shopping hubs – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Sat, 16 May 2020 08:56:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Updated: Top 10 Best Online Shops in The World Tue, 12 May 2020 06:49:20 +0000 The twenty first century will forever remain in the world books of history as the century that had the highest paradigm shift in technology. Among the sudden changes that the world has experienced is the transition of shopping centres from buildings to online hubs, all thanks to E-money transaction services like PayPal and M-pesa. Purchasing goods and services online has attracted a good number of persons since it is more convenient to schedule online shopping in our already fixed schedules rather than fueling our cars to go for shopping or crossing the borders to get what we can have delivered from an online store. America has for long been credited as the mother of all inventions and even in online shopping, it was the pioneer continent. Today, online shopping has reached all the continents of the world and for most durable items, those who already have an idea prefer online shopping to retail shopping.

Described below are the best online shopping sites globally.

1. Amazon

Apart from being one of the best online stores, amazon has been proved to be the largest online store in the whole world. It has tailored products to meet the demands of each individual and each nation. Amazon is struggling to have everything so that it remains to be the only online shopping site that has all that the customer desires. It has all categories of consumers and from all of them, its profits soar high annually.

2. Ebay

Talking of the most wonderful shopping site without mentioning Ebay is just unfair. Any person with internet can vend their merchandise here at Ebay, without having to pay anything. At liberty, any person can purchase goods from this well-designed site. This site goes ahead and sell the most unique of all goods. Unique in the sense that they may be missing in all other stores, both online and offline in the world, except Ebay.

3. Walmart

Walmart has very many offline stores. However, to boost their sales and expand their network, they have resorted to online shops through websites. It makes more sale annually online compared to what it makes offline. It has very many goods ranging from electronics, machines, cars, engines, household items among others. For lovers of Walmart, try this unique experience of purchasing right from the comfort of your sofa or office and having it delivered to you.

 4. Alibaba

Talk of fame, Alibaba has beaten all other online shops. It is known globally and has won trust of most consumers worldwide. It has several to offer including drugs, farm inputs, household items, spare parts, among others, depending on the desire of the consumer. All the client needs to do is to pay online and all the orders will be shipped.It ships some goods for free.

5. Target

Originally, was targeting American citizens but upon proper networking and growth, it extended its fame to all other countries in the world. It is known worldwide and has a specific group of clients who would not try any other shopping site but target. Target must have worked very hard to maintain its customers by building trust on them.

Thanks to target clients, the shop is growing every minute and nets so much in profits monthly. Its growth can be attributed to the loyalist nature of the customers.


This website is the best to buy from, just as evident in the name. the goodness in a shop is judged by the convenience and prices. In terms of prices, best buy is very very cheap compared to other shopping sites. The goods here include clothes, electronics, machines, and many more, all at subsidized rates. It is no doubt that the deals at best buy are the best and the most attractive to any person who is struggling financially but wants the best.  Your dream gadget is just a click away from you. Claim it.

7. Flipkart

India is known globally for health but in terms of technology, it has also insisted that it cannot be left behind. Flipkart purely belongs to India. However, it has grown steadily to other parts of the world, including Asia, where it has the highest number of clients. Wondering why it has More clients in Asia? Think about the GDP of Asia as a continent and you realize that most countries in Asia are third world, hence the citizens will opt for cheaper but better shopping deals.

Those in E-business know very well that competing flip kart is like fetching water using a leaking bucket. In places where it has been used, guys feel so strongly addicted to it that they want to use it again and again.


This one is indeed a shop and has most of the items consumers may be looking for. The implication is that can satisfy all your shopping demands, just by a click of a second. For those who were born lucky, this is the best shopping site, both online and offline. This is because it is famous for a bidding game. A good worth $ 15 can be bought at as low as 1.5 dollars if the highest bidder promises 1.5 dollars. That highest bidder maybe you. The major objective of this kind of strategic move is to win and keep clients. In brief, here there is a chance of purchasing almost for free.

9. Groupon

In terms of deals, commissions and discounts, takes the medal. This has attracted a multitude of browsers and buyers to the site, increasing the annual profits of this online shop. A shop can only expand and satisfy the customers if it has profits to reinvest in the running capital.

From the name, it has clustered its goods and clients in groups. These groups are subjected to discounted rates such that it is possible to purchase goods at below half of their marked prices.

10. Ikea

This well-designed shopping website is widely known for beautiful timber products. If interested in unique and most modern chairs, tables, beds, and other furniture, is the destination. The shipping rates are discounted and the goods are more than affordable. Those who want a unique sitting room or bedroom at a mocked price can have an everlasting testimony concerning this online all-furniture shop.
