Teachers To Begin CBC Classes In Three Weeks’ Time

Teachers To Begin CBC Classes In Three Weeks’ Time

The teachers employed by the teachers’ service commission, TSC, are set to begin their CBC trainings from 23rd November 2020. This follows a Memo released by the teachers’ service commission to the regional and county directors of education.

The training, which is scheduled to end on 5th December 2020, will go on alongside term two that has been programmed to end on 23rd of December 2020.

The curriculum support officers, (CSOs) and CBC champions at the county level will be trained by the national master trainers. After the training, they will in turn train the zonal curriculum support officers and CBC champions.

Read also: KUPPET Rejects TSC’s 2021-2025 CBA Proposal To SRC

CBC training for School heads will last only a day while classroom teachers will attend a five day training on the same.

All the teachers attending the CBC training sessions will commute, except special needs education teachers and teachers from arid and semi arid areas, who will be expected to reside at the training venues. Commuters will be reimbursed their fare after the training session.

Targeted Teachers

The teachers’ service commission targets the following teachers for the CBC training:

  1. All school heads from regular and special schools.
  2. At least One grade 1- grade 3 regular / SNE teacher per school
  3. At least two grade 4 regular / SNE teachers per school

The memo instructs county directors to invite the curriculum support officers and CBC champions within their counties for training by the trainer of trainers. The champions must be the ones that were appointed last year, unless the county directors get authorized by TSC to replace them.

The memo further directs the county directors to send invitation letters to the targeted teachers and heads, and to organize training venues within their counties.

All those attending the CBC training sessions will have to strictly adhere to the covid-19 protocols.

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