Mwanza – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 17 May 2020 09:20:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 8 Best Private Primary Schools in Dodoma. Fri, 15 May 2020 14:21:57 +0000 Top 8 Best Private Primary Schools in Dodoma.

The present world believes that private schools are the best for their children when it comes to incredible and substantial education. Their moral behavior enlightenment  is of standard comparatively.  To some extent this may be right as teachers in this sector seem more serious having pupils/students at heart more than public sector where there is more of “I don’t care” mood. In this case, majority of performers come from top most private schools. Below are some of the best private primary schools in Dodoma.

1. One Planet School

This is one of the best private primary schools in the world. They have both national and international education syllabus. Pupils are encouraged to empress success as they observe self discipline, confidence and self assurance as they grow up along with their education. They’re taught to work independently with much enthusiasm. The aim in this school is preparing children for university and life thereafter. With the teachers’ careers and aspirations programme, dynamic curriculum and extensive enrichment opportunities, they inspire pupils to flourish by being well rounded young people with high discipline. The school has improved its way of teaching for success through engaging with universities and businesses who guide them on personal development. The pupils are taken through all life aspects to enable them cope with both outside and inside world for the betterment of their future. Many parents are fond of this school due to its ways of operation and discipline. For any parent who would like the child to join this school kindly reach out on the head of the school via +255 621 939 393. The school is located near college of education udom, Tanzania.

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2. Ignatius Primary

This is another best private primary school being run by the  Jesuits in collaboration with sisters of saint Gemma galgani. There’s good response from parents through yearly enrollment where a good number of pupils are admitted. In this school teachers are much committed to an extent of offering other activities besides normal subjects. They offer talent classes where pupils get to understand which area of practical activities they’re good at like; drawing, clay art, sewing and cookery. The school also takes pupils through ICT classes which is a rare unit in other schools. This is an added advantage to the school’s popularity. Pupils here are taught how to be critical thinkers hence becoming morally responsible, acting both skillful and wisely advancing towards their future. The school has a sponsorship programme which favors both the needy and bright pupils as a token of appreciation. There are enough buses for transport  pupils since this is a day school. The school population is growing rapidly, given its advanced curriculum system.

In case one is interested in visiting the school, reach out to the teacher in charge through +255 757 603,966.

3. Martin Luther Primary

It’s a school adored by many given its background of Christianity. Martin Luther was a staunch Christian who fully devoted himself to his maker. Besides education, the school trains children in a spiritual, and intellectual way helping then grow physically fit. The school follows the footsteps of the legend through observing the principles he laid down for children’s education and serving God in humility and care.

The school strives to provide quality education for the new generation. This encourages pupils to work hard to be valuable people in future. Due to the schools belief, many parents have seen it wise to admit their children here. Good moral standards and spiritualism are also offered beside good education. the school administration can be contacted through :+255 26 2352222, +255 784 204050, +255 784 330201, +255 784 449 098.

4. Canon Andrea Mwaka School

This is not only a school focusing on pupils within the city but also internationally. Despite ones cultural background, admission is acceptable. The school trains pupils socially, spiritually  and academically smart. This helps them to have a wider range of options to offer to the community, thus adding value to it. the staff  are from both local and international areas. The school is a sought after social institution.

The school is aiming at providing quality education which is affordable by people of different calibers. Pupils are offered quality learning opportunities to help them develop social skills with attitudes necessary for living to help them work in different places of diverse cultures. contact the school management through
+255 26 2323220.

5. Dar ul muslimeen

This is an Islamic based school where only Muslims can cope with education provided, given their difference belief from that of Christians. They believe in Quran, their God being Allah.

Pupils are taught how to treasure others by sharing the little they have like books, clothes, shoes, food, paying visit in hospitals and orphanages. Apart from the gifts, they learn like any other pupil and sit for exams. Their way of dressing is different from the rest as they have to put on a long tunic and cover their heads due to their belief. enquiries can be made through +255 26 232 2009.

6. Rainbow Primary

 The school is a promise of God and not a symbol of pride where pupils rise and shine academically, spiritually and mentally.

Teachers here, together with the head, work tirelessly to ensure that the school emerges the best. They not only prepare children for secondary, but also for the entire future through vocational skills and building their good character. Teachers in this school have their children at heart by considering their well being, making sure they luck nothing and have no excuse for under performance. The school welcomes pupils from all walks of life, with no discrimination.To  learn more about the school, reach out on +255 713 358 945.

7. El Shaddai Primary

The school is Christian based. These are today’s readers but tomorrow’s leaders. They strive to excel. Their fee is inclusive of text books with all stationery thus not giving the parent hard time of shopping for them.

Parents who pay fee in time get the privilege of discount. Bursary is also offered to parents/guardians with difficulties in fee payment.

They’re well equipped with extra curriculum activity apparatus and a well structured field. The school performance has always been one of the best in the entire country. enquiries can be made through +255 746 130 971.

8. Dct Holy Trinity

A school liked by many from all walks of life and  pupils are joining from all angles of the world. As the name describes it, indeed it’s a holy trinity school that dwells much on spiritual and good moral behavior. The performance is so amazing due to proper academic materials compared to other schools. The school is situated at a strategic point where anybody can access easily. Contact the administration through  +255 26 235 1600.
