Teacher Defiles Pupil, Gives Her Birth Control Pills

Teacher Defiles Pupil, Gives Her Birth Control Pills

A pupil said to have been defiled by her teacher in Nyamira tearfully narrated how her teacher constantly gave her birth control pills after the horrific ordeal.

She said more other pupils go through similar ordeals with the alleged sex pest.

The teacher identified as Jared Masese, a Deputy Head teacher at St Andrew’s Girls Primary school Deputy teacher has since been arraigned for defilement.

The pupil said the amorous teacher had a safe in his office where he kept the family planning pills.

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The pupil was busted with the teacher on Wednesday evening by a female teacher.

On Sunday, the pupil said she had multiple sexual encounters and only pills saved her from becoming pregnant.

It all begun in January after a stomach pain, she narrated.

Then she reached out to him for help only for him to turn the matter into a pupil-teacher relationship that resulted in repeated defilement ordeals in his office.

“I had been told milk could help my ulcers and was thus told to check up with him out since he was the one in charge of milk.

“When I went there, instead of helping me he begun fondling my breasts. Before long, he was over me,” she said.

The minor shared it out in the presence of her livid father the harrowing experience.

Between sobs, the minor narrated how the teacher constantly invited her to his office during late hours of the day often for defilement.


“He could call me any time between 5 to 7 pm to his office.

“In there, he removed my underwear very fast before pinning me against the table for quick sex,” she said.

The door to his office was often locked, a calculated move, she said, to shield his immoral behavior from view.

Some teachers though begun to smell a rat.

One teacher at the school appeared to corroborate the pupil’s account.

He said the teacher often loved his door shut whether alone or with a pupil.

“I don’t know if it was by coincidence or chance but somehow he loved it shut little did I know he was a sex pest,” he told the Star.

It was, however, the disclosure by the pupil about pills that was unnerving.

It was said he had a safe where he stored pills for his use on his victims.

“After each act, he used to give me some tablets to swallow. At first I did not know what they were. The second time I asked him about it and he told me I am safe if I took them,” said the girl.

On Friday, parents stormed the school to seek answers on the matter as police arraigned him in a Keroka Court where he was temporarily denied bond to allow police undertake investigations.

Appearing before Senior Resident Magistrate Collins Ombicha, the teacher was charged with sexually assaulting and committing an indecent act with a child contrary to section 11(1) of the Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006.


He was further arraigned for touching the private parts of a minor contrary to section 11 (1) of the same act.

He was arraigned after a night at Manga Police Station.

By Sunday, some parents said they were looking for alternative schools for their young girls following the incident.

One parent said performance at the school has gone down due the conduct of such teachers.

“Being a girls school, I am not expecting much if we have a bunch of teachers seeking sexual favors from children,” he told the Star on condition of anonymity.

The parents stormed the school as education officers also visited the to start investigations into the Wednesday evening defilement incident.

On Friday, the affected minor said about seven of her peers may have been molested by the teacher.

“He is a harsh and warns strictly against telling anybody about it,” she said.

Timothy Omariba, one of the parents, asked the government to intervene to ensure justice is done to the minor.

He also called on a probe on the school’s leadership conduct in the light of such incidents.

“We may not rest easy until we see justice,” he said.

He also wants the office in which the teacher was found defiling the pupil considered a crime scene.

“Efforts must be made to have it sealed because the family planning pills being spoken by the girl are already inside there and may be tampered with if not secured,” he said.

School head teacher Carolyn Kerubo says they are already cooperating with investigating agencies.

“Already, the main culprit is in police custody and we are doing everything to ensure such behavior never occurs,” she told journalists.

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