T-PAY – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 14 Jul 2022 03:55:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Punishments Set For Teachers Who Fail To Update T-Pay Profiles By Tomorrow https://elimupedia.com/punishments-set-for-teachers-who-fail-to-update-t-pay-profiles-by-tomorrow.html Thu, 14 Jul 2022 03:55:22 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=8125 Punishments Set For Teachers Who Fail To Update T-Pay Profiles By Tomorrow

Teachers who will not meet the deadline for updating their T-PAY profiles will face undesirable consequences, which have been set by the teachers’ service commission, TSC.

The commission last month instructed all teachers and the secretariat staff to update their T- Pay details by 15th July 2022, meaning that the target group has only today to comply to TSC directive.

Data shows that most of the teachers are yet to complete their T-Pay profile verification with a majority claiming that they are having problems with e-mail validation.

A section of teachers has also complained of non-cooperative TSC ICT County officers who will not attend to their queries, but insist on serving heads who come later than them. On their part, some of the officers have responded that they have too much work to handle for teachers in the whole county.

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Heads Who Fail To Validate Teachers’ TPAY accounts Within 30 Days To Be Punished

According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the exercise aims at protecting its employees from fraudsters since it will enhance security features of its various systems.

She maintained that the TPAY system handles teachers and secretariat Pay slips, P9 statements, Control sheets, Third Party transactions, application and approval of Loans process.

According to TSC, it is the duty of the heads of institution to verify and approve the profile of teachers under their supervision.

The implication of this is that teachers TPay profile validation is not complete until the school head approves the details.

The heads’ profiles will be verified and approved by the Sub-County Directors (for head teachers of primary institution) and County Directors (for heads of post primary institutions).

The Commission through a circular said that the heads of institutions who will not have validated the particulars of teachers under their supervision within the stipulated time, will together with their teachers have restricted to their T-Pay accounts.

Consequently, the teachers will be barred from processing loans or any third-party transaction. The teachers will also not be able to access their pay slips. Further, non-compliant teachers will never file their KRA returns for any year since they will be denied access to their p9 forms.

Some counties have also threatened to issue show cause letters to non-compliant teachers.

Intern teachers need to download a copy of the latest payslip to use as evidence in the upcoming TSC recruitment interviews, implying that they have to comply with the T-pay directive.

TSC has also stated clearly that school heads will be liable for incomplete TPay portals in their schools, meaning that they have to push their teachers to ensure they abide by the TSC requirements.

New T-Pay Terms and Conditions For Teachers and Third Parties https://elimupedia.com/new-t-pay-terms-and-conditions-for-teachers-and-third-parties.html Mon, 20 Jun 2022 04:35:53 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7327 New T-Pay Terms and Conditions For Teachers and Third Parties

1) Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

a) The Commission makes T-Pay service available to you on the terms and conditions set out hereunder. This is a service created for the convenience of the all-Teachers Service Commission (TSC) stakeholders.

b) If you continue to browse and use this system you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use.

TSC may modify this document at any time, and you agree that such modifications will be effective immediately upon posting of the modified document.

You agree that by using T-Pay after any such modifications, you will be deemed to have reviewed, agreed to and accepted the modified document.

c)You agree that you will not intentionally provide false information when accessing or using the T-Pay system.

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d)You also agree that you will not falsify, forge, or otherwise tamper with any information as appears on the system.

2) Security of Your Personal Information

a) While no web system can protect itself against all eventualities, every effort is made to protect any sensitive personal information you give us.

We will not rent. sell or give away any information identifying you individually (name, address,

phone number, etc.) to a third party for marketing or mailing list purposes without your permission.

We will also not disclose your pay information, except for purposes related to your third party (loan, shares etc.) transaction, or with your permission, or as required by law.

b) Any transaction on T-Pay is initiated by the teacher/user who sends their payslip to any third party that they wish to seek financial assistance, users are therefore discouraged from sharing their passwords with anyone as mechanisms provided within the system for data exchange are adequate and foolproof.

3) Service availability

a) It is impossible for the Commission to ensure that the services are provided to you at all times or at any specific times or will be able to operate at all times error-free. After hours provision of services are influenced by availability of related computer systems.

b) The Commission makes no warranties in regard to the availability of services but all reasonable efforts will be made to provide the best possible service to you.

c) Notices regarding planned system outages will be communicated in advance.

4) Collection of Personal Information

a) The Commission does not release any information about the collection of IP addresses to any third party, except under court order or as required by law.

b) The system maintains logs of user activity in order to help us manage the system.

c)The Commission may use this information to learn how many users logged into the system at a particular time and other facts that will help us improve the web site and the services we offer.

5) User ID and Password

a) Your unique Number shall be your TSC or National ID or any other number provided by the Commission, User Name and Password are very important pieces of information and it is your responsibility to keep them secure. You agree to:

i Choose a new Password whenever you are required to do so.

ii Not disclose your Password to any other person, including family members.

iii Take reasonable care when accessing the service to ensure that your Password is not disclosed to any other person.

b) If you suspect that someone may know your Password, change it immediately or visit the nearest TSC office and seek assistance or email the support team at [email protected].

c)You agree that you will be responsible for any transactions made in relation to your account using your User Name and or Password.

6) Access to T-Pay

Your access to T-Pay will be denied if you:

a) Provide incorrect identification information.

b) Alter any downloaded or printed information, forging of payslips to enhance once ability so that you acquire financial assistance from third parties.

c) As a third party institution (Sacco, Bank etc.) are requested to make any adjustment or stop a transaction to facilitate e.g a buy-off and the same is not actioned within 3 working days.

d) As a third party institution are found in possession of users/teachers User Name and or Password or are found requesting users/teachers for their User Name and or Password.

e) As a user or institution engage in any activity that may compromise the integrity of the system or impair its functionality.

f) As a user do not access your account for a duration of three onths.

7)User Rights

a)The Commission reserves the right to deny or revoke access to the system where justified.

8) Liability

a) TSC will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and punitive damages.

b) Users are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that may result from the downloading of any material.

TSC Instructs All Teachers To Upload a Photo in Their T-pay Accounts- Add Yours Here https://elimupedia.com/tsc-instructs-all-teachers-to-upload-a-photo-in-their-t-pay-accounts-add-yours-here.html Thu, 09 Jun 2022 08:47:08 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6978 TSC Instructs All Teachers To Upload a Photo in Their T-pay Accounts- Add Yours Here

The teachers service commission, TSC has instructed all teachers to update their T-pay accounts by adding a passport sized photo.

Through circular no. 6/2022 Ref: TSC/ADM/192A/VOL.IX/120, the commission asked teachers to add their photos, in order to boost the security of their T-pay accounts, and validate the current data.

“The Commission is committed to improve its service delivery through automation of its processes. To operationalize this, the Commission issued Circular 2/2021 dated 15th February 2021,Upscaling of Online Services for Teachers, which provided guidelines on automation of services,” reads part of the circular.

How to add your Photo in T-pay and Validate your Data

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In order to enhance the security of teachers’ information and in line with the Data Protection Act 2019, the Commission requires all teachers to update their TPAY profile in the following manner:

  1. 1 Access the payslip page through the TSC website and log into TPAY, upload a passport photo clearly showing the face, without glasses or head-covered, Enter and verify current mobile numbers,
  2. Once you enter the mobile number and OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to your mobile number,
  3. Input the OTP to validate the mobile number,
  4. Click on the validate tab to verify that it is the correct mobile number,

NB: Only a valid code will be accepted and once verified the number cannot be changed. The mobile number will be used during loan application and approvals.

vii. Enter and verify official email issued by the Commission e.g., [email protected],

NB: A One-Time-Password (OTP) code will be sent to the email provided. Only a valid code will be accepted to verify the email. The email will be used during loan application and approvals.

Relief To KNUT: T-Pay Portal Opened For Teachers To join KNUT,Days After Sossion’s Exit https://elimupedia.com/relief-to-knut-t-pay-portal-opened-for-teachers-to-join-knutdays-after-sossions-exit.html Sun, 04 Jul 2021 03:05:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=3659 Relief To KNUT: T-Pay Portal Opened For Teachers To join KNUT

Teachers wishing to return to Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), can now go ahead after the teachers’ service commission, TSC opened the registration portal.

TSC reopened the Third Party TPAY portal where teachers can visit to exit or rejoin unions and associations.

This means teachers who will be inspired by the new leadership at Knut may wish to return to the union, whose numbers have dropped to about 16,000 members.

Insiders however say this is a major blow to the new Knut leadership which had hoped that TSC would restore union members’ roll as it were in June 2019.

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By this time, Knut had some 187,471 members, giving the union some Sh144 million in union dues.

However, in July and August of 2019, Knut received zero union dues as the rivalry between the union and employer intensified.

When TSC sent dues in September (2019), Knut only received Sh83.9 million from some 115,637 members.

The membership further reduced to 110,000 in October and 105,000 in November.

Again Knut did not receive any union dues in December. And as the year turned to 2020, membership had also shifted to 103,030 by end of January.

The membership numbers continued to decline to date when Knut only has 16,000, raking in about Sh12 million.

Knut Deputy Secretary-General Hesbon Otieno said opening the portal is the first step to restoring the union.

“Teachers who believe in the union and the new team now have a chance to come back. This even as we still engage the employer on other ways of navigating these challenges,” said Otieno.

He said the union will aggressively embark on a drive to bring back its members.

As fights between TSC and Knut intensified in August last year, the union accused the teachers’ employer of opening the portal and compelling members to exit the union.

Appearing before the National Assembly Education Committee in August 2020, Knut told MPs that TSC used the digital validation process to attack its membership register and also using the CBA as a dangling carrot to push teachers out of the union.

Union said that in some cases, TSC transferred Knut post-primary members to Kuppet and forced them to pay agency fees. The presentation was made by Otieno.

However, in its report to the MPs, TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia explained to MPs that teachers left Knut after it emerged that a court ruling on Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) that was being rolled out by the employer denied them new salary benefits. Macharia said the Commission was unable to act against the court ruling.

“When the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) was signed, it introduced a new grading system for teachers known as Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) which replaced the Scheme of Service. But Knut challenged the implementation of CPG in court,” said Dr Macharia.

The effect of the court ruling meant that all Knut members could not benefit from the third and fourth phase of the multi-billion salary raise and promotions.

“To comply with the resultant Court orders, the Commission undertook teacher promotion in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Regulation for Teachers (Cort) and the Schemes of Service for all Knut members and CPG for non-members of Knut.

In his presentation, Otieno told MPs that TSC deliberately engaged in activities that pushed teachers out the union.

Part of these, he said TSC designed printed and directly delivered forms to schools and compelled teachers to exit the union.

The union also said that TSC had set up a desk at the head office where Knut members were manually exited from the union, most of the time even without teachers’ consent. Knut also said TSC ran parallel payroll to push teachers to exit Knut. Macharia dismissed the allegations, saying that TSC did not play a role in the Knut register.

Dr Macharia dismissed the parallel payroll claim, saying that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) conducted an audit on the double payroll and noted that it was cleared of the allegations.

Dr Macharia said the Commission acted based on Knut members’ requests to leave the union as per the provisions of Labour Relations Act.

“The Commission did not unilaterally remove members from Knut register instead removal of the members is guided by the Labour Relations Act which provides for the removal of a member from the union register,” said Dr Macharia.

Dr Macharia cited Section 48 (6) and (8) of the Act, which says that an employer may not make any deductions from an employee who has notified the employer in writing that the employee has resigned from the union.
