SIP – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Wed, 08 Sep 2021 04:15:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Training For SIP Schools And Selected schools Begins Today Wed, 08 Sep 2021 04:15:38 +0000 Online Training For SIP Schools And Selected schools Begins Today

The Ministry of Education intends to conduct a refresher training of all the stakeholders in schools under the school improvement programme (SIP).

Through a circular to all the 42 county directors, the ministry of education instructed that stakeholder in all SIP schools and other schools in all the 42 counties country wide will be subjected to a refresher training.

The training, which will be purely online, has been scheduled to take place from 8th-10th September 2021. The Refresher training of key stakeholders in SIP schools and other schools will aim at ensuring compliance to policy guidelines on utilization of learners’ capitation grants and other school funds.

At upper levels, the Online refresher training targets Sub-County Directors of Education, Schools Auditors and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers.

The training will also involve the Regional and County level officers at upper levels, whose aim of attending the refresher training will be to mobilize and support the lower-level training. Each region has scheduled dates between 8th -10th, when the targeted groups will attend the training.

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Once the Sub-County Directors of Education, Schools Auditors and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers have been trained, they will in turn conduct a refresher training for headteachers, Deputy headteachers and BOM Chairpersons of SIP schools and other sampled schools in the Country/Subcounty.

Once they attend the training, The headteachers, Deputy headteachers and BOM Chairpersons of SIP schools and other sampled schools will be require to invite;

1 Sub-county Directors of Education.

2 County and Sub-county Quality Assurance and Standards officers

3 All schools Auditors.

The training will run between 9.00 am to 1.00pm each day. The purpose of the training is to ensure compliance to policy guidelines on utilization of learners’ capitation grants and other school funds.
