Raila Odinga – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sun, 28 Aug 2022 06:03:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 5 Things That Raila Shared With UN Secretary Genera Over a Phone Call https://elimupedia.com/5-things-that-raila-shared-with-un-secretary-genera-over-a-phone-call.html Sun, 28 Aug 2022 04:58:17 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9760 5 Things That Raila Shared With UN Secretary General Over a Phone Call

The details of the phone conversation between Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga the United Nations secretary general António Guterres have been revealed.

Raila said he got a call on Thursday from Guterres and they talked about the developments in the country.

Among the things that the duo discussed are;

  • Current happenings and the outcome of the general elections
  • the processes initiated by Azimio coalition to get satisfactory solutions to perennial rigging of Kenyan elections.
  • Kenya’s democracy must mature
  • Azimio is determined to pursue legal and constitutional means to resolve the disputes over the decision by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to try to hijack its victory
  • regional stability and Kenya’s commitment to continue contributing to the region.

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List Of Form 34B’s Not Signed By Azimio Agents https://elimupedia.com/list-of-form-34bs-not-signed-by-azimio-agents.html Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:24:30 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9559  

Bomet Central



Webuye West

Mumias East

Baringo Central

Baringo North





Kuresoi North

Kiambu County

Gatundu South


Kinango Constituency

Igembe Central

Narok East

Emuruar Dikiir – Signed by a stranger purported to be Azimio Agent

Narok West

West Mugirango




Tigania East


Suba South – no results indicated

Narok West – only one page scanned

How Uhuru Kenyatta Will Hand Over Power to the President-Elect https://elimupedia.com/how-uhuru-kenyatta-will-hand-over-power-to-the-president-elect.html Mon, 15 Aug 2022 07:46:46 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=9352 How Uhuru Kenyatta Will Hand Over Power to the President-Elect

During the inauguration day, a presidential motorcade will be on standby at the residences of the president-elect and his deputy and they will be heavily guarded by a contingent of General Service Unit (GSU) officers who will guide them to the swearing-in ceremony.

The presidential procession, which will have a similar number of vehicles as the outgoing president’s normal fleet, will then proceed to the inauguration venue likely be set at a national arena such as the Kasarani Stadium, as was the case with President Kenyatta.

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While the President-elections are expected to be sworn in on the first Tuesday following the fourteenth day after the date of the declaration of the presidential election results, if no petition has been filed, he will be afforded all the presidential rights his predecessor enjoys even before taking the oath of office.

While making his way to the inauguration grounds, the incoming president will be briefed on aspects of the state such as government structures, intelligence, state of the economy, and exact details of the swearing-in process.

Prior to the ceremony, the organising committee will send the presidential standard to the State Uniform Committee for designing. The standard will be designed to the liking of the president-elect.

The names of all guests and dignitaries who will attend the event will also be forwarded to the steering committee by the president-elect and the outgoing Head-of-State.

Swearing in Ceremony

The swearing-in ceremony will run between 10 am to 2 pm with the event’s grounds being opened to the public as early as 6 am.

Once all attending Kenyans and guests settle, the President elect’s motorcade and that of his deputy will make their way into the grounds flanked by a military parade which will be ready by the time they arrive.

The outgoing president will then avail himself for the handing-over ceremony which will be preceded by a short session of prayer and entertainment from a lineup of artists.

The Chief Justice will administer the oath of office to the president-elect alongside the Registrar of the High Court.

Once the president-elect is sworn in his deputy will likewise take the oath of office after which President Kenyatta will hand over the symbols of power such as the Constitution and the sword of power to the new president.

The newly sworn deputy president will then take to the podium to make an address after which he or she will invite the outgoing president. Their speeches will be prepared by the organising committee.

After this, the outgoing Head-of-State will welcome the next president of Kenya to the stage to make his address. The national anthem will be played as the presidential standard is changed to conform to the new administration.

The outgoing president will then leave for State House to officially hand over the house on the hill to his successor. In the meantime, the newly-sworn in president will then be driven around the stadium in an open land rover to greet Kenyans in attendance after which he will be driven to State House for a final sit down with the outgoing president.

After exchanging a few words, the outgoing president will vacate the premises to signify that a new administration has officially ascended to power.

Raila Endorsement Splits Kuppet https://elimupedia.com/raila-endorsement-splits-kuppet.html Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:59:31 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7760 Raila Endorsement Splits Kuppet

The endorsement of the Azimio la umoja presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga by a section of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) officials has caused a stir in the union, with some leaders maintaining that KUPPET is non-partisan. This is after a KUPPET official has distanced the union from an endorsement of Raila Odinga as a preferred presidential candidate for the August 9 poll.

According to KUPPET national vice treasurer Ronald Tonui, the move by some officials to endorse the candidate are personal.

Tonui maintained that as a union, they will continue to remain independent on matters politics and that positions taken at an individual level will not be interpreted to imply that that was their stand.

“I want to dissociate myself from the reports that KUPPET has endorsed the Azimio la Umoja candidate as their most preferred presidential candidate in the forthcoming election,” Tonui said.

“We have never endorsed any party as our visionary leader since issues to do with politics are personal and cannot be institutionalized,” added Tonui.

Over 30 KNUT and KUPPET members comprising of teachers and union officials from Kiambu on Wednesday held a breakfast meeting with Azimio’s running mate Martha Karua where they agreed to rally behind Odinga.

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Led by KNUT secretary general Collins Oyuu and Kuppet secretary-general Akello Misori, the team noted that through the azimio la umoja manifesto, more teachers are going to be employed and that salaries are going to be reviewed.

Tonui argued that the politicization of unions was one aimed at nothing but killing and tainting its image, considering the woes that befell KNUT a while back.

“A lot should be derived from the 2017 endorsement of ODM by KNUT partisan party an action that almost finished it for we do not know what awaits us in the coming government,” said Tonui.

He added that the choice to endorse or elect a leader is a personal democratic right that cannot extend to the union as it might lead to division.

“Teachers should never be divided based on individual interests on political parties or leaders it should be a personal approach,” he added.

He added teachers should be focusing on articulating their issues in a more sober manner rather than taking political sides.

List of ODM MCA nominees in Siaya https://elimupedia.com/list-of-odm-mca-nominees-in-siaya.html Thu, 14 Apr 2022 05:40:43 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6097 List of ODM MCA nominees in Siaya

The ODM members in Siaya on Tuesday elected nominees for the 30 Ward representative positions across the county.

The winners were as follows:

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Central Alego Ward– David Ragen (3,433 votes)

North Alego Ward– Vincent Odawa (1,236 votes)

Siaya Township Ward– James Otare (1,901 votes)

South East Alego Ward– Scolastica Masidis Madowo (2,315 votes)

Usonga Ward – Sylvesster Madial (1,463 votes)

West Alego Ward– Felix Okumu (2,655 votes).

East Asembo Ward- Judith Anyango (725 votes)

North Uyoma Ward– Booker Washington (1,731 votes)

South Uyoma Ward– Michael Omondi (930 votes)

WestvAsembo Ward– Mark Okeyo (689 votes)

West Uyoma Ward– Justus Obuya (1,050 votes)

Central Sakwa Ward– Joseph Bismarck (1,328 votes)

North Sakwa Ward– Oliver Arika (1,967 votes)

South Sakwa Ward– Edwin Otieno (1,021 votes)

West Sakwa Ward – John Ombewa (694 votes)

West Yimbo Ward– Willis Okoth (916 votes)

East Yimbo Ward– Francis Otiato (1102 votes)

Sidindi Ward– John Apodo (630 votes)

Sigomre Ward– Anderew Omolo (1,018 votes)

Ugunja Ward– Edwin Martin Otieno (1,339 votes)

Central Gem Ward– Sylas Madingu (1,098 votes)

East Gem Ward– Seth Baraka (616 votes)

North Gem Ward- Ted Odhiambo (912 votes)

South Gem Ward– Brian Chieng Anyango (1,000 votes)

West Gem Ward– Achieng Susan Okwiri (1342 votes)

Yala Township Ward– William Kinyanyi (1123 votes)

Ukwala Ward– Joseph Peter Omondi

North Ugenya Ward– Banard Onyango

West Ugenya Ward – Andericus Odiwuor

East Ugenya Ward– Fredrick Oluoch Omoro


The nominees were all issued interim certificates.


Raila Promises To Review Teachers’ Salaries and TTC Entry Grades https://elimupedia.com/raila-promises-to-review-teachers-salaries-and-ttc-entry-grades.html https://elimupedia.com/raila-promises-to-review-teachers-salaries-and-ttc-entry-grades.html#comments Mon, 14 Mar 2022 04:53:12 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5852 Raila Promises To Review Teachers’ Salaries and TTC Entry Grades

The Azimio presidential flag bearer Raila Amollo Odinga has targeted teachers in his presidential vote hunt. In his manifesto, better salaries for teachers and reduced entry grades to teacher training colleges have been added.

The ODM party leader maintained that demotivated teachers cannot produce competent professionals for the labour market, hence there is need to motivate teachers. If elected, Raila promised to hold a meeting with teacher representatives with an aim of getting to know their demands, and how the demands can be fulfilled to end the injustice that teachers have faced overtime.

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Although the government rubbished petitions by a section of leaders from the North-eastern to lower teacher college entry grades claiming that such would lower education standards, Azimio’s presidential aspirant, Raila Odinga also promised to relook into the issue if he ascends to power.

The ODM leader who was recently in Wajir said urgent solutions are required to address the challenges facing the education sector in the fickle Northern Kenya.

“Insecurity made teachers run away. To address the problem, we will push for special affirmative action programme in admitting students from ASALs into teacher training institutions and universities,” he a rally in Wajir’s Orahey grounds.

The trainees,he said will create a local committed workforce to serve as teachers and education officers in the arid region.

Raila added that he will put up low cost boarding schools in each Sub-county in the ASALs and that he will elevate the poverty level in the arid region.The ODM supremo promised to build a resilient livestock economy which is the backbone of the region.

He said that his administration will embark on an education programme to alleviate poverty which affects children’s education during biting droughty season, like in the present situation.

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Teachers’ Woes Should Be Blamed On Raila: Sossion Decries Betrayal and Misuse By Raila https://elimupedia.com/teachers-woes-should-be-blamed-on-raila-sossion-decries-betrayal-and-misuse-by-raila.html https://elimupedia.com/teachers-woes-should-be-blamed-on-raila-sossion-decries-betrayal-and-misuse-by-raila.html#comments Sat, 15 Jan 2022 03:36:01 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5134 Teachers Should Blame Raila: Sossion Decries Betrayal and Misuse By Raila

Nominated MP Wilson Sossion says had ODM leader Raila Odinga used his influence in government to intervene and stop alleged interference in the management of teachers’ unions. If it wasn’t for that, he would still be having his job at the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) where he served as secretary-general until June last year when he resigned.

Sossion said: “The dictatorial tendencies of the Jubilee government under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta led me to resign from the union leadership.”

“Raila Odinga betrayed me by allowing the government he had joined to interfere with teachers’ union,” said Sossion who spoke at Kebebiti in Belgut constituency on Thursday during the burial of Kebeneti Secondary principal Joel Mutai who died in a road accident.

The ODM lawmaker blamed Raila for all the woes teachers are facing currently, and urged teachers to vote wisely in August.

Sossion quit Knut after nine years at the helm, ending a three-year protracted war between the union and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) over several issues, including teachers’ salaries and promotions.

The unionist also found himself in bad books with the government over his push for more teachers to be hired.

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The former Knut boss’s disapproval of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and his sustained campaign against it did not also go down well with some education Education ministry honcho’s and his tough stance is said to have contributed to the pressure for him to quit.

Sossion, who has since joined the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) of Deputy President William Ruto, was swiftly replaced by Collins Oyuu who was elected just a day after he resigned.

“That is why I joined UDA and I am now supporting Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency. At the moment, all the unions have been killed by this government. Civil societies are silent. They can’t even speak on behalf of citizens anymore,” he said.

He expressed confidence that Ruto will win the presidential contest on August 9 against Raila, who has been perceived to be his main rival.

“Ruto will win the election and reverse the retrogressive laws passed by the Jubilee regime,” said Sossion who was accompanied by Belgut MP Nelson Koech and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Kericho branch officials, led by executive Mary Rotich.

He added: “The government is currently targeting political parties through the Political Parties Bill now before the Senate. Even if the President assents to it, it should be nullified by the courts.”

The two MPs dismissed CBC terming it a fraud and a venture meant to make business for some people.

“A good curriculum must be understood by teachers, learners, and parents. It must be exciting and inspiring. It must not be frustrating,” Sossion said.

Koech termed CBC a burden to parents. “The education sector has to be streamlined. The Ministry of Education, led by Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, has run out of ideas. We will ensure those officers who have mismanaged the education sector get fired after the next General Election,” Koech said.

Sossion and Koech also hit out at the Jubilee government over the failed laptop project for Standard One pupils.

“Kenyans made a mistake by voting in the Jubilee administration in 2013. This time around, Kenyans must be wiser and vote for Deputy President William Ruto,” said Koech.

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Teachers Who Have Withdrawn From KNUT To Go Back : Raila Urges Teachers, Defends KNUT (Watch Video) https://elimupedia.com/teachers-who-have-withdrawn-from-knut-to-go-back-raila-urges-teachers-defends-knut-watch-video.html https://elimupedia.com/teachers-who-have-withdrawn-from-knut-to-go-back-raila-urges-teachers-defends-knut-watch-video.html#comments Sun, 15 Nov 2020 03:51:29 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1401 Teachers Who Have Withdrawn From KNUT To Go Back To KNUT: Raila Urges Teachers, Defends KNUT (Watch Video)

ODM party leader Raila Odinga has requested teachers who were forced by circumstances or other people to withdraw from KNUT, to go back to KNUT.
“..And I want to urge those other teachers who have been forced by circumstances to withdraw from KNUT to go back to KNUT,” urged the former prime minister during an occasion that was attended by KNUT officials.

Click here to watch video

The ODM leader told teachers that he foresees better times coming. Times when KNUT will be greater than what it used to be in the past and it will fight even more strongly for the teachers of Kenya. “The sooner you go back to KNUT, the better. Do not run away from a union because if you become union less, you will have nothing to defend you.”

Odinga argued that teachers have had so many grievances since they have a right to own a union and belong to the union.” Na walimu wamelia mara ming zaidi.maanake walimu wana haki ya kuwa na chama chao.( teachers have grieved a lot since since they have a right to have their own union),” said the concerned Odinga.

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The former prime minister reminded TSC that Kenya is a signatory to international statutes which guarantees the workers the right to form unions to defend themselves. “kenya sisi tuko signatory to international statutes which guarantee workers the right to form unions to defend themselves, to negotiate with the employer. That is when we are going to be able to strengthen our democracy in this country,” said Raila to the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.

Raila even assured teachers of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s support to them. ”…And I want to tell you that the president also supports teachers. We cannot allow KNUT to die,” said Raila, amidst claps from the elated crowd.

Click here to watch video

TSC and KNUT are in a tussle of war, which has seen the former declining to remit union dues and agency fees to the latter. TSC has even given Union members a chance to quit unions online, and most members have heeded. KNUT currently has only about 34,000 members, all the way from over 145,000. The giant union is currently unable to pay workers and operate comfortable. Plans are underway to auction its assets and close 110 offices countrywide due to financial crisis.

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The KNUT secretary general, Wilson Sossion has even reported TSC to the labour cabinet secretary but is yet to get a response.

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