SRC: Salary Hikes After 2021-2025 CBA Will Depend On State Of Economy And Performance

Teachers in Job Group C3 and Diploma Holders Receive Favour In The Eyes Of SRC

SRC has once again promised to address the stagnation of teachers at job group L (C3). In this case, SRC has been hit by the plight of several teachers, who have served in job group L (C3), for close to 20 years. The report claims that in the category that has stagnated, diploma holders are the most affected lot. SRC is so much concerned with the over 20,000 diploma holders, who have served in job group C3 for so many years, and it feels they may retire in the same job group.

While negotiating the 2017-2021 CBA, diploma teachers were notably left out and this is what SRC wants reviewed in the new CBA 2021-2025. On the issue of teachers stagnating at Job group C 3 with no hopes of moving to job group C4, KUPPET had petitioned TSC, and the matter cannot be solved easily since this is a CBA that was signed by KUPPET itself.


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In her own wisdom, SRC feels that unfair salary differences inspire low morale and reduced productivity, causing desire for salary increase and unnecessary labour unrests.

“Disparities in pay for workers with similar qualifications, skills, and in comparable occupations, contradict the principles of equal pay for work of equal value,” states the guidelines.

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It is therefore evident SRC wants the 2021-2025 collective bargaining agreement to solve the issue of job group stagnation once and for all. If implemented, moving from job group C3 to C4 won’t be as difficult as it currently is, and most teachers won’t stagnate at the bar of job group C3 all their years in service as it has been the norm. Diploma teachers will not be left out but will be the biggest beneficiaries of 2021-2025 CBA, as proposed by SRC. The salary disparity between degree holders and diploma holders also won’t be as huge as it is currently because in its guideline, TSC has pledged to bridge the salary gaps between teachers in similar or different T- scales.

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