TSC LATEST NEWS – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:04:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed https://elimupedia.com/milemba-calls-for-immediate-suspension-of-tpd-implementation-till-a-monetary-cba-is-signed.html Mon, 27 Sep 2021 06:04:31 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4487 Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed

The Kenya union of post primary education Teachers (KUPPET) national chairperson Hon. Omboko Milemba has called for an immediate suspension of TPD implementation until certain conditions are met.

According to Milemba matters pertaining to TPD are so sensitive that they cannot be rolled out without fully engaging education stakeholders and subjection to a robust public participation. The KUPPET boss therefore demands that TCS seeks public participation on TPD before implementation.

Milemba has also maintained that teachers will not engage in TPD modules using their own money, unless a CBA with a monetary value is signed with the employer.

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“The teachers are not going to engage in a self-sponsored training suggested by the employer. We will not register for the TPD courses until we sign a CBA with a monetary value. Furthermore, there is need for public participation into the matter before it is implemented,” said Milemba

The Emuhaya mp who is the kuppet  national chair was speaking to members of the press at his Esirulo residence in Emuhaya constituency.

CBC Implementation Taskforce Recommends Establishement Of A Reglatory Body For Teachers At All Levels https://elimupedia.com/cbc-implementation-taskforce-recommends-establishement-of-teachers-society-of-kenya-to-regulate-teachers.html https://elimupedia.com/cbc-implementation-taskforce-recommends-establishement-of-teachers-society-of-kenya-to-regulate-teachers.html#comments Tue, 18 May 2021 19:03:46 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2474 CBC Implementation Taskforce Recommends Establishement Of A Reglatory Body To Regulate Teachers At All Levels

Taskforce for CBC implementation has proposed a joint professional body for teachers of all levels. If these proposals go through; primary school teachers, high school teachers and university lecturers will be members of a joint professional body.

The task force, in its report, stated that CBC implementation demands that all teachers belong to a joint professional regulatory body.

“Education ministry, TSC, KUPPET, KNUT, KEPSHA and KESSHA will establish a joint professional regulatory body for all educators in Kenya,” reads the report.

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The body, which is yet to be established, will resemble other professional bodies like LSK for lawyers, ICPAC for public accountants, NCK for nurses, KMPDC for medical and dentist practitioners among others.

The body will regulate teachers in both basic and tertiary institutions, and set standards and qualifications for the practice.

Presently, no standard body exists that regulates the teaching profession in Kenya probably because teachers and lecturers have different employers and are subscribed to different regulatory bodies. Primary and high school teachers are employed by TSC while technical and vocational training teachers are under the authority of TVET. University lecturers are regulated by the commission for university education, CUE.

The body will have to get accreditation certificate from Kenya national qualifications authority. KNQA accredits any professional body that is awarding qualifications.

Some professional bodies are only given powers to register members while others engage members in short term training for continuous professional development. Others are given powers to elaborate accreditation, quality assurance, and qualification awards.

The latter must abide by the regulations of KNQA on quality assurance, examination and assessment of qualifications.

This may be a move to reduce the powers of TSC strictly to employment of teachers. Regulation of teachers will be done by the ministry of education if this proposal is adopted.

The Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, Chairperson Omboko Milemba has hinted in a past address that there should be a special body that deals with teachers’ professionalism.

The taskforce also recommends that KNEC designs a framework for implementing competency based assessment in pre service teacher education for formative and summative assessments.

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TPAD defaulters and Teachers with Low TPAD Ratings to Face Punitive actions https://elimupedia.com/tpad-defaulters-and-teachers-with-low-tpad-ratings-to-face-punitive-actions.html Wed, 14 Apr 2021 03:15:53 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=2812 TPAD defaulters and Teachers with Low TPAD Ratings to Face Punitive actions

A report submitted to the teachers’ service commission, TSC, has recommended a severe punishment for teachers who did not submit their TPAD reports. Also to be punished are teachers who consistently score low on TPAD ratings without any improvement in subsequent terms.

According to a report submitted to the TSC CEO, only completed TPADS could be submitted successfully and majority of teachers did not complete filling their TPADS. “Teachers had all the time to complete their term two appraisal but some still got closed out,” Reads the report on TPAD evaluation for term two.

The report has also revealed that most teachers do not upload evidence while appraising themselves. “Each standard in the TPAD requires evidence yet teachers just give their ratings and fail to upload evidence. What that means is that the ratings are lies.”

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TSC credits TPAD as the most effective and professional evaluation tool for teachers. Teachers on the other hand view the document as a punitive tool, designed to humiliate them and deny them promotions from lower job groups when they are due.

For any teacher attending a promotional TSC interview, TPAD ratings are a mandatory requirement. According to the TPAD’s Preamble, any teacher who consistently displays poor performance or very low appraisal ratings may after due process have his or her services terminated. Additionally, it states that a disciplinary action should be taken against any teacher who fails or refuses to complete or submit an appraisal report.

Originally, TPAD tool involved both manual and online processes and there were no strict timelines for data entry. Teachers would fill and submit the data even during the holidays after closure of schools.

The new TPAD tool requires weekly lesson attendance entries not later than Fridays of each week. After Friday, the non-submitted lesson attendance data expires and the online system rejects it automatically.

Non submitted data simply gives an interpretation that the teacher did not attend the lessons for the week and therefore attracts a disciplinary action from TSC. The disciplinary actions TSC has talked of so far include salary stoppage for the month or salary deductions.

The TPAD also requires teachers to have at least one lesson observation per term.

SRC to benchmark Teachers’ pay against their regional peers https://elimupedia.com/src-to-benchmark-teachers-pay-against-their-regional-peers.html https://elimupedia.com/src-to-benchmark-teachers-pay-against-their-regional-peers.html#comments Sun, 04 Apr 2021 03:45:04 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2766 SRC to benchmark Teachers’ pay against their regional peers

The salaries’ agency wants to survey earnings of East African Community (EAC) teachers and use the findings to determine the appropriate pay for Kenyan teachers.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is seeking a consultant to carry out a salary survey in public schools in the six east African countries.

The findings, SRC says, will provide lessons on the best salary structure designs, and remuneration practices to guide it in establishing the market remuneration rate for local teachers.

“Similarity in salary structure designs in member states will promote labour stability in the region,” says SRC.

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The interview panel will also hire one commissioner for Rift valley region.

The benchmarking process will start mid next month and comes on the back of increased push for pay rises among Kenyan teachers.

Teachers in Kenya have on several occasions downed their tools citing poor pay. Some teachers have opted to quit teaching for more lucrative jobs, worsening the teacher-to-learner ratio.

Despite the collective bargaining agreement, CBA, that teachers’ unions will sign with the teachers service commission in July, SRC still feels that teachers’ salaries should be harmonised with their peers in other East African countries.

The SRC salary survey for benchmarking jobs will cover teacher salaries in  Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

It will assess the size of pay and salary structures in each EAC member state.

The survey is in line with SRC Act which requires it to conduct comparative surveys on labour markets and trends in remuneration to determine the monetary worth of the jobs of public officers.

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TSC Will Issue Special Passes To KCPE and KCSE Examiners To Access Zoned Areas: Macharia https://elimupedia.com/tsc-will-issue-special-passes-to-kcpe-and-kcse-examiners-to-access-zoned-areas-macharia.html Tue, 30 Mar 2021 03:08:04 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2721 TSC Will Issue Special Passes To KCPE and KCSE Examiners To Access Zoned Areas: Macharia

KCPE and KCSE examination markers will be given special passes allowing them in and out of five counties under cessation of movement during the marking exercise. This will allow them to travel to locations they will be posted for the marking exercise.

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday directed cessation of movement in five counties of Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, Kajiado, and Nakuru.

Teachers Service Commission chief executive Nancy Macharia on Monday said the special pass will allow examiners to travel to locations they will be posted for the marking exercise.

“We have issued special travel letters to all our monitors countrywide so that they can be allowed to move freely to all parts of the country to ensure the examinations run within the specified KNEC guidelines,”

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KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal

This also means that all teachers who will be travelling to Nairobi for the marking exercise are free to do so, Macharia said.

Macharia’s statements came just minutes before KNEC released a schedule on how examiners will be ferried to the marking centers using selected school buses fueled by KNEC.

The CEO spoke while supervising the distribution of exam materials at the Kamkunji container, in Nairobi, before monitoring the administration of day two papers.The marking of the exams will involve 7,402 KCPE examiners and 27,248 KCSE examiners.

Macharia urged the contracted teachers to consider taking the Covid-19 jab to help curb the spread of the virus.She said the process is rigorous and huge personnel is involved, hence the need for precaution.

The Kenya National Examination Council, data shows that 752,933 candidates are registered to sit this year’s KCSE exam in 10,437 centres.

On Monday, the Education CS George Magoha announced that the marking of the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education exams is 35 per cent complete.

This confirmed  Basic Education PS Julius Jwan’s statement last week that  KCPE marking  had begun.He said both electronic and manual marking was underway and the council has engaged the services of 7,000 examiners.

“We’ve begun marking the KCPE exam and are very impressed in the manner the examination was run. We definitely expect the same for the KCSE exam,” Jwan said.

KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal   https://elimupedia.com/kuppet-adjusts-its-2021-2025-cba-basic-salary-proposal.html Sat, 20 Mar 2021 03:13:36 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2665 KUPPET Adjusts its 2021-2025 CBA Basic Salary Proposal  

Reliable Sources have hinted that KUPPET has adjusted its CBA 2021-2025 salary proposal to between 45 to 60 per cent, after lobbying, from the initial 30 %-70%. These new details emerged after the KUPPET-TSC Naivasha retreat.

KUPPET had already pitched a salary increment of between 30 and 70 per cent for the new CBA. This meant that the lowest paid teachers would get the higher percentage with highest paid teachers getting the lower percentage.

The KUPPET’s initial proposal would see the lowest-paid teachers’ salaries rise from Sh21,756 to Sh36,985 while those in higher cadres under Job Group D4 who currently earn Sh118,242 would take home Sh153,714. The new adjustments, if implemented, will enhace an even better package to the lowest earning teachers.

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KUPPET was reacting to the SRC job evaluatuin report, which recognised the huge work loads teachers have and the additional responsibilities that will come in the wake of the CBC curriculum.

TSC sent its proposed salary offer of between 16 to 32 per cent to the SRC on September 29, last year.

In the letter to SRC, TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia, recommended that teachers below Grade CA to D5 get a 16 per cent salary increment while teachers in Grade B5 to C3 would get a 32 per cent raise.

“This is therefore to submit to your office the TSC recommendations for your advisory on the remuneration of teachers for the next CBA as required by the Constitution and the law to enable us commence and conclude the 2021-2025 CBA with recognized teacher unions on time,” Dr Macharia said.


KNUT Opposes TSC Mass Transfer Plans And BBI Policy On Delocalisation https://elimupedia.com/knut-opposes-tsc-mass-transfer-plans-and-bbi-policy-on-delocalisation.html Tue, 09 Mar 2021 02:51:59 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2564 KNUT Opposes TSC Mass Transfer Plans And BBI Policy On Delocalisation

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion confirmed yesterday that the union will oppose TSC mass transfer and delocalization plans which will be rolled out in April.

Sossion claimed the delocalization policy was sneaked in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report which he said is what TSC is using to institute the schools’ management shake-up.

Through a writing to  the BBI secretariat, Sossion said: “The policy was not proposed by Kenyans but was unjustly sneaked into the report to drive TSC’s agenda of delocalisation of teachers.”

“If TSC executes massive delocalisation of teachers in April, then it shall be met with collective industrial action to safeguard our families and the teaching profession.”

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Suspected Salary Deal That Made KNUT To Withdraw Its Strike Notice

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Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2025 TSC CBA Proposal

Revealed: Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2025 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

The BBI report proposed that the Ministry of Education adopts policy guidelines that discourage local recruitment and staffing of teachers, depending on the circumstances.

“To strengthen social ties and promote unity among all the communities, stakeholders recommended that the Ministry of Education reviews the curricula to introduce and integrate the teaching of national unity, character, and cohesion to learners during their formative or early years,” says the report.

Even as unions rejected the delocalisation and transfers, TSC has always insisted that the transfers were in line with the provisions of the code of regulations for teachers and Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) signed between TSC and their unions.

“The Commission finds it an act of dishonesty and deceit on the part of the unions’ leadership to continue making public pronouncements calculated at misleading the same teachers the leaders are supposed to guide,” Macharia said.

The mass transfers and the delocalisation exercise has been a bone of contention between TSC and Knut.

In 2018, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed the Ministry of Education to review the TSC policy on mass transfers.

“I am aware that delocalisation has created some unforeseen challenges that have affected some teachers,” said Uhuru.

Defending the transfers, Macharia said transfers and delocalisation were negotiated and signed by the two teachers’ unions and documented in the CBA.

Teachers’ Unions and SRC To Take Longer Before Starting 2021-2025 CBA https://elimupedia.com/teachers-unions-and-src-to-take-longer-before-starting-2021-2025-cba.html Sun, 07 Mar 2021 03:38:17 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2553 Teachers’ Unions and SRC To Take Longer Before Starting 2021-2025 CBA

Negotiations between SRC and teachers unions, KNUT and KUPPET might not begin soon.This emerged after the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC,  sought more time for before engaging the  teacher unions. What this means is that KNUT and KUPPET will wait longer before negotiations with SRC.

Teachers should however not be anxious as there is a likelyhood that the negotiations, which are yet to begin, will end by mid-June and first phase implementation will begin by July.

SRC CEO Anne Gitau, through a writing requested  TSC for more time and pledged to give further directions.

Gitau said that among the items in the 2021-2025 CBA for teachers is basic salary, which shall be informed by among other factors, the resultant job evaluation pay structures.

In her statement as written in the letter, the parameters for the new CBA talks shall be issued once the ongoing job evaluation is concluded.

“SRC is currently undertaking job evaluation exercise to inform its Third Remuneration Review cycle in the Public Service,” reads the letter in part.

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Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2025 TSC CBA Proposal

Revealed: Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2025 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

Gitau however revealed that SRC is reviewing the teacher’s employer request for advice on the new CBA proposals it presented before inviting unions for negotiations as dictated in the law.

Both KNUT and KUPPET presented their 2021-2025 CBA proposals in 2020 but negotiations about their proposals have  not begun. This is despite the fact that the current 2017-2021 CBA will expire on June 30 and a new deal, which is yet to be negotiated should be implemented from July 1.

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“We are looking forward to commencing meaningful, valuable and productive negotiations for the next CBA within an acceptable timeframe that shall ensure teachers benefit with new salaries from CBA so that they can deliver quality teaching to all our public schools,” said Sossion in the letter.

His change of tune came after the TSC has asked Knut to stop propaganda on the pending CBA.

In a letter, TSC told Sossion that the commission was concluding internal consultations with SRC as per the law to pave the way for negotiations.

“In the meantime, we ask you to be patient and avoid making unfounded allegations on the matter,” read the letter.

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Recruitment Process For TSC Chairperson Begins https://elimupedia.com/recruitment-process-for-tsc-chairperson-begins.html Fri, 05 Mar 2021 02:32:55 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2536  

Recruitment Process For TSC Chairperson Begins

The selection panel for the recruitment of nominees for TSC chairperson and a member of the TSC whose six-year term ended in November 2020 has been inaugurated.

The nine-member panel took the oath of office on Thursday. The selection panel will be chaired by Thomas Koyier.

Members include; Dr. Mary Gaturu from the Ministry of Education, Charles Mutinda from Attorney General’s office and Njoki Kahiga from Ministry for Public Service.

More members  are; Margaret Lilan Geno from Federation of Kenya Employers, Richard Kibagendi and Dr Hellen Hazel Misenda representing the registered teachers trade unions, Eva Nyoike from the Association of Private Schools and Prof Stanley Waudo, a prominent educationist.

The members of the selection panel were urged to be diligent in their work, noting that they were carefully selected and represent diverse interests in the education sector.

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Suspected Salary Deal That Made KNUT To Withdraw Its Strike Notice

Ongoing Talks Between SRC and TSC Over 2021-2025 CBA Near a Conclusion

Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2025 TSC CBA Proposal

Revealed: Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2025 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

The appointment of the selection panel has come at a critical time when the government is rolling out curriculum reforms within the education sector including the Competency Based Curriculum, hence the need to conclude the exercise as soon as possible.

TSC chairperson Lydia Nzomo’s six-year term ended on November 18 last year.

Nzomo was the first person to chair the TSC after it was made a constitutional commission. She took an oath of office in 2014.

The commission is also missing another member of the board of governance, Cleophas Tirop, who vacated office in March 2019, while the remaining six will be due to exit in March this year.

In total, the commission has nine members. With one representing each region of the defunct provinces.

Kennedy Kihara, who represented the Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua during the inauguration, underscored the centrality of public service in the stability of the country and urged the Selection Panel to strictly follow the law while undertaking the exercise so as to present the best suited nominees to the appointing authority.

“The government is undergoing a lot of transformation and we must ensure and facilitate public participation in everything we do,” he observed.

Public Service PS Mary Kimonye, who represented the Public Service CS Prof. Margaret Kobia, urged the Selection Panel to uphold integrity of the selection process and adhere strictly to the stipulated timelines.

“The integrity of the process is what I want to emphasise. The work you are doing… ought to be taken with humility, commitment, honesty and objectivity so that the outcome will be acceptable to all,” said Kimonye.

Teachers Service Commission CEO  Nancy Macharia said the commission is looking forward to having the best chairperson and member from the selection process.

Koiyer assured Kenyans that the team will deliver on their mandate as per the requirements of the law and in the stipulated timelines.

Brace yourself for A Tough battle after elections: KNUT Warns TSC https://elimupedia.com/brace-yourself-for-a-tough-battle-after-elections-knut-warns-tsc.html Wed, 03 Mar 2021 19:31:45 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=2530 Brace yourself for A Tough battle after elections: KNUT Warns TSC

Recently, Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT has faced scathing attacks from the teachers’ service commission and KEWOTA for failing to offer services to teachers.

In reaction to the attacks, KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion has warned TSC secretary Nancy Macharia to get ready for a battle one he is done with KNUT elections.

Experts argue that Sossion has embarked on mind games with Nancy Macharia as his warning comes barely a week after he called off a planned strike to pave way for 2021-2025 CBA negotiations.

The already poor relationship between KNUT and TSC is expected to worsen. KNUT has constantly accused TSC for the drop of its members to below 15,000 members.

Sossion urged teachers to remain in KNUT since KNUT has good plans with the teachers, unlike KEWOTA, which is taking teachers’ money yet does not offer any services.

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Possible Reasons For Erroneous Deductions On Teachers’ February 2021 Salaries

Suspected Salary Deal That Made KNUT To Withdraw Its Strike Notice

Ongoing Talks Between SRC and TSC Over 2021-2025 CBA Near a Conclusion

Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2025 TSC CBA Proposal

Revealed: Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2025 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

KNUT had a membership of 280,000 before TSC decided to activate an online resignation platform for Knut members. Currently, out of the 350,000 teachers employed by TSC, 110,000 are KUPPET members, 13,000 are KNUT Members while the rest are unionless.

Misfortunes hit the former giant union after ODM party nominated Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion to Parliament in 2017 to represent the interests of workers. This did not go down well with the Jubilee government and teachers’ employer, TSC.

At one point, Sossion was stripped of his registration as a teacher by TSC before going to the High Court seeking reinstatement.
