President William Ruto has promised Laikipia county 300 new teachers to ease the transition into the CBC curriculum.

Addressing a congregation in Laikipia county on Sunday at an interdenominational church service, the President said the new teachers will be posted before the end of the month.

“Tumekubaliana  kabla mwisho wa mwezi huu, tutakua tumeandika walimu wapya hapa Laikipia. Walimu 300 wapya watatusaidia katika transition ya masomo ya watoto wetu wanaojiunga na junior secondary,” Ruto said.

(We have agreed that before the end of this month, we will have hired new teachers in Laikipia. The 300 new teachers who will help us in the academic transition of our children joining junior secondary.)

This comes after the Teachers Service Commission recently disclosed the biting teacher shortage in primary schools.

Read also:

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The TSC in a document tabled in Parliament revealed that primary schools are struggling with a serious teacher shortage which affects the quality of learning.

According to the teachers’ employer, all public primary schools require 272,545 teachers.

However, there are only 224,218 teachers across the country on the TSC’s payroll.

This means there is a deficit of 48,327 teachers across the country.