PROMOTION VACANCIES – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 05 Jan 2023 04:08:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TSC Re-dvertises 14,731 Promotion Vacancies-P1 Teachers Favoured Thu, 22 Dec 2022 05:47:52 +0000 The Teachers Service Commission is a Constitutional Commission established under article 237 of the Constitution. One of its mandate is to appoint and deploy institutional administrators.

Pursuant to this mandate, the Commission invites applications from suitably qualified teachers for the posts shown below in line with the Teachers Career Progression Guidelines.

Interested candidates, who meet the required qualifications, should submit their applications online through the TSC portal – so as to be received on . Manual applications shall not be considered.


Advert No. Advert Name T-Scale Grade Posts
27/2022 Chief Principal (Teacher Training Colleges) 15 D5 4


S/No Advert No. Advert Name T-Scale Grade Posts
1. 28/2022 Chief Principal (Regular School) 15 D5 73
2. 29/2022 Chief Principal (SNE School) 15 D5 4
3. 30/2022 Principal (Regular School) 13 D3 602
4. 31/2022 Principal (SNE School) 13 D3 8
5. 32/2022 Deputy Principal I 13 D3 17
6. 33/2022 Deputy Principal II 12 D2 725
7. 34/2022 Deputy Principal III (Regular School) 11 D1 224
8. 35/2022 Deputy Principal III (SNE School) 11 D1 15
9. 36/2022 Senior Master II 11 D1 208
10. 37/2022 Head teacher (Regular School) 10 C5 2,733
11. 38/2022 Head teacher (SNE School) 10 C5 32
12. 39/2022 Deputy Head teacher II (Regular School) 9 C4 7,720
13. 40/2022 Deputy Head teacher II (SNE School) 9 C4 22
14. 41/2022 Secondary Teacher I 8 C3 1,330
TOTAL 13,713

(Baringo (Baringo North, Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat Sub-Counties), Garissa. Homa Bay (Suba and Mbita Sub-Counties), Isiolo, Kajiado (Mashuuru, Loitoktok and Kajiado West Sub-Counties), Kilifi (Magarini and Ganze Sub- Counties), Kitui (Mumoni, Mutitu North and Tseikuru), Kwale, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Narok (Narok South and North Sub-Counties Counties), Samburu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot).

S/No Advert No. Advert Name T-Scale Grade Posts
1 42/2022 Principal 13 D3 25
2 43/2022 Deputy Principal II 12 D2 17
3 44/2022 Deputy Principal III 11 D1 8
4 45/2022 Senior Master III 10 C5 7
5 46/2022 Senior Master IV 9 C4 10
6 47/2022 Deputy Principal III 11 D1 20
7 48/2022 Senior Master III 10 C5 7
8 49/2022 Senior Master IV 9 C4 90
9 50/2022 Head teacher 10 C5 62
10 51/2022 Deputy Head teacher II 9 C4 21
11 52/2022 Senior Teacher I 8 C3 20
12 53/2022 Senior Teacher II 7 C2 32
13 54/2022 Deputy Head teacher II 9 C4 195
14 55/2022 Senior Teacher I 8 C3 223
15 56/2022 Senior Teacher II 7 C2 284
TOTAL 1,021


  1. Applicants for vacancies in ASAL and Hard-to-Staff Counties/Sub Counties shall be required to upload the letter of deployment to the current responsibility during
  2. Candidates who will be successful in the interviews shall be required to present valid Chapter six documents before they are considered for
  3. For details on each advertisement, applicants are advised to visit the TSC website:

Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



