Teachers To Engage in Research Like University Counterparts

The reality of going back to the classroom for TPD courses will not only come strike teachers with the shock of spending extra money and time, but also the shock of identifying areas that need research in their work stations or profession, and conduct research to come up with solutions.

The teachers service commission secretary Nancy Macharia has praised the TPD move, saying it will make teachers updated with the current education trends and impart researching skills among them. According to Macharia, the new approach will ensure teachers are also engaged in conducting research projects and writing academic research papers, a move she says will see them improve the teaching quality in schools.

The act of writing research and academic papers is practiced in the universities as a way of ensuring that lecturers remain relevant in the various areas they teach. Universities do not entertain dons who fail to conduct at least research in three years. Promotions in universities depend on a number of things, including the amount and quality of research one has conducted.

An official from TSC has confirmed that TSC plans to make schools resemble universities, where teachers will be consistently engaged in research to improve the quality of what they offer to students. The commission is arguing that a teacher is a researcher. It is due to this thinking that research will form part of the TPD content in the first module, and teachers will be required to conduct a research study as a requirement to certification.

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Giving more reasons for introducing the TPD courses, Macharia insisted that the teaching profession must just be like other professions, whose professionals are skilled. She said the decision was necessitated by the need to have teachers follow the steps of other careers which include engineering and law.

“The move will see teachers put up to date with their profession. In addition, they will also work like other professionals including engineers and lawyers,” Macharia said.

She said it only through the TPDs that she will be able to prove during negotiations for salary increment that  teachers are skilled. “ the commission has in the recent past faced challenges during negotiations for teachers as they are referred to as semi-skilled,” revealed Macharia.

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