NATIONAL SCHOOLS IN KENYA – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 24 Jul 2022 15:39:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 List of 2021 KCPE Candidates Admitted in Each National School Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:49:35 +0000 List of 2021 KCPE Candidates Admitted in Each National School

Each national school in Kenya has received a list of 2021 KCPE Candidates to admit in May 2022, based on the capacity. Below is a list of candidates who were lucky to get admitted in the national schools in Kenya after securing over 380 marks in the recently released KCPE examinations. Click on the school or county to get the full list.

if not interested in the school, you can change your school by clicking here.

Region County National  School
RIFT VALLEY Uasin Gishu County Moi Girls, Eldoret
Trans Nzoia County St. Joseph’s Kitale
Turkana County Lodwar High
Turkana Girls
West Pokot County Chewoyet Boys HIgh
St. Theressa’s Tartar Girls
Narok County Ole Tipis Girls
Kilgoris Boys
Kajiado County Oolaiser Boys
Moi Girls Isinya
Nakuru County Nakuru Girls
Utumishi Academy
Bomet County Kaplong Girls’
Tenwek Boys
Kericho County Kipsigis Girls
Kabianga Boys
Elgeyo Marakwet County St Patricks Iten
Moi Girls Kapsowar
Nandi County Kapsabet Boys
St. Joseph Chepterit Girls
Baringo County Baringo Boys
NYANZA Homa Bay County Mbita High School
Asumbi Girls
Siaya County Maranda High
Ngiya Girls
Nyamira County Nyambaria Boys
Sironga Girls
Kisii County Kisii School
Nyabururu Girls
Kisumu County Maseno School
Kisumu Girls
Migori County Moi Nyabohanse Girls
Kanga High
METROPOLITAN Nairobi County Pangani Girls
Starehe Boys Centre
Starehe Girls Centre
Kenya High
Lenana School
Nairobi School
CENTRAL Kiambu County Alliance Girls
Alliance Boys
Mang’u Boys
Loreto Limuru
Limuru Girls
Mary Hill Girls
Murang’a County Murang’a High
Kirinyaga County Baricho Boys
Kabare Girls
Nyeri County Bishop Gatimu Gandu
Nyandarua County Kirima Girls
Nyandarua High School
Laikipia County Nanyuki High School
Njonjo Girls
EASTERN Tharaka Nithi County Chogoria Girls
Ikuu Boys
Embu County Moi High School Mbiruri
Siakago Girls
Meru County Meru School
St. Mary’s Girls Igoji
Isiolo County Isiolo Girls
Garbatula Boys
Makueni County Makueni Boys
Machakos County Kathiani Girls
Mbooni Boys
Kitui County Kitui High
Muthale Girls
Marsabit County Moi Girls, Marsabit
Moyale Boys
NORTH EASTERN Garissa County NEP Girls
Garissa High School
Mandera County Mandera Boys
Moi Girls, Mandera
Wajir County Wajir Boys
Wajir Girls
COAST Mombasa County Shimo La Tewa Boys
Mama Ngina Girls
Taita Taveta County Kenyatta High School
Bura Girls
Lamu County Mpeketoni High
Lamu Girls
Tana River County Ngao Girls
Hola Boys
Kwale County Kwale High School
Matuga Girls
Kilifi County Bahari Girls
Ribe Boys
WESTERN Kakamega County St. Brigids Kiminini
Kakamega High School
Butere Girls
Vihiga County Chavakali High School
Bunyore Girls
Busia County Sa Kolanya Girls
Bungoma County Friends School Kamusinga
Lugulu Girls
Butula Boys High School

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Magoha issues Form One selection rules For KCPE 2021 Candidates Thu, 31 Mar 2022 03:25:55 +0000 Magoha issues Form One selection rules

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha yesterday assured integrity in Form One placement. He said the selection criteria will take into account affirmative action and geographical distribution.

The process is already underway and will see learners who sat the 2021 KCPE examination placed in national, extra county, county and sub-county schools.

“Affirmative action will take into account the geographical distribution of this country. Children from the northern region must be represented in national schools. To do that, God and the government have given us the powers to be fair,” said Magoha.

Speaking on the sidelines of a Surgical Society of Kenya conference in Mombasa, Magoha said the selection criteria will not discriminate against well-performing students, especially those in slums and arid and semi-arid areas.

“We will ensure that all children are given equal, fair and just treatment, including children in the slums and those in far-flung arid and semi-arid areas where we have always had affirmative action”, said the CS.

He added that all the 1.2 million candidates who sat the examination would be placed in the secondary schools they chose, if possible. “Where the chances are limited, merit will prevail.”

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Some 11,857 candidates scored 400 and above, 315,275 had 300-399 marks, another 578,197 had 200-299 marks, 307,532 had100-199 marks while 1,170 had between 0-99 marks.

They are all expected to join secondary schools under the 100 per cent transition policy. “We will place you where you belong in terms of your selection. There will be no interference at all,” he added.

Students picked 11 schools of their choice — four national, three extra-county, two county and two sub-county schools. They will know the schools they have been placed in two weeks.

As the country prepares to usher in Grade 7 under the new curriculum, the CS challenged private schools to create junior secondary schools to ease the burden on the government.

“Private owners of schools should not always look at the profit margin. They should create stand-alone junior secondary schools to reduce the pressure on us,” said Magoha.

He disclosed that secondary school games could resume next term owing to relaxation of Covid rules.

“I will consult the health minister and, most likely, as we open for the new year, we could relax that aspect,” he said Magoha.

He said those who attempt to breach exam integrity in the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) will be punished.

Secondary Schools To Be Classified Based On Courses Under CBC Thu, 13 Jan 2022 02:54:44 +0000 Schools To Be Graded Based On Courses Under CBC

The government is considering classifying senior secondary schools based on courses they will offer under the new curriculum, Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has said.

Prof Magoha hinted yesterday that some national schools may be picked to exclusively offer three main courses covering Humanities and Arts, Sports Science as well as Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), since they are already well established and have better infrastructure.

Senior Secondary Schools under the new curriculum will cover Grades 10 to 12.

“We are going into a new system where at Senior Secondary, we will be having pathways for three years.

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There are those very well established institutions that we might suggest will have the three pathways.

Others with two pathways will be mainly day and smaller boarding schools,” said Magoha.

Speaking in Nyeri the CS said schools would be classified based on their ability to provide the STEM courses.

“Perhaps schools with three pathways can be classified as national. In order to do so, you must have very good facilities in the likes of Kenya High, Kapsabet, Alliance Boys and Girls,” Magoha explained.

He continued: “I will not be there but as a professor I have to reason. But there will be a dichotomy where there are those schools allowing two pathways and those with three.”

A CBC taskforce report stated that the proposals are that 60 per cent of learners at Senior Secondary will pursue four tracks in the STEM pathways.

Remaining 25 per cent of learners will pursue Languages and Social Sciences while 15 per cent will be in the Sports Science, Performing and Visual Arts.

Placement to Senior Secondary will be based on formative and summative assessments in Junior Secondary and learners career choices.

All the current 10,359 secondary schools will host both Junior and Senior Secondary levels.

Ministry will identify schools that can host the three main courses progressively and enhance their infrastructural capacity.

CBC group will transition to Senior Secondary in 2026 and due to the increase in the number of learners, schools will require additional infrastructure and human resource.

“Given the projections, the existing 10,359 secondary schools will require at least two additional classrooms to absorb those learners in 2026.

However, the government will have to establish more secondary schools in regions where there are shortages of institutions,” states the CBC taskforce report.

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development will be expected to implement a career guidance programme to prepare learners for choice of pathways and tracks in Senior Secondary.

At the same time, the existing 35 Special Needs Education secondary schools can be designated to cater for both Junior and Secondary for tracks respective learners with special needs can pursue in the three pathways.

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:01:32 +0000 List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

Each county in Kenya has at least one national school, with Nairobi county having the highest number of national schools. Below is a list of all the national schools in kenya per county.

Region County National  School
RIFT VALLEY Uasin Gishu County Moi Girls, Eldoret
Trans Nzoia County St. Joseph’s Kitale
Turkana County Lodwar High
Turkana Girls
West Pokot County Chewoyet Boys HIgh
St. Theressa’s Tartar Girls
Narok County Ole Tipis Girls
Kilgoris Boys
Kajiado County Oolaiser Boys
Moi Girls Isinya
Nakuru County Nakuru Girls
Utumishi Academy
Bomet County Kaplong Girls’
Tenwek Boys
Kericho County Kipsigis Girls
Kabianga Boys
Elgeyo Marakwet County St Patricks Iten
Moi Girls Kapsowar
Nandi County Kapsabet Boys
St. Joseph Chepterit Girls
Baringo County Baringo Boys
NYANZA Homa Bay County Mbita High School
Asumbi Girls
Siaya County Maranda High
Ngiya Girls
Nyamira County Nyambaria Boys
Sironga Girls
Kisii County Kisii School
Nyabururu Girls
Kisumu County Maseno School
Kisumu Girls
Migori County Moi Nyabohanse Girls
Kanga High
METROPOLITAN Nairobi County Pangani Girls
Starehe Boys Centre
Starehe Girls Centre
Kenya High
Lenana School
Nairobi School
CENTRAL Kiambu County Alliance Girls
Alliance Boys
Mang’u Boys
Loreto Limuru
Limuru Girls
Mary Hill Girls
Murang’a County Murang’a High
Kirinyaga County Baricho Boys
Kabare Girls
Nyeri County Bishop Gatimu Gandu
Nyandarua County Kirima Girls
Nyandarua High School
Laikipia County Nanyuki High School
Njonjo Girls
EASTERN Tharaka Nithi County Chogoria Girls
Ikuu Boys
Embu County Moi High School Mbiruri
Siakago Girls
Meru County Meru School
St. Mary’s Girls Igoji
Isiolo County Isiolo Girls
Garbatula Boys
Makueni County Makueni Boys
Machakos County Kathiani Girls
Mbooni Boys
Kitui County Kitui High
Muthale Girls
Marsabit County Moi Girls, Marsabit
Moyale Boys
NORTH EASTERN Garissa County NEP Girls
Garissa High School
Mandera County Mandera Boys
Moi Girls, Mandera
Wajir County Wajir Boys
Wajir Girls
COAST Mombasa County Shimo La Tewa Boys
Mama Ngina Girls
Taita Taveta County Kenyatta High School
Bura Girls
Lamu County Mpeketoni High
Lamu Girls
Tana River County Ngao Girls
Hola Boys
Kwale County Kwale High School
Matuga Girls
Kilifi County Bahari Girls
Ribe Boys
WESTERN Kakamega County St. Brigids Kiminini
Kakamega High School
Butere Girls
Vihiga County Chavakali High School
Bunyore Girls
Busia County Sa Kolanya Girls
Bungoma County Friends School Kamusinga
Lugulu Girls
Butula Boys High School

