SENIOR MASTER IV – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 31 Jul 2021 04:47:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Senior Teachers To get revised Promotion letters Sat, 31 Jul 2021 04:09:45 +0000 Senior Teachers To get revised Promotion letters

All the recently promoted senior master IV teachers will get new promotion letters. This follows the need to correct the salary scale anomalies captured in their current promotion letters.

Teachers Service Commission, TSC has corrected all the anomalies that were captured during the implementation of the 2017-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA).

TSC was correcting the anomalies in response to a July 12 letter by the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET.TSC has confirmed that the issue raised by KUPPET was valid issue, and justifying the need to correct the salary scales.

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Though senior master IV is a promotional grade, the salaries were not captured appropriately in the just ended  2017–2021 CBA. 

The minimum and maximum salary ranges under the expired CBA was captured at Kshs. 627, 696–667,248 as per the Conversion Tables instead of Kshs. 667,248-784,000.

While addressing the matter via a letter sent to KUPPET Secretary General, Akelo Misori, TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia stated that during the preparation of the Conversion tables, the salary scales were structured in a manner that a teacher would attain the 4th Notch in the fourth (4) Year as per the CBA review cycle.

This was in anticipation that every Fourth year, the Commission would review the salary component of the CBA in each review cycle and teachers will convert to new salaries before attaining the 7th notch.

The commission has now noted that it will revise the promotional letters for senior Master to reflect the correct salary scale.

“In view of the new CBA, which has elongated the salary notches, the Commission will revise the Promotion Letters for the Senior Master IV teachers to reflect the correct salary scale at Kshs. 667,248–784,000, stated earlier.
