Commission declared 2,945 replacement vacancies to replace teachers exiting service through natural attrition i.e.2,053 posts for primary schools and 892 posts for secondary schools.

Revised KUPPET  2021-2025 CBA Proposal captures intern Teachers Sun, 02 May 2021 08:39:32 +0000 Revised KUPPET  2021-2025 CBA Proposal captures intern Teachers

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, has already drafted a revised copy of its CBA 2021-2025 proposal and submitted to the teachers’ service commission, TSC.

The decision to review the proposal was arrived at during the KUPPET-TSC Naivasha retreat in March.

KUPPET has adjusted its CBA 2021-2025 salary proposal to between 45 to 60 per cent, from the initial 30 %-70%.

Although the treasury has cited lack of funds to fully implement the projected CBA, KUPPET has not commented and the matter. However, submitting its proposal to TSC means there are still more hopes concerning the July salary hikes.

In the new proposed CBA, KUPPET wants intern teachers to be retained by the teachers’ service commission for more than six months before permanent employment and paid a monthly stipend of ksh. 25,000.

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In addition, KUPPET also wants TSC to provide scholarship to teachers a master’s degree in education programmes and actively in class. The union wants the introduction of a post graduate allowance for teachers who poses masters and PHD degrees, irrespective of their positions in service.

The proposal also wants teachers to manage pension for teachers unlike the current set up where retired teachers are frustrated and unable to access their pension.

Another proposal by KUPPET is for the government to provide car loans and mortgage to teachers.

KUPPET was reacting to the SRC job evaluation report, which recognized the huge workloads classroom teachers have and the additional responsibilities that will come in the wake of the CBC curriculum. Next

Years of Graduation Likely to Win in the January 2021 TSC Replacement interviews Per Subject Combination Thu, 03 Dec 2020 18:55:24 +0000 Years of Graduation Likely to Win in the 2021 TSC Replacement interviews Per Subject Combination

The upcoming 2021 TSC replacement interviews are likely to be associated with very stiff competitions in each of the TSC subject combinations.

The stiff competition will be contributed by the fact that most graduate teachers, who ignored internship last year, will be eying the magical 10 marks for internship, which guaranteed 95 % of current interns a hustle free absorption by TSC.

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Top 10 subject Combinations With the Highest TSC Internship Employability Rates in 2020

Top 7 Cheapest and Best Personal Accident Insurance Covers For Interns

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Allowances Teachers will Earn During CBC Training

The higher stipend, compared to last year’s, will also attract most competent applicants, especially those who have over stayed in private schools and ‘bigger schools.’ Most national schools pay between ksh. 17,000- Ksh. 22,000, but with very exhausting tasks.

It is also worth noting that most BOM and private school teachers lost their jobs due to the biting effects of Covid-19 that led to closure of schools and eventual partial reopening of schools. Some private schools never opened and the teachers have been forced to come to terms with the unexpected situations. The only option left therefore is internship, and they will not leave any chance unexploited.

We at elimupedia sampled the years and scores for each subject combination, likely to carry the day. The projections were made, following the results of the 2019 interviews that were conducted by TSC to recruit teachers.

The sampled data should not make any potential intern to lose hope since getting a chance depends on a number of factors, luck included. Different regions may also have slightly different projections. Primary school interns who graduated in the year 2013 and before may win the primary internship slots.

All the best colleagues in your quest to get slotted.


SN Subject Combination Y.O.G / SCORE
1. Bio / Chem 2020 upper / 2021 first class
2. Bio / Math 2020 upper / 2021 first class
3. Bio / Agric 2019 lower / 2020
4. Bio / Geog  2019 upper / 2020 first class
5. Phyc / Chem 2020 lower / 2021
6. Phyc / Math 2019 upper / 2020
7. Math / Chem 2020 upper /2021 first class
8. Math / Geog 2018 upper / 2017 lower
9. Chem / Agric 2020 lower / 2021
10. Kisw / Geog 2019 upper / 2018 lower
11. Kisw / Cre 2017 upper / 2016 lower
12. Kisw / Hist 2017 upper / 2016 lower
13. Kisw / French 2018 upper
14. Hist / Cre 2017 upper / 2016 lower
15. Hist / Geog 2020 upper / 2021 first class
16. Eng / Lit 2018 first class / 2017 lower
17. Eng / French 2018 upper
18. Bust / Maths 2017 upper / 2016 lower
19. Bust / Geog 2020 upper / 2021 first class
20. Bust / Cre 2017 upper / 2016 lower
21. Bust / Hist 2017 upper / 2016 lower
22. Comp /…….. 2020 / 2021
23. H. Science / …. 2020 / 2021
24. Drawing / Design 2021 / 2021
25. Power Mechanics 2021 / 2021
26. Metal Work 2021 / 2021
27. Wood Work 2021 / 2021
28. Music /…… 2021 / 2021
29. Aviation 2021 / 2021
30. Electricity 2021 / 2021
31. German 2018 upper / 2017 lower
32. Hist / French 2018 upper / 2017 lower
34. Cre / French 2018 upper / 2017 lower
35. Primary schools 2015
Top 7 Cheapest and Best Personal Accident Insurance Covers For Interns Thu, 03 Dec 2020 15:08:57 +0000 Top 7 Cheapest and Best Student Personal Accident Insurance Covers For Interns

Potential employees intending to get employed in various fields are sometimes subjected to a period of internship, prior to being absorbed.

All interns are normally required to present a personal accident insurance cover for the period they will be in internship. In Kenya, TSC interns, PSC interns, medical interns, nursing interns, procurement interns, among others must subscribe to an insurance company that covers them in case they get involved in accidents or deaths during the entire period of internship.

Read also:

TSC 2020 Internship Interview Dates and Venues In Each Sub county

TSC Internship Interview Merit lists Per County

Years of graduation likely to win in TSC internship 2020

Top 10 Subject Combinations with the Highest Employability Rates in the TSC Internship Interviews 2020

Interview questions in the TSC Internship Interview 2020 and their answers

Years of Graduation Likely to Win in the 2020 TSC internship interviews Per Subject Combination

Just In: Why TSC Has Banned Current Interns From The Ongoing Internship Applications

Senate On A Rescue Mission To Save Teachers’ Savings From The Sinking Spire Bank


There is no deal if an intern takes a personal accident insurance cover meant for students. Trusting an insurance provider may sometimes be very difficult and that’s why elimupedia took time sampling the best companies that can offer personal accident insurance covers to interns.

1. Co-operative Bank Of Kenya

From experience in dealing with cooperative bank, it can be conclusive that it offers the cheapest and most convenient personal accident insurance cover. At a minimum of  ksh. 300, this mega darling financial institution will cover you for a whole year. To register with cooperative bank for a personal accident insurance cover, all you need is to carry your national ID to the nearest cooperative bank and visit its insurance section.

2. Equity Bank Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This cover provides compensation foe death, permanent disability, medical /funeral expenses from an accident/ injury during the cover period, among others. The cheapest personal accident insurance cover premium for equity bank is ksh. 750 annually.

To register for this personal accident insurance cover, visit any equity bank branch nearest to you and request for the proposal.

3. KCB Student Personal Accident Cover

This cover is designed for learning institutions as well as individual students especially students who require personal accident cover when proceeding to attachments or internships.
The policy has got affordable premiums friendly to interns’ and parent’s pockets.
The policy mainly provides compensation for death, permanent disability, medical expenses and funeral expenses as a result of involvement of the insured student in an accident.
For more information one can contact the KCB insurance customer desk;
Tel:+254 020 228 7000
Cell +254 711 087 000/ 732 187 000

4. CIC Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This covers death, permanent total disability, medical expenses, artificial appliances, funeral expenses and emergency rescue services.

The minimum premium in their proposal costs ksh. 1000  annually. You can visit any CIC office country wide to register.

5. Heritage Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This covers death, permanent total disability, medical expenses, artificial appliances, funeral expenses and emergency rescue services.

The minimum premium in their proposal costs ksh. 1150  annually. You can visit any heritage office country wide to register.

6. Britam Personal Accident Insurance Cover

This is an insurance policy available for students on attachments or internships in the course of their learning period.

Britam provides monetary payments in an event of accident to the insured student.

The policy provides compensation for death, total disability, medical expenses and funeral expenses. The minimum premium costs about ksh. 1300

For more information one can contact Britam through:

Tel+ 254 020 283 3000

Cell+254 703 094 000

7. HF Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover from

This is a student insurance cover specifically designed for students to cover financial compensation in case of an accident.

The policy covers students in active education and students in attachments or internships. Education institutions can take this policy to cover their students in case of accidents.

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