PSC – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 06 Sep 2023 04:10:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PSC Announces 1000 Internship Vacancies For Teachers-Apply Now Wed, 06 Sep 2023 04:10:24 +0000 PSC announces 1000 internship Vacancies For Teachers

The Public Service Commission has announced up to 1,000 internship opportunities in the State Department for Basic Education under the Digital Literacy Programme.

PSC on Tuesday said those interested in the internship opportunity should make their application before September 25, 2023.

“The Ministry of Education, State Department for Basic Education has declared 1,000 vacancies for internship under the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP), Cohort 3,” the commission said.

PSC said the successful candidates will be appointed and deployed to schools at the subcounty level, where, in addition to acquiring practical skills and knowledge, the interns will play a critical role in supporting virtual learning and other related digital platforms.

PSC said among the requirements for an appointment for the internship opportunity, a candidate must have graduated not earlier than 2019.

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The candidate must also have a Bachelor’s degree in Education with a specialisation in Information Communication Technology or a Bachelor’s degree in ICT, or a Diploma in ICT or ICT Integration in Education, from knowledge in networking and infrastructure, applications development, and information security.

“The candidate must be willing to be deployed to any Sub County Education office within the country on a full-time basis,” the commission said.

The internship duties and responsibilities will include supporting of E-Learning and content development in line with the schemes of work.

The intern will also provide class support and training for Primary School teachers in the use of digital literacy devices.

“The intern will support the implementation of the Digital Learning Programme and carry out innovations to enable schools to improve on the use of digital learning,” the commission said.

PSC said the intern will also provide support in the safe, secure and ethical use of technology in learning.

“They will also assist teachers by integrating ICT in delivery of teaching, learning and assessment and support school staff with development and production of key school policies and procedures,” PSC said.

Successful candidates will also provide first-line support and maintenance of ICT services in the schools.

The internship will run for 12 months with a stipend which is non-renewable.

PSC said the stipend will be paid by the State Department for Basic Education at a rate as determined by the Government Certificate.

“On successful completion of the Internship Programme, the interns will be awarded a certificate by the State Department,” PSC said.

Interested and qualified applicants are requested to make their applications online through the Public Service Commission’s job portal accessible through or by  September 25, 2023.

PSC Advertises 1,300 teaching vacancies-How to Apply Fri, 07 Apr 2023 03:48:59 +0000 PSC Advertises 1,300 teaching vacancies-How to Apply

The government through the Public Service Commission has announced 1,300 opportunities for the position of Vocational and Technical Trainers in 220 Vocational and Technical Training Institutions across the country.

This comes after President William Ruto, while on a tour of Kisii County at Kisii Polytechnic hinted at the government’s commitment to employ more tutors in technical institutions.

‘‘It has come to my attention that in this institution, the college is footing some of the tutors’ salaries. I had previously undertaken an undertaking that we are hiring 1,300 teachers and we are going to ensure that 50 of those teachers will come to this college,’’ Ruto said.

He urged those contracted by the college to apply so that they can secure the opportunity.

Some qualified 588 Degree, 398 Higher Diplomas and 314 Diploma tutors have until April 17, 2023, to submit their testimonials through the Council.

How to Apply

submit your applications directly to the institutions where vacancies exist.

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Successive candidates will be required to apply for licensing and registration by the TVET Authority.

Nairobi County with eight training institutions leads with 63 teaching chances while Kakamega County having 10 colleges will get 62 slots.

Uasin Gishu County has eight vocational training institutions having been allocated 57 vacancies while the entire Kiambu County will get 52 teachers.

Bungoma County in Nzoia region has seven technical institutions and will get 50 tutors while Kisii County has seven colleges, 46, Nakuru has eight will get 43 tutors, Nyeri and Nandi has six institutions and will get 42 and 40 tutors respectively.

The least is Isiolo and Lamu Counties with one institute each will have four tutors posted but West Pokot will have one more tutor, Marsabit 9, Samburu with two, 10 tutors, Wajir and Tana River with three, 12 tutors, Kirinyaga 13, Kwale, Laikipia and Mandera Counties both have 14 slots.

Eldoret National Polytechnic, Kisumu National Polytechnic, Kisii National Polytechnic and Sigalagala National Polytechnic will each have 14 tutors.

Kabete, Meru, Nyeri, Kitale National Polytechnics will receive 13 while Rift Valley Technical Training, Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology will also get the same number of tutors.

Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, Ramogi Institute of Agriculture and Technology, and Kenya School of TVET, will have 11 tutors.

TSC to Take Over Management of TVET Tutors From PSC Thu, 16 Feb 2023 03:29:56 +0000 TSC to Take Over Management of TVET Tutors From PSC

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu has revealed plans to take back the powers to develop the TVET curriculum to the original body.

Machogu while meeting principals of colleges said KICD should be left to deal with pre-primary, primary and secondary schools.

“We are already in the process of allowing the mandated body to develop curriculum for our institutions,” Machogu said.

He added that the tutors will as well be transferred back to Teachers Service Commission from the Public Service Commission.

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The CS urged Form Four candidates to embrace the institutions saying they will get hands-on- skills.

” Our institutions are in the process of being well equipped to take in more form four leavers to pursue different courses,” he said.

Previously there was a proposal to transfer functions from the Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC) to the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).

If this was amended, the powers to develop curriculum in TVETS will be handed to KICD and KNEC.

According to a report by the National Assembly Budget Committee dated May 2022, the proposal would face legal hurdles.

The report signed by then MP Kanini Kega clarified that CDACC was established under an Act of Parliament which is still functional.

“This proposal may face legal hurdles if it is implemented without amending TVET Act 2003,” the report reads.

The lawmakers explained that KICD and KNEC should not be handed the curriculum powers before the law is amended.

“That the functions of CDACC should not be transferred before the relevant law is amended to give it the full force of law,” the report reads.

TVET Act 2003, states that the functions of the Council include undertaking design, developing curricula for TVETS and making rules concerning examinations.

CDACC is also mandated to issue certificates, promote recognition of its qualifications in foreign systems and investigate cases involving exam indiscipline.

The council consists of a chairman appointed by the CS, TVETs PS, TVET Authority Director-General of the Authority and six members appointed by the CS.

The chairman of the council shall hold office for a period not exceeding three years but shall be eligible for reappointment.

The members appointed by the CS shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for reappointment.

This proposal originates from parastatal reforms in 2014, where Kinyua wrote to the then Education CS Jacob Kaimenyi.

PSC Throws Out Sossion’s Application For PS Sat, 15 Oct 2022 04:36:21 +0000 PSC Throws Out Sossion’s Application For PS

Sossion has suffered another blow after his ambitions to become a permanent secretary got cut short by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

An analysis of the list of applicants released by the PSC shows the names of the likes of Wilson Sossion, former Ndhiwa MP Agostinho Neto, Justina Wangui Wamae, former Bomet Senator Christopher Lang’ata, former Emgwen MP Alex Kosgey, former Lamu Senator Anuar Loitiptip, Farmers Party leader Irungu Nyakera, former Laikipia woman representative Cate Waruguru and former Turkana Central MP John Lodepe.

Others are former National Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge, government’s spokesperson Cyrus Oguna, Amani National Congress (ANC) director of ICT Nathaniel Mong’are, former Nyandarua Speaker Wahome Ndegwa,Mining and Petroleum Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) John Mosonik, and Kanu Women Congress national chairperson Betty Adera.

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Also on the list are United Democratic Movement (UDM)secretary-general David Ohito, former nominated Senator Alice Milgo, ANC boss Musalia Mudavadi’s spokesperson Kibisu Kabatesi, former Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua,former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara, former Chesumei MP Wilson Kogo and former Rangwe MP Martin Otieno Ogindo.

The PSC had initially released the names of 477 shortlisted for the PS jobs after receiving 9,154 applicants, but it then expanded the list to 585 candidates. This means that 108 persons were added.

The agency had on Friday night cancelled an earlier list of shortlisted candidates for the position of principal secretary and issued a new, expanded one.

The commission said it had reviewed the number of shortlisted candidates “in order to increase inclusivity with regard to gender, the marginalised and minority groups, the youth and persons living with disability.”

TSC To Lose Hiring Costs of TVET tutors To PSC In New Proposal Wed, 01 Jun 2022 03:01:20 +0000 TSC To Lose Hiring Costs of TVET tutors To PSC In New Proposal

Members of Parliament have staged a proposal that will see hiring TVET staff completely withdrawn from the Teachers Service Commission.

Policy resolutions relating to the annual budgets dictate that this new proposal should be implemented before the financial year 2022/2023.

“That the National Treasury transfers resources on administrative costs related to the program, ‘Human Resource Management on TVETS’,” reads the policy.

If the proposal goes through, the costs will be transferred to the Public Service Commission which will now bear the cost of hiring TVET tutors. PSC has been in charge of recruiting TVET staff for the last four years.

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The proposal is determined to ensure that no allocation of hiring TVET tutors comes to TSC since not all benefits were completely transferred.

According to the proposal, TSC will only receive a budget allocation for hiring teachers and interns.

In 2018, the education ministry transferred teachers in TVET institutions from TSC’s payroll to the Public Service Commission.

Former Education CS Amina Mohamed said the ministry had already forwarded data of trainers in all the 138 TVETs institutions to PSC to effect the transfer.

Technical colleges were asked to review their fees downwards by between 30 and 50 per cent to increase the student population in those institutions.

Once put on the PSC payroll, TVET tutors have been enjoying different terms of service different from the ones they work under together with their colleagues in primary and secondary schools.

The plan saw more than 2,000 new TVET trainers recruited to cater for the current shortfall.

The enrollments were also meant to cater for new TVET institutions that were under construction.

According to the final budget estimates for the financial year 2022/2023, TSC will be allocated Sh298bn.

This includes Sh289bn for teacher resource management, Sh7.2bn for general administration and another Sh1.2bn for governance standards.

In this year’s budget, TSC was allocated Sh2.5 billion to recruit more teachers and Sh1.2 billion to train them in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Further, TSC received Sh294.7 billion, half of which will go into teacher remuneration.

According to TSC, Sh2.5 billion is sufficient to hire 5,000 teachers.

KUPPET To Refund ksh. 90 Million Deducted as Agency Fee To Teachers Sun, 19 Dec 2021 12:30:41 +0000 KUPPET To Refund ksh. 90 Million Deducted as Agency Fee To Teachers

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has suffered a huge blow after being ordered by the court to refund Sh90 million in member dues and agency fees. The sum has cumulatively been deducted from more than 3,500 tutors in technical institutions currently employed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) for three years.

Justice Maureen Onyango of the Employment and Labour Relations Court, in her judgment, said that no employer can effect any deductions of union dues unless the forms signed by employees have been received from said trade union and its validity is ascertained.

“That the respondents each refund any monies deducted from the salaries of the claimant and the persons on whose behalf he filed this suit and remitted to the first respondent on account of union dues or agency fees after the date they ceased to be employees of the third respondent,” said Justice Onyango.

The judgment was in response to a case filed by a technical and vocational education training (TVET) institution tutor Kepher Oguwi Langi.

He had named Kuppet the first respondent, Vocational and Technical Training PS as the second respondent, the Teachers Service Commission and the Attorney-General as the fourth respondent.

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According to Langi, despite the government transferring TVET tutors from the employment of TSC to the PSC, the union has illegally continued to receive membership dues meant for the tutors from the employer.

Langi said he and the more than 3,500 tutors ceased being members after the transfer. Though about 500 others were members of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) , Knut has not been deducting dues from the TVET tutors. The Kuppet deducts 1.8 percent of members’ basic salary as union dues.

According to Langi, the union was deducting not less than Sh6 million from the tutors monthly.

“Cumulatively, the illegal deductions amount to Sh90 million,” he said.

Langi said the respondents illegally made a consent with Kuppet and continued to remit union dues and agency fees.

He told the court that the union did not have a recognition agreement with the PSC, the Vocational and Technical Training PS. Therefore, he said, the union could not purport to represent the tutors.

He said the consent between the TSC and Kuppet to deduct union dues from TVET tutors in the absence of duly filled and signed forms remain unlawful and not implementable.

In response, the Kuppet argued that Mr Langi was not part of the consent and did not meet the legal threshold to cause the variation or set aside of the consent.

The union asked the court to set aside the case.

In defence, the TSC said Langi did not raise any justifiable issue against the commission.

Justice Onyango said upon the transfer of the trainers from TSC to PSC, they ceased being members of the union. She ordered that deduction be stopped immediately terming them illegal.

PSC Launches A Training Programme For civil servants, As Teachers Prepare For December TPD Wed, 24 Nov 2021 04:18:05 +0000 Ministry of Public Service Launches A Training Programme For civil servants

Ministry of Public Service, Emerging Public Leaders(EPL), , Emerging Leaders Foundation (ELF) and Emerging Public Leaders (EPL) have partnered to launch new programme aimed at empowering young civil servants to improve on their service delivery to Kenyans.

This is after it emerged that the reputation of public service is dented with corruption, nepotism and inefficiencies.

Under the programme, young public servants will be trained to be aware of skills and competencies for public service to enable them deliver services to the public better.

The training, which will last a year, targets civil servants who have worked for only six months and not beyond one year.

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The training will cover; putting citizens at the centre of public service, the public service leadership and ethos and finally skills for young public leaders.

The details emerged during the launch of the Emerging Leaders Fellowship, a partnership between Ministry of Public Service, Emerging Leaders Foundation(ELF) and Emerging Public Leaders(EPL).

The first 50 recruits of the program will be competitively recruited through an advertisement published in local dailies detailing eligibility and requirements.

According to the Public Service Principal Secretary Charles Sunkuli, the program will serve as a critical entry point for young public service leaders and create an in-depth awareness of ethos key to attainment of national values and goals.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Prof Margaret Kobia appreciated the programme and thanked the commission, ELP and ELF for putting together what she termed as a ‘relevant learning and development programme.’

‘‘It is timely in the public service and will go along way in strengthening value based leadership and supporting institutional building,” said Kobia.

“These youth will be trained to apply their talents and enhance efficiency in public service delivery,’’ said CS Kobia.

“…and giving responsibility to young people is therefore not anew practice in the public service,” said Kobia.

Kenya is the third country where such programme has been launched after Liberia and Ghana.

Comparing this program to the recently launched TPD program, a section of teachers feel TSC needs to borrow a lot from the ministry of public service concerning capacity building courses. TSC recently launched  a self sponsored 30 year TPD programme targeting all teachers .

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Pain As 4,000 teachers transferred without letters Miss Salary Increments Wed, 05 May 2021 14:56:26 +0000 Pain As 4,000 teachers transferred without letters Miss Salary Increments

The fate of about 4,000 teachers hangs in the balance two years after they were transferred to the Public Service Commission (PSC) to teach in technical colleges.

The teachers, now referred to as trainers, were moved from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) after the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Act, 2013 transferred the technical training function from to the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training.

Consequently, the PSC approved the transfer of service for lecturers in polytechnics, technical institutes, and Vocational Training Institutes to the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training with effect from July 1, 2018.

With this, through a circular dated July 27, 2018, TSC transferred some 3,780 lecturers and institutional Administrators to the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training.

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Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) together with five TVET trainers petitioned the Employment Court to reverse the transfer of the teachers from TSC to the PSC.

In his judgment of March 1, 2019, Justice Nelson Abuodha nullified the TSC circular and the transfer, declaring it unconstitutional. The teachers were to return to TSC immediately.

However, on July 15, 2019, Kuppet and the Ministry of Education recorded a consent in court to pave way for a smoother transition in line with the spirit of the TVET Act.

Part of this was for them to sign a recognition agreement between the ministry and the union and for the TVET Authority to advise on harmonised Scheme of Service for the trainers.

Two years after the transfers, the teachers are yet to get appointment letters.Vocational and Technical Training Principal Secretary Margaret Mwakima told the Senate Education Committee last week that letters of transfer of service letters have not been issued to the trainers since orders that declared the transfer null and void have not been vacated.

Mwakima also said that the teachers have been subjected to suffering as decision is yet to be reached conclusively.

“It is important to note that this matter has taken long and has caused confusion and suffering among the affected trainers,” said Mwakima.

It is now emerging that the teachers are yet to get any salary review after they stopped being TSC employees. The teachers missed out on the third and fourth phases of the Sh54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA), losing between Sh30,000 and Sh21,000 among the least paid and highest paid staff respectively.

It emerged that if the teachers were paid these salary increments, it would have resulted to huge pay disparities in the public service.

And now, Kuppet wants the court to vacate the consent they entered with the ministry and the court orders enforced to return the teachers to TSC.

In a letter dated April 15 to Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, Kuppet argues that there is no indication that the ministry intends to honour the consent.

“This is to hereby notify you that Kuppet will be moving to court to have the consent set aside and judgment executed,” said Akello Misori, Kuppet secretary general.

Misori said the teachers have suffered psychological torture as they have stagnated in the same job groups with stagnated pay.

“If they remained on TSC payroll they would have been compensated because they were budgeted for in the Sh54 billion CBA,” said Misori.

Mwakima, however, argued that the teachers were moved based on TSC’s policy of recruiting teachers with what they referred to as “two teaching subjects” and failing to recognize the fact that a technical course comprises more than “two teaching subjects.”

The PS also said that the teachers were transferred as the TSC policy on recruitment is not flexible enough to allow the hiring of most of the technical courses experts in the TVET institutions.

KNUT Plans To Appoint A Commissioner of Teachers in The TSC Through BBI Mon, 30 Nov 2020 02:49:24 +0000 KNUT Plans To Appoint A Commissioner of Teachers in The TSC Through BBI

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, in its effort to fight for better and stronger for teachers’ rights, has plans to have a teacher commissioner in the TSC.

KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion confirmed that there are plans to remodel the union through the proposed constitutional changes under the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) so that teachers are properly represented.

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The union wants a commissioner of teachers in the TSC as in the case with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) and the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC).

“The architecture of the TSC must be revisited. The minimum we will ask for is to have teachers appoint their own commissioner to represent them. This will be done through the BBI process due to the adamant disregard for the law by the current commissioners,” said Mr. Sossion.

“Just like the proposals to have political parties nominate commissioners to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), teachers must also have the opportunity to appoint a qualified Kenyan to represent them. This person to be appointed by teachers does not have to be a unionist,” he added.

KNUT believes that the commissioner appointed by teachers will adequately represent teachers in the TSC, without discriminating teachers and their unions. Sossion has insisted that the current TSC representation has no interest of the Kenyan teacher at heart, probably because none of the commissioners were appointed by teachers themselves.

The official further accused the commission of illegally suspending a negotiated, valid and legally signed Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for 2017-2020, which he noted has resulted in lack of promotions and salary increments.

“We signed a CBA which cannot be withdrawn. We have a certificate but the TSC suspended the document unilaterally,” he said.

“The employer has brewed bad blood between us and the government after going to the Court of Appeal and failing. We have no issue with the government but the employer, TSC.”

Sossion strongly believes that the BBI document will effectively remodel TSC representation so that teachers will also voice their concerns with regards to appointment of TSC commissioners. Through the unions, KNUT and KUPPET, teachers will be able to appoint a sober commissioner, who will represent their interests amicably in the TSC.

Mbaka Summoned By EACC Tue, 17 Nov 2020 10:28:56 +0000 Mbaka Summoned By EACC

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission EACC, has launched an investigation into an incident in which Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George Magoha publicly insulted and humiliated a ministry official.

Through a letter, EACC has summoned the victim, Dr. Mbaka, to record a statement over the incident at its Eldoret offices on Wednesday 18th November 2020.

Read also: Magoha Summoned By EACC For Publicly ‘Bullying’ An Officer

“The commission, pursuant to its constitutional mandate as set out inter alia under article 252(1) (a) (d) of the constitution and section 4 (2) and 42 (10) of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012, is investigation allegations of unethical conduct touching on the CS, Ministry of Education regarding an incident that occurred at Langas Primary School in Eldoret town on or about November 6 during a tour of the school,” read the letter signed by the EACC deputy regional head (North Rift region), Mark Ndiema.

“The commission has reason to believe that you have information that may assist in this investigation and would like to shed light and record a statement on the matter,” the stated.

“To this end, you are invited for interview and statement recording at EACC North Rift regional office on Wednesday November 18,” read the letter finally.

Last week, Public Service Commission withdrew from Magoha, of powers to carry out human resource functions at his ministry.

Magoha boldly responded to the PSC that only president Uhuru Kenyatta can stop him from carrying out his functions at the ministry.

“Unless otherwise directed by my appointing authority, I shall continue to perform all my duties and responsibilities with zeal and commitment and ensure all officers in the Ministry of Education perform their duties for the benefit of the Kenyan child, parents and all education stakeholders,” he said.
