Teachers and Students To Pursue A Financial Literacy Program Through KICD-Old Mutual Partnership

Teachers To Pursue A Financial Literacy Program Through KICD-Old Mutual Partnership

UAP Old Mutual Group and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), have partnered to offer financial literacy is to teachers in the newly implemented competency-based curriculum dubbed Learn-Think-Do. This follows a KSh. 21 Million partnership deal between KICD and Old mutual.

The funding provided by Old Mutual will support the mainstreaming of financial education in the new competency-based curriculum that will entail; an in-depth analysis of existing programs, the closing of gaps and the inclusion of financial literacy course content for teachers in the new curriculum.

Immediate delivery will be through online and offline courses for junior secondary and senior school teachers.

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This partnership is expected to play a critical role in providing financial education to teachers and students all over Kenya.

Understanding finance and personal financial planning and management skills is essential, especially as people become increasingly dependent on digital platforms.

“Although these services defeat the challenges of geographical distances, lack of infrastructure and access to the formal banking sector means they cannot be optimally used in the absence of financial education,” said Arthur Oginga, Group CEO UAP Old Mutual.

“Financial Literacy and education are central to productivity in every sector. By inclusively having this in the curriculum, we build productivity and developmental competencies in every learning area as we develop a skilled and ethical society,’’ said Professor Charles Ong’ondo, CEO KICD.

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