TSC LEAVE ALLOWANCE – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 09 Dec 2021 03:36:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 How To Apply For Annual Leave Online https://elimupedia.com/how-to-apply-for-annual-leave-online.html Thu, 09 Dec 2021 03:33:37 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4882 How To Apply For Annual Leave Online

The Teachers Service Commission has through a circular directed teachers seeking any leave to make online applications.  Interns are not spared in applying for leaves through online platforms.

According to the circular issued few days ago, there will be no manual application for all types of leaves effective 1st December, 2021.

In the past, manual applications have been used to seek mostly maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leave and study leave. Annual leave has however been automatic since it occurs during December holidays though TSC insists that teachers should apply for the leave because they are always on duty.

Now that it has been made official, it is likely that teachers who will proceed on December Holidays without applying for the annual leave stand losing their annual leave allowance, which is usually paid at the end of January. To avoid such inconveniences, teachers are highly encouraged to apply for annual leaves using the procedure below. Kindly note that the procedure applies for other types of leaves too.

In case of any challenges, teachers are advised to consult the Commission‘s ICT field officers for assistance. Those who have already applied manually and proceeded on leave will not be affected.

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  • Using your convenient browser, preferably chrome, visit https://tsc.go.ke/ .
  • In the MENU at the top, go to online services. From the drop down MENU, choose HRMIS-teachers.
  • From the sub-menu that comes, click ‘leave.’
  • Put in your details-TSC No, ID Number, Mobile Number and click login.
  • A six-digit authorization code will be sent to your mobile number. Put in the authorization code and click login
  • On successful login the system is able to detect if you are either primary or post  primary teachers
  • Click ‘+’apply for leave or add another leave.
  • Choose your preferred leave type from the drop down menu under type of leave. In this case, its annual leave. Fill all the details and click Ok once done.
  • Fill all the details and click Ok
  • The leave applied will be displayed as under your leaves in a table format. Click attachment to attach a document for the leaves that requires attachment
  • Click on the attachment icon to attach your document
  • Click on on Browse to locate your document
  • Check the declaration box and Click Ok
  • Click close to exit

After completing this process, you will wait for the recommendation from your head of the institution for the commission to take action.


Revealed: Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2024 TSC CBA Counter Proposal https://elimupedia.com/revealed-teachers-leave-allowance-as-per-2021-2024-tsc-cba-counter-proposal.html Sat, 21 Nov 2020 03:16:09 +0000 http://elimupedia.com/?p=1529 Teachers’ Leave allowance as per 2021-2024 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

The teachers’ service commission, TSC, has just concluded the implementation of the 2017-2020 collective bargaining agreement, CBA. Plans are underway to commence the four year phased implementation of a new CBA from July 2021.

The new CBA will favour classroom teachers when it comes to basic salaries, unlike the previous one, which favoured administrators.

TSC had earlier on presented a counter 2021-2024 CBA proposal to the Salaries And Remuneration Commission, SRC, for approval. This move by TSC came after a possible agreement with the unions, KNUT and KUPPET, was in vain.

In the TSC 2021-2024 CBA counter proposal offer, the basic salaries will be increased by between 16 % and 32 %.  TSC earlier proposed an increment of 10 % on the house allowance but changed  it to 20% in the counter proposal offer presented to SRC so that it matches leave and commuter allowances.

According to the TSC counter proposal, leave allowance should be increased by 20%. If SRC approves the counter proposal, then 20 % leave allowance increment will be disbursed in four phases, beginning January 2022. Leave allowance is only paid once a year, mostly in the month of January. The increment in each phase will be 5%.

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Teachers’ House allowance as per 2021-2023 TSC CBA Counter Proposal

Basic Salary Increments Per Job Group As Per The 2021-2024 TSC CBA Proposal

Salaries And Remuneration Commission Receives 2021-2024 CBA Proposal From TSC

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TSC counter proposal offer, then teachers will earn leave allowances as per table below.

Leave Allowance (ksh.)
JG Current 2021-2023 CBA Increment
B5 4,000 4,800 800
C1 4,000 4,800 800
C2 6,000 7,200 1,200
C3 6,000 7,200 1,200
C4 6,000 7,200 1,200
C5 6,000 7,200 1,200
D1 10,000 12,000 2,000
D2 10,000 12,000 2,000
D3 10,000 12,000 2,000
D4 10,000 12,000 2,000
D5 10,000 12,000 2,000

