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Teachers To Miss August Salaries For Snubbing Covid-19 Vaccine

Tutors have seven days to comply with State directive to get vaccinated or forfeit their August remuneration.

More than 200,000 teachers risk missing out on their August salaries for failing to take the Covid-19 jab.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) gave the tutors, from both public and private schools, seven days to take the full dosage of the Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine in line with a directive by Public Service head joseph Kinyua that all pubic servants take the TSC doses or face unspecified disciplinary measures.

Yesterday, TSC Secretary Dr Nancy Macharia revealed that only 110,342 teachers have received full dosage since the exercise began, against the government target of 130,671.

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Another 178,734 had only taken the first dose, the teachers employer announced yesterday. Macharia termed the figures far from impressive and gave those yet to get the jab seven days to comply.

She regretted that the number is still low despite the government having prioritised and identified teachers as frontline workers together with health, police and Military officers, who were targeted during phase one of the vaccination

A well-placed source at the TSC headquarters who sought anonymity revealed that the commission may consider a raft of disciplinary measures against those who do not comply with the directive.

“What TSC is doing is to enforce the Kinyua directive among teachers, failure to which there will be penalties such as withholding the next salaries for those who will not have taken the jab upon the expiry of the seven-day notice,” said the source.

Last week, the government ordered all civil servants to take the jab within two weeks or risk disciplinary action after only a few volunteered to take the jab.

Kinyua accused some State officials of deliberately refusing to get vaccinated so that they can stay at home, negatively affecting service delivery.

“In our recent meeting, it was reported that there was a low uptake of covid-19 vaccines among public servants” said Kinyua.

“It has therefore been decided that all the civil servants will be prioritised in the ongoing vaccination and that those who will not have been given the vaccination by august 23rd will be treated as disciplinary cases and appropriate action will be taken against them,” he added.

Kinyua directed principal secretaries and accounting officers to ensure the directive is adhered to. It is against this backdrop that Macharia, as the TSC accounting officer, Issued yesterday’s warning.

TSC boss Launched a rallying call to all teachers to beat covid 19 by getting the jab.

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