TSC PROMOTIONS – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 05 Jan 2023 10:41:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Fresh Call For TSC’s 14,000 promotion slots-See Your Chances and Apply https://elimupedia.com/fresh-call-for-tscs-14000-promotion-slots-see-your-chances-and-apply.html Thu, 05 Jan 2023 10:41:39 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10946 Fresh Call For TSC’s 14,000 promotion slots-See Your Chances and Apply

Some 14,742 teachers who had been stuck in the same job group now have another chance to advance.

Following a cancellation last week, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) issued a new call for applicants.

Teachers’ unions and other educators defended the previous advertisement, claiming that it was discriminatory and did not hire teachers who had been on the job for a long time.

TSC has now stated that primary schools will receive the lion’s share of promotions.

A total of 13,713 vacancies have been announced, with 3,210 going to secondary schools and 10,507 going to primary schools.

According to Akello Misori, Secretary General of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), all teachers who have served in various capacities as senior teachers, Deputy Principals, and Principals will be automatically promoted.

“We demand that all teachers in Job Groups C2 to C3 be promoted automatically after three years of service. We demand that no cadre be left in promotion advertisements for as long as it is currently the case,” Misori said.

He added that many principals in Job Group D3 serving in Sub-County schools had been stagnant for many years and were not considered for promotion.

According to him, the majority of teachers in post-primary education are in Job Groups C3 and C4.

The promotions, according to TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Macharia, will be based on career progression guidelines.

Misori, on the other hand, said senior Masters in Secondary Schools is a substantive deployment according to career progression guidelines.

“The entry cadre to senior Masters Category is senior Masters IV a position teacher at C3 should be promoted to. We noticed that most schools do not have substantive senior Masters, so the majority are internally appointed where they have acted for a long time, which is illegal under labour laws,” Misori said.

He said the 1,330 teachers set for promotion are a small number when compared to the large number of teachers who have remained in this category.

Misori said the majority of those teachers are set to replace their counterparts who are leaving the service but will not necessarily be promoted.

“The majority of the advertised positions appear to be simply replacements for existing services, and thus there are no new promotions,” he said.

Overall, Dr Macharia said some 1,021 teachers will be sent to 18 ASAL counties while other parts of the country will share 13,717 teachers which will include principals, deputy principals, senior masters, head teachers in primary and secondary schools.

Four Teachers Training Colleges will also see new chief principals taking reign under Job Group 5.

Another 73 teachers are set to be promoted to chief principal status in both regular schools and in Special Needs Education (SNE) with another 603 set for principals in regular schools.

Eight places are reserved for Special Needs Education while 17 deputy principals I are also set to climb the ladder.

Those in Job Group D2 that have deputy principals II are slotted 725 places while those Deputies in cluster III for regular schools have 224 slots.

SNE will secure 15 places and 208 senior teachers in cluster II placed in the same D1 group. Senior teachers 1 in C3 got the highest number with 1,330 teachers getting promoted.

Primary schools head teachers will see 2,733 of them moved to regular school and placed under Job Group C5 compared.

Another 32 teachers in SNE will be placed for promotion with 7,720 Deputies in regular schools under C4 and 22 from the SNE replacing them.

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Macharia said teachers seeking promotion to the rank of Chief Principal in Teacher Training Colleges must have served as Senior Principal at T- Scale 14.

She said those in high schools must have served as Senior Principals but their Principals counterparts are required to produce proof of serving as Deputy Principal II/Senior Master I.

The Deputy Principal must possess experience as Deputy Principal II or Senior Master I T-Scale 12 while Deputy Principal II must have served as Deputy Principal III or Senior Master II. Deputy Principal III are required to have served as Senior Master III while those in Special Schools should have at least a Diploma in Special Needs Education.


Demotion Awaits Heads in Job Group C2 Due to CPG https://elimupedia.com/demotion-awaits-heads-in-job-group-c2-due-to-cpg.html Fri, 30 Dec 2022 04:50:17 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10902 Demotion Awaits Heads in Job Group C2 Due to CPG

Primary school Deputy headteachers who earned their promotions without following Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) could be demoted.

Among those targeted are Deputy headteachers who are in acting capacity yet did not undergo the set guidelines that informed their current position.

As per the CPG, a teacher cannot skip two job groups in any form of promotion and one must serve in one job group for a period of at least three years before moving to the next.

For instance, a teacher in job group C2 will get promoted to job group C3 before getting promoted to job group C4. However, it is impossible for the teacher to move directly from C2 to C4.

Several teachers were issued with promotion letters from their TSC County Directors offices to act as Deputy headteachers.

However, some of the teachers however were not eligible according to CPG, since they were either in Job group C2 or C1.

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KUPPET Calls For Removal of Job Group C5

Union Wants More Teachers Promoted in The Revised TSC’s Promotion Advert

Distribute Promotion Slots Equally in all Job Groups, KUPPET Tells TSC

TSC To Generate December 2022 Interview Merit Lists From These Existing Data Before Vetting at Sub-County Offices

TSC Uses Merit Lists To Distribute Deployment Letters to P1 Teachers

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Recall Promotion Advert Since it’s Mockery to JOB Groups C2, C3 and C4, KUPPET tells TSC

Even though they are Deputy headteachers in acting capacity, the system locked them out from applying for confirmation through the just recalled TSC promotions.

The situation is however different for teachers in ASAL and Hard to staff areas. In such areas a teacher can skip job groups because promotion is on affirmative action.

TSC cancelled the advert for 14,738 promotion vacancies after mass protests from various teachers including the administrators in acting capacity.

In the advert 3,392 slots went to secondary school while 11,346 went to primary schools. The vacancies arose from retirements, resignations or deaths. Many teachers have also been holding managerial positions in acting capacity.

Some primary school teachers who were left out in the promotion advert like B5 and C1 said their promotion should be automatic upto job group C2.

They wondered why TSC created two senior teacher position i.e. C2 and C3 which represent senior teacher II and I respectively.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet)Chairman Omboko Milemba backed the cancellation and asked the TSC to increase the number of vacancies.

He added that very many deserving teachers would be left out.

“People deserving promotion are not the target of the advertisement. These are teachers in C3 and C4 job groups. It is a drop in the ocean,” Milemba said.

Milemba blamed the commission for not promoting teachers, thus making them lose benefits.

He said that his office is working on data to establish the extent of the problem and what teachers are owed. He put the figure at more than Sh1 billion.

“This is a pending bill that’s not qualified. It is exploitation of labour by the TSC and government.

Distribute Promotion Slots Equally in all Job Groups, KUPPET Tells TSC https://elimupedia.com/distribute-promotion-slots-equally-in-all-job-groups-kuppet-tells-tsc.html Tue, 27 Dec 2022 05:13:12 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10887 Distribute Promotion Slots Equally in all Job Groups, KUPPET Tells TSC

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), has urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to initiate the promotion of teachers on an equal basis across the existing job groups.

Speaking in Migori, KUPPET Migori branch Executive Secretary Orwa Jasolo said that teachers have suffered untold miseries from TSC, caused by haphazard promotions, with the majority of them having stagnated for a long and eventually exiting service in the same job groups.

According to Orwa, teachers in grades C3 to C5 who form 80 per cent of post-primary school classroom teachers, were not allocated any meaningful share in the recent promotions advertised by the TSC.

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TSC To Generate December 2022 Interview Merit Lists From These Existing Data Before Vetting at Sub-County Offices

TSC Uses Merit Lists To Distribute Deployment Letters to P1 Teachers

Barasa to Move to Court Over Moi DEB Results, Wants Invigilators Prosecuted

Recall Promotion Advert Since it’s Mockery to JOB Groups C2, C3 and C4, KUPPET tells TSC

TSC Advertises 14,731 Promotion Vacancies-Apply Now

Top 100 KCPE 2022 Candidates Per County

KCPE 2022 Results Analysis Per School

Orwa maintained that majority of classroom teachers have stagnated for between five to 22 years in grade C3, yet only very few positions were advertised for the same job group.

He emphasised that from a total of over 110,000 post-primary teachers, only 3,000 teachers are set to be promoted representing 0.2 per cent, which he said was a drop in the ocean.

“Most of these advertised jobs are those at the higher grades, set to benefit only a few, while the majority of the classroom teachers at lower grades will remain stagnated at the same job group, with neither a pay rise nor any form of advancement in their careers,” noted Orwa.

The unionist added that TSC must find a new strategy for including classroom teachers in the promotion matrix because they are the ones shouldering the noble responsibility of improving students’ performance at the school level.

He urged the government to pay teachers according to the CBA matrix signed between the union and TSC in 2017 to allow teachers across the ranks to fully benefit.

The KUPPET official also asked the TSC to initiate a clear path on how Diploma teachers can be promoted both at primary and high school levels.

On her part, the Migori KUPPET Treasurer Florence Oduor clarified that what the TSC was claiming to be a promotion was actually mere name-changing of job groups.

“For instance, TSC changed the initial teacher’s job groups from K, L, M to C2, C3, C4 respectively, which is actually not a promotion, but a mere change of designations,” Odour said.

She called upon the TSC to listen to the pleas of teachers and address their concerns in terms of promotions and pay rise.

Oduor also called upon the politicians to keep off the forthcoming recruitment exercise of Junior Secondary school teachers, adding that hiring and teacher’s welfare was the sole mandate of TSC.

17,000 Primary School Teachers To Be Promoted To Junior Secondary https://elimupedia.com/17000-primary-school-teachers-to-be-promoted-to-junior-secondary.html Wed, 21 Dec 2022 04:08:53 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10831 17,000 Primary School Teachers To Be Promoted To Junior Secondary

17,000 Primary school teachers will be deployed to teach junior secondary school (JSS) wen grade 7 rolls out in January and all of them will be promoted.

The said teachers will be added to the 30,550 new recruits that the government will hire to teach junior high schools, which will be domiciled in primary schools.

This latest move will be a relief to thousands of teachers in lower job groups, but who have acquired diploma and degree qualifications, which are the minimum requirements to teach in JSS.

“We’re currently mapping those teachers and shortly, we’ll get the numbers right,” said Calvin Anyuor, the director of legal and industrial relations at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). He was representing the CEO of the commission, Ms Nancy Macharia when the commissioners appeared before the Education and Research committee of the National Assembly to give information on the promotion of teachers.

The commission has been accused of failing to promote some teachers even though they have the necessary qualifications. Some of the teachers have been in acting capacities for a long time without promotion while others retired before they could be promoted.

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Last week, Macharia also appeared before the commission on the same matter and the controversial delocalisation policy.

Teachers’ unions have previously put the number of teachers due for a promotion at about 17,000.

Anyuor added that some teachers who hold qualifications to teach junior secondary might be unwilling to be deployed there because they hold administrative positions such as headteachers.

The chair of the committee, Paul Melly, asked the commission to map out the staff needs for junior high throughout the country, and the teachers who will be promoted from primary schools and present the data to the committee. The chair of the TSC, Dr Jamleck Muturi, said that the mapping started in September.

“We’re progressively mapping out and looking at natural attrition because there are those who are already qualified but by end of this month, they’ll retire,” he said.

TSC estimates that about 15,000 teachers will exit the service through natural attrition and the vacancies will be advertised.

TSC To Be Grilled by Parliament Today Over Teacher Promotion Stagnation https://elimupedia.com/tsc-to-be-grilled-by-parliament-today-over-teacher-promotion-stagnation.html Mon, 19 Dec 2022 04:59:03 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=10815 TSC To Be Grilled by Parliament Today Over Teacher Promotion Stagnation

Commissioners from the teachers’ employer are today expected to appear before Parliament to shed light on the controversial promotion of teachers. This will be the second time in under a week that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is being put to task to explain why thousands of teachers have stagnated in one position for many years.

Last week, the National Assembly Education committee threatened to surcharge the TSC over its failure to promote 15,522 teachers and recruit 5,000 interns despite funds being set aside for this purpose. Members of the National Assembly committee on Education led by Tinderet MP Julius Melly said the teachers who missed out on the promotions stood to suffer as their failure to move to new job groups would have a bearing on their pension.

“This is a very serious issue which we are not going to sweep under the carpet, what are you going to do with these people who have already retired? Who is going to pay these teachers who have retired, you will soon retire and I am hoping that you will not suffer like you have made these teachers suffer,” said Melly.

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December 2022 Recruitment Slots For Junior Secondary Schools

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TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia was taken to task to explain why it took long for teachers to be promoted. She, however explained that the reason behind the delays was due to a congested calendar, which made it impossible for them to carry out the exercise. The MPs termed it unfortunate that TSC had failed to meet its part of the bargain by failing to promote teachers as well as employ others despite the government putting aside money for the exercise.

1025 Heads Whose Contracts Were Extended To Retire in July, 569 Others To Be Retained https://elimupedia.com/1025-heads-whose-contracts-were-extended-to-retire-in-july-569-others-to-be-retained.html Tue, 17 May 2022 14:57:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6696 1025 Heads Whose Contracts Were Extended To Retire in July, 569 Others To Be Retained

A total of 1025 heads of primary and secondary schools will be sent packing by the teachers’ service commission, TSC since the two-year contract they were added is expected to end in July 2021.

The teachers’ employer had contracted a total of 1,594 institutional heads and extended their service in 2020, after their retirement age had been attained.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia had confirmed plans to send the contracted heads home so as to enhance conduction of a fresh recruitment exercise by advertising new promotion interviews.

The big question however was the criteria that TSC used to retain 569 heads and extended their contract to December 2022, as others with the same case retire five months earlier.

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1,000 P1 Teachers To Be Deployed to Secondary Schools In September- See New Criteria

List of Over 500 Heads Set To Retire in December After 2 years Retention by TSC

Experts Fault Government’s Move to Merge secondary school science subjects  

Teachers Struggle with Congestion Caused by 100% Transition as TSC Told to Replace Retired Teachers

Over 500 Heads Retained by TSC To Retire in December-see list

KNEC Makes Changes on Ongoing Registration of KCPE, KCSE Candidates

Payment Dates For CBC Training Revealed

Not off TPD Hook: TSC Tells Teachers, Spells New TPD Incentives During CBC Training

When she appeared before the national assembly to defend the move to employ the administrators on contract, Macharia stated that it was impossible for TSC to conduct interviews and manage the transition of the heads of institutions in the middle of the pandemic, in consideration of the tight Covid-19 prevention protocols that had been put in place.

According to Macharia, TSC is not bound by the provisions of the Public Service Commission Act and since it is an independent Commission, the terms and conditions of service for TSC employees are under guidance of; the Constitution, the TSC Act, the Employment Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT).

Further, Macharia argued that the commission will require no funding for the post retirement remuneration of the heads since they have not been replaced, implying that their pension will be paid up-to the date of compulsory retirement and they will also get service gratuity for the period they were contracted.

However, Macharia maintained that the commission will have to conduct a fresh recruitment to replace the school heads once their contract ends end in July.

TSC recruited primary school headteachers, secondary school principals and principals of teacher training colleges on contract after their retirement in the year 2020.

In September last year TSC advertised mass recruitment of school administrators for primary and secondary schools and teacher training colleges as well as field officers.

Teachers in hardship areas To Be Favoured in New promotions https://elimupedia.com/teachers-in-hardship-areas-to-be-favoured-in-new-promotions.html Fri, 22 Apr 2022 11:09:08 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6353 Teachers in hardship areas To Be Favoured in New promotions

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will adopt a promotion system that gives priority to teachers in disadvantaged parts of the country.

Yesterday, the commission’s Legal and Industrial Relations Director, Cavin Anyuor, explained that teachers in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) would be accorded special attention in the promotion system.

“The issue of promotions in ASAL areas will be treated as special because we cannot have teachers coming from advantageous regions competing for promotional vacancies with those from arid and semiarid areas,” said Anyuor.

He made the remarks while responding to principals on the criteria for promotion of teachers, during the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KSSHA) annual forum in Mombasa, which closes today.

The teachers had also urged TSC to ensure full implementation of the 2021/25 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), which outlines modalities for promotion, among other things. TSC defended stagnation in promotion of teachers, saying that clause 9 of the CBA articulates the issue of promotion, especially for teachers in ASAL areas.

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Principals Want Form 3 Registration of KCSE Candidates Stopped

KUPPET Wants TSC To Recruit 115,000 Teachers Ahead of CBC

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The teachers insisted that the CBA provides for progressive promotion in a period of three years when they should be moved to the next grade until they reach the highest D5 grade. Anyuor, however, said the employer will put into consideration affirmative action as it is included in the CBA to ensure equal distributions of promotion positions.

KESSHA data shows the number of teachers with masters and doctorate degrees in service stood at 1,725 in 2016, compared with 2,453 in 2020. KESSHA chairman Kahi Indimuli lamented that interviews for promotions were pegged on the schools’ level, a situation that locks out the majority of principals seeking to get higher grades.

“The challenge we have faced as principals is that the interviews appear to be pegged on the type of school one is heading. If I am heading a sub-county school and there is an opportunity to move, I am not called for interviews because of the school I am in,” said Indimuli.

He added school heads do not choose to be where they are but are posted by their employer.“The question that principals are asking is, how come now that I have been sent to that school I cannot be called for interviews? Let us not peg promotions to the type of school one is heading,” he stated.

Indimuli also proposed the creation of new grades that will see principals in the highest job group (grade D5) promoted to senior chief principals. He called for reorganisation of funds in education sector to cater for promotion of head teachers so as to resolve the issue of stagnation.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) secretary general Akello Misori had said there was a need to increase the number of teachers and effect promotions.

He said reviews of lower cadres of staff is required, adding that the government has only reviewed the upper cadres of teachers. The union is calling for the implementation of the 2021-25 CBA that pushes for an increase in salaries and allowances, as well as hiring more teachers for public schools.

“So far, we have a teacher deficit of over 115,000 and yet the government has continued to push for 100 per cent transition from primary to secondary schools. How do you say you want to rationalise teaching in schools with this kind of deficit?” he asked.

Promotions Upto Job group C2 For P1 Teachers Automated https://elimupedia.com/promotions-upto-job-group-c2-for-p1-teachers-automated.html Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:04:27 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5114 Promotions Upto Job group C2 For P1 Teachers Automated

Classroom teachers in primary schools have a reason to smile under the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for teachers.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) changed the grading system for primary and secondary school teachers immediately after signing of the sh 54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)2017 to 2021 between it and the three teachers’ unions.

According to the Commission CPG are clear modalities designed to enable the Commission implement the CBA.

TSC adopted the Career Progression Guidelines as a way of grading and promoting teachers to various grades.

Read also:

How to get Promoted from Job group C2 to C3 and other common cadres

Secondary Schools To Be Classified Based On Courses Under CBC

Updated: Lists Of TSC Promoted Teachers 2021 Per County

TSC Set To Promote Teachers Acting As School Administrators

List Of Primary school Teachers Deployed To secondary schools

Deployment of P1 Teachers To Secondary Schools Begins

There are eight (8) grades that a primary school teacher can go through while in service. The job grades are scaled according to the relative worth of each job.

In July 2023 all primary school teachers in job group C1 will automatically move to job group C2 which is equivalent to former job group Which is the starting job group for graduate secondary school teachers.

Primary school teachers who are in job group B5 will move to job group C1. However primary school teachers who are in job group C2 will need to attend interview for them to move to job Group C3.

Job group C3 is a promotional grade for primary school teachers. It is also an entry grade into the administrative cadre. Entry into this grade is competitive and subject to availability of vacancies.

All primary school teachers who are deployed to teach in secondary schools also start in this job group. According to the Teachers Service Commission, CPG has solved job stagnation for teachers.

It is worth noting that prior to the implementations of CPGs, the Commission was promoting teachers using three schemes of service (certificate, degree and Diploma) based on qualification and experience; this caused stagnation in one job group.

The Commission adopted CPG in 2017 to enable implementation of the Job Evaluation (JE) and the CBA that was signed in 2016. The guidelines outline the descriptions. specifications, and competencies for each job.

Job Evaluation was conducted where all the stakeholders were involved. These were the KNUT, KUPPET, KESSHA, KEPSHA and the Parents Association.

Implementation of the job evaluation report stopped any further promotion of teachers on attainment of higher qualifications.

However, a report by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) disclosed that the last job evaluation was skewed, favoring school heads while leaving classroom teachers with nothing.

TSC Set To Promote Teachers Acting As School Administrators https://elimupedia.com/tsc-set-to-promote-teachers-acting-as-school-administrators.html Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:05:57 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=5070 TSC Set To Promote Teachers Acting As School Administrators

Teachers acting as school administrators are set to be promoted on affirmative action. Among those to be confirmed are senior teachers and masters, deputy headteachers and school heads in acting capacity. However, this will begin with Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) and hard to staff areas, according to information from TSC.

To be considered for promotion, the teachers must have served in their current position for at least three years.

Read also:

List of TSC Appointed HeadTeachers, Principals, Deputies And Senior Teachers Per County

Updated: Lists Of TSC Promoted Teachers 2021 Per County

Updated: List Of Schools That Will Host Junior Secondary Schools Per County Under CBC

TSC Releases Number Of Teachers Who Defiled students in 2021 Per County, Pledges To Publish Photos

New: List of Deregistered Teachers Between September-November 2021

Hard to staff Areas As Per CBA 2021-2025

Nationwide Survey and Review Of Hardship Areas

Although the Teachers Service Commission, (TSC) through circular number 14/2021 said promotions of teachers shall be in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines in force, TSC maintained that teachers serving in ASAL and hard to staff areas and are holding administrative positions in an acting capacity shall be promoted progressively until they obtain grades commensurate to their respective positions.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) secretary general, Collins Oyuu, clarified that what TSC has done is to list the hard to staff areas and maintained that they are putting administrators on acting capacity regardless of their grade, who will continue to serve in those administrative positions in the hard to staff areas until they attain their respective grades for confirmation.

“Those areas are hardship but hard to staff, meaning, even positions of Head teachers and Deputies nobody is ready to be there, and those who are there are not even qualified for those positions in terms of what we have in the CBA,” said Oyuu.

“They are promoted to act in those positions because those areas are hard to staff and nobody is willing to go there,” he added.

Oyuu added that what TSC is looking at is the interest an individual teacher has in line with serving under acting capacity of administration in those areas prior to one’s grade until when the teacher attains the full grade of administrator for full confirmations of the position the teacher was acting before.

Sources say the promotions and employment of more teachers will happen after the July budget.Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani has allocated an additional Sh14.9 billion to the TSC, whose budget has risen to Sh296.6 billion from Sh281.7 billion this year.

TSC will receive an extra Sh15 billion for the 2022 – 2023 financial year, with the additional money aimed to cater for a pay rise and hiring of new teachers.

The National Treasury has also allocated an extra Sh70.8 billion to ministries for recurrent expenditure, including the annual pay rise.

Already a total of 1,963 teachers were promoted following interviews conducted in November by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The Commission interviewed 1,376 teachers holding positions of Heads and Deputy Heads of

institutions in ASAL and Hard to Staff areas who were seeking promotions.

How to get Promoted from Job group C2 to C3 and other common cadres https://elimupedia.com/how-to-get-promoted-from-job-group-k-to-l-and-other-common-cadres.html Sat, 18 Dec 2021 05:01:10 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=4937 How to get Promoted from Job group K to L and other common cadres

Common cadre promotions are effected by the teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, once a teacher finishes three years in the entry grade.  The grades below shall form common establishment in the teaching service, according to the Teachers’ Career progression Guidelines set by TSC;

  1. Primary Teacher II T-Scale 5 and Primary Teacher I T-Scale 6 for Primary Teachers Education Certificate holders;
    ii. Secondary Teacher III / Lecturer III T-Scale 6 and Secondary Teacher II /Lecturer II T-Scale 7 for Diploma holders; and
    iii. Secondary Teacher II/Lecturer II T-Scale 7 (K) and Secondary Teacher I/Lecturer I T scale 8 (L) for holders of Bachelor of Education or its equivalent.

To be considered for common cadre promotion, a teacher must fill the ‘PERFORMANCE REPORT ON A TEACHER FOR ASSESSMENT ON SUITABILITY FOR PROMOTION/ APPOINTMENT TO THE NEXT GRADE ‘form. Some of the details to be filled by the teacher include:

i). Name of teacher
ii). Current grade/ Job group
iii). Current teaching institution/ station
iv). Duties executed by the teacher; currently.
v). TSC Number
vi). Appointment date

The head of institution is then expected to give a report on the teacher i.e: Knowledge of the job & performance, ability to coach students & participate in Co- curricular activities, acceptance of responsibilities, General conduct and suitability for promotion. The duly filled form is then sent to the Commission headquarter for action.

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How to enroll for TPD training at Mount Kenya University

Promotion From Job group B5-C1 Finally Automatic- How To Get Your Arrears

Teacher Promotion, Professional Growth To Be Determined By Performance In The Mandatory Refresher Courses

List of TSC Appointed Headteachers, principals, Deputies and senior teachers Per County

Teachers’ Basic Salary Scales After Phase 2 of Pension Deductions
