JULIUS JWAN – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 09 Nov 2022 03:45:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 MOE Orders Principals to Release Learners’ KCSE Certificates, Despite Huge Fee Balances https://elimupedia.com/moe-orders-principals-to-release-learners-kcse-certificates-despite-huge-fee-balances.html Wed, 09 Nov 2022 03:45:29 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10322 MOE Orders Principals to Release Learners’ KCSE Certificates, Despite Huge Fee Balances

The ministry of education has directed all primary and secondary school heads to give students their certificates even if they never cleared school fees.

The ministry has further warned schools from charging any fee balances from them prior to the release of the documents. This is contained in a circular sent by Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Education Dr Julius Jwan instructing all county directors of Education to ensure the directive is adhered to.

“The Ministry of Education has sent numerous reminders and circulars to schools through the field officers warning them against the introduction of extra levies, withholding KCPE/KCSE certificates and conducting illegal tuition during the weekend and school holidays,” Jwan said.

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Jwan maintained that over the years, the Government has cushioned pupils from poor backgrounds by introducing Free Primary Education and Free Day Secondary Education.

He revealed that the ministry has been receiving several complaints from parents and guardians whose children have not been given the vital certificates.

Parents Demand Direct Line to Report To Report Principals Charging Motivation Fees https://elimupedia.com/parents-demand-direct-line-to-report-to-report-principals-charging-motivation-fees.html Sun, 07 Aug 2022 05:52:52 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8705 Parents Demand Direct Line to Report To Report Principals Charging Motivation Fees

A section of Parents have called upon the Education Ministry to provide a direct line that can be used to report school heads who will continue to charge ‘motivation fees,’ against the government’s directive that such fees should be charged.

This is after the Principal Secretary, State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education Dr. Julius Jwan warned that the government will take action to government schools that send learners home over levies to motivate teachers.

The PS, who termed the practice unacceptable said that the government would hold field officers who do not report the cases accountable.

A majority of the parents claim that most field officers collude with headteachers and board members.

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They allege that parents’ representatives are unashamedly part of the ‘motivation fees’ scheme.

“Last week I attended an opening day in one of the extra county schools in Kisumu County and the administration in conjunction with the parents’ representatives were bold enough to tell us point blank that we will pay whether we like it or not,’ narrated a parent.

Another parent said, ‘As long the ministry doesn’t have an easy and reliable way parents can report the schools asking for this money, the rampant vice will continue to flourish.

According to a testimony by another parent, some learners have been denied clearance and their certificates withheld because of not paying motivation fees.

Heads Warned Against Demanding Teacher Motivation Money From Parents https://elimupedia.com/heads-warned-against-demanding-teacher-motivation-money-from-parents.html Fri, 29 Jul 2022 02:20:02 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8420 Heads Warned Against Demanding Teacher Motivation Money From Parents

Head teachers and principals of public schools nationally have been warned of dire consequences should they demand motivation fee from parents.

State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education Principal Secretary (PS) Dr. Julius Jwan has warned that the government will take action on public schools sending learners home over their inability to raise money for teacher motivation fees.

The PS maintained that the government will now take action against field officers who do not report those cases.

“We will hold field officers responsible because this is happening right in their presence. It is unacceptable that we keep getting a lot of complaints every time. They should give us comprehensive reports to engage TSC to handle the cases,” he said.

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Dr Jwan warned teachers punishing students for not performing well in their academics, speaking against a popular viral case where teachers punished a student for failing to attain 400 marks.

Two teachers have already been arrested in connection with the case and are yet to be arraigned in court to face assault charges.

Auditor General Issues Lists Of Documents to be Presented By School Heads During Nationwide School Audits https://elimupedia.com/auditor-general-issues-lists-of-documents-to-be-presented-by-school-heads-during-nationwide-school-audits.html Fri, 15 Jul 2022 02:26:30 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8132 Auditor General Issues Lists Of Documents to be Presented By School Heads During Nationwide School Audits

Auditor general Nancy Gathungu has released a list of documents that each school should submit for review.

Following the statement by Early learning and basic education PS Julius Jwan, all schools will be audited for the last two financial years.

The schools therefore are supposed to present documents dated 20220/2021 and 2021/2022 financial year

“Secondary schools will undergo financial audit whereas primary schools will have their enrollment data verified from the County Director of Education,” Jwan said.

Jwan added that in preparation, CDE has to submit lists of public schools and their enrolment, acknowledgement of FDSE and enrolment data for the county in the year under review.”

Secondary school heads will on the other hand present:

  • school registers,
  • financial statements,
  • cashbooks for all accounts,
  • bank statements,
  • vouchers to support payment,
  • list of all non-teaching staff,
  • letter of approval for RMI expenditure and
  • list of teaching staff.

Jwan clarified that the auditing exercise will go on, even on weekends and instructed school heads to avail all required documents.

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“CDEs and SCDEs should advise the schools that the auditors have unfettered access to the documents information and the school,” he said.

The statement was sent out to all county directors of education.

Previously, the Auditor would only asses state departments in the ministry of education.

Jwan was speaking during a past event where he urged school heads to co-operate.

“The government audits public institutions so they are going to do ten per cent in every county,” Jwan said.

The schools will range from the national, extra county, and county to sub-county schools.

The state department led by Jwan would appear in Parliament to respond to queries on how money was spent in schools.

“This is money that was disbursed in their own right so I think it’s time they are held accountable,” Jwan said.

However, Jwan said the main reason for auditing is to hold individual heads and not an umbrella department.

You’ll Be Jailed For Conducting Holiday Tuition, Ministry Warns https://elimupedia.com/youll-be-jailed-for-conducting-holiday-tuition-ministry-warns.html Wed, 06 Jul 2022 05:28:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7730 You’ll Be Jailed For Conducting Holiday Tuition, Ministry Warns

Schools and school heads have been cautioned by the ministry of education against conducting holiday tuition against the latter’s directive.

Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education Julius Jwan has warned school heads to conduct holiday tuition at their own risk. The ps urged schools to let children be with their parents.

The PS was speaking on Monday during the ongoing Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) annual conference at Pride Inn in Mombasa.

Holiday tuition was banned by the Ministry of Education in August 2008 for both private and government schools. The ministry termed any extra learning as “prison tuition”.

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The Learners, who went for a ten-day break on July 1 at the end of the first term, are expected to resume studies for term two on Monday, July 11.

Some schools have however have retained their form four and class eight students in bid to cover the syllabus in readiness for the examinations. The ministry warned such heads against flouting the ministry’s guidelines. He said going against the guidelines attract very heavy fines, including a jail term.

“We have received information from Mombasa and some other areas where some private schools have put children in the institutions in the name of tuition. Let’s give children a break. We know our schedule is very tight and we had a case in Mombasa where our senior ministry official found learners in class. Schools are closed,” said Dr Jwan.

The PS urged the school proprietors to follow Ministry of Education guidelines.

“You cannot put children in school at this time and they only have 10 days to rest before reopening. Even if you need money, please give parents time to prepare children,” added the PS.

Meanwhile, the ministry has directed Quality Assurance and Standards officials to reinspect all private schools with a view to determining their preparedness for Junior Secondary School (JSS).

The directive was issued by Education CS George Magoha during his address at the KPSA conference.

The pioneer class of Grade 6 learners will transition to Junior Secondary School in January 2023.

Some 1.24 million candidates will sit the inaugural Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) under the CBC from November 28.

A timetable released by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) indicates candidates will be assessed in five papers for three days until November 30, 2022.

The PS for Implementation of Curriculum Reforms Fatuma Chege said the government has prepared guidelines for the placement of Grade 6 pupils in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS).

Panic as Auditor General Sets To Audit All public secondary schools from next week https://elimupedia.com/panic-as-auditor-general-sets-to-audit-all-public-secondary-schools-from-next-week.html Tue, 05 Jul 2022 02:04:10 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7719 Panic as Auditor General Sets To Audit All public secondary schools from next week

School principals are going to be held accountable for expenses on resources in public secondary schools.

For the first time, the ministry of education will oversee the auditing of public secondary schools in the country.

According to the Early learning and Basic education PS Julius Jwan, government owned institutions will also be part of the audit process.

In the past, the Auditor would only asses state departments in the ministry of education.

Jwan was speaking during the Anglican Churches of Kenya school principals’ association in Nairobi.

“The government audits public institutions so they are going to do ten percent in every county,” Jwan said.

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All the national, extra county, county and sub-county schools will face the audit.

The state department, led by Jwan would appear in Parliament to respond to queries on how money was spent in schools.

“This is money that was disbursed in their own right so I think it’s time they are held accountable,” Jwan said.

However, Jwan said the main reason for auditing is to hold individual heads and not an umbrella department accountable for the expenses.

He dismissed the notion that the schools are being audited to unfold irregularities in the management.

“An audit is not done because there are irregularities, it is done to ensure systems are functioning well,” he said.

Jwan added that school heads are allowed to manage a lot of resources that require auditing.

For instance, national schools which have more than 2,000 students pay up to Sh45,000 yearly.

“Some of our schools manage more resources compared to some SAGAs in the ministry,” Jwan added.

Schools to Miss Government Capitation for Failing to Acknowledge Receipt of Funds   https://elimupedia.com/schools-to-miss-government-capitation-for-failing-to-acknowledge-receipt-of-funds.html Sun, 08 May 2022 04:12:46 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6564 Schools to Miss Government Capitation for Failing to Acknowledge Receipt of Funds  

The Ministry of Education has asked all public schools to acknowledge that they have received capitation funds, whenever they do, or they will not receive the funds until they acknowledge it. Only those schools that acknowledge this, either through National Education Information Management System (NEMIS) or manually, will continue receiving support from the government.

The ministry, through a circular dated April 28 and signed by Dr. Julius Jwan, the Principal Secretary for Basic Education, disclosed that there were concerns raised from the 2021-2022 audit review that most schools across the country have not acknowledged receipt of funds disbursed by the government.

Schools that have not acknowledged receipt of funds have therefore been given up to May 7 to do so either through a letter to the ministry or through NEMIS.

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Currently, in Kenya, the government funds each student in public schools to a tune of Sh. 22,244 per year. That means about Sh 7,400 per quarter, which is calculated by the number of students each school has in order to get the figure that schools receive annually.

In April, during the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) annual conference held in Mombasa, school heads led by their Chairman, Indimuli Kahi requested the government to raise the figure from Sh. 22,244 to Sh.30,000 for each student.

These capitations came through the free education initiative brought by the third president of Kenya, the late Mwai Kibaki which begun when he took office in January 2003.

About 10,000 public secondary schools and over 25,000 public primary schools are beneficiaries of the government capitation.

School Heads Warned Against Selling Form One slots https://elimupedia.com/school-heads-warned-against-selling-form-one-slots.html Fri, 06 May 2022 03:26:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6553 School Heads Warned Against Selling Form One slots

Secondary school heads have been warned against giving out or selling Form One slots belonging to learners who are yet to report.

In a circular released on Wednesday 4, and copied to all county directors, Basic Education Permanent Secretary Dr Julius Jwan said the slots would remain allocated to the students until Education CS Prof George Magoha gives further directions.

“Because of 100 per cent transition, schools shall not replace any student who fails to turn up until the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education declares the exercise is over,” reads the circular.

“Beneficiaries of Elimu Scholarships should have their places reserved until they report,” said Jwan.

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Apart from county directors, the circular was also copied to the Education Cabinet Secretary, Chief Administration Secretary, Chief Executive Officer, Teachers Service Commission and Regional Directors of Education. The officials are directed to ensure the information is communicated to all schools countrywide.

According Jwan, the form one admission process, which kicked off countrywide on May 4, will continue until the 100 per cent transition is achieved.

He has directed the schools to submit daily reports on admissions to the County Directors of Education.

He also asked schools to ensure the internal systems are put in place to support the new students, especially the vulnerable, and the ones with special needs.

MOE Advertises Posts For Quality Assurance and Standards Officer https://elimupedia.com/moe-advertises-posts-for-quality-assurance-and-standards-officer.html Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:01:44 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5862 MOE Advertises Posts For Quality Assurance and Standards Officer

The Ministry of Education, State Department for Early Learning is currently implementing numerous educational reforms. To enable the State Department effectively and efficiently implement these reforms, applications are Invited from suitably qualified serving Teachers with Teachers Service Commission to fill the following posts.

VACANCY No.1/2022

SALARY SCALE: Ksh.49,000 p.m.to Ksh.87,360p.m,


LEAVE ALLOWANCE: Kshs.6,000 p.a,



TERMS OF SERVICE: Permanent and Pensionable,

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Duties and responsibilities will entail: planning and carrying out quality assurance and standards assessments:
  • disseminating quality assurance and standards assessment reports to educational institutions,
  • advising Education Boards on the standards of Education,
  • coordinating school activities and programs:
  • organizing pedagogical skills upgrading for teachers;
  • organizing and coordinating co-curriculum activities:
  • determining the Education Quality Index, and guiding, advising and appraising officers under their supervision.

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Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:

  • Served in the grade of Senior Graduate/Approved Teacher with Teachers Service Commission in Job Group ‘M or an equivalent for at least three (3)years;
  • Bachelor of Education degree from a recognized institution;


Bachelor of Arts/Science with Education from a recognized institution;


Bachelor of Arts/Science and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from a recognized institution.

  • Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution; and
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

Interested and qualitied applicants MUST complete an online application form through the Ministry’s website via the link https://recrultment.education.go.ke


  • Candidates should upload certified copies of academic, professional certificates and transcripts.
  • All the details requested in the advertisement should be filled in the online application form.
  • Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce original copies of their Identity cards, Academic and Professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.
  • Candidates shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview. Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.
  • The Ministry of Education is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity and gender equality. Persons living with disability (Pwds)are encouraged to apply.
  • Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • All applications must reach this office via the link provided above on or before Monday 4th April,2022.
MOE Warns School Heads Against Making Church Services Compulsory For Students https://elimupedia.com/moe-warns-school-heads-against-making-church-services-compulsory-for-students.html Mon, 07 Mar 2022 02:49:12 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5761 MOE Warns School Heads Against Making Church Services Compulsory For Students

The ministry of education has warned School administrators against violating learners’ religious rights. According to Education PS Julius Jwan, some schools are using religion as a factor to either deny admission or expel learners from school.

He cited banning students from wearing religious attire like hijab and turbans, as well as forcing students to take Islamic Religious Education, Christian Religious Education or Hindu.

Other violations include denying learners an opportunity to observe religious rites and prayers, failing to allocate worship rooms or spaces, and forcing learners to participate in religious activities that are contrary to their beliefs.

“The constitution acknowledges that Kenyans belong to diverse ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds and the law expounds on the need to respect these diversities,” said Jwan.

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Jwan’s circular came after atheists raised the matter. In a letter to Education CS George Magoha last week, Atheists in Kenya Society asked the ministry to prohibit compulsory prayers and observation of religious rites.

AKS said it received complaints from students about mandatory church services on Sundays.

“The most recent complaint was from a student at Kinjo Mixed Day Secondary School in Meru,” said president Harrison Mumia. He said it is time to rethink mandatory prayers in public schools.

“Organised mandatory prayer and religious observance in public school settings, whether in the classroom or at a school sponsored event, is unconstitutional,” Mumia added.

Echoing Mumia’s views about learners’ rights as enshrined in the constitution, the PS further added: “No one may be denied access to any institution, employment, facility or enjoyment of any right because of one’s religion.”

According to the PS, violation of religious rights in schools has negative effects as some students end up dropping out.
