KNUT Plans To Appoint A Commissioner of Teachers in The TSC Through BBI

Teachers Who Have Withdrawn From KNUT To Go Back To KNUT: Raila Urges Teachers, Defends KNUT (Watch Video)

ODM party leader Raila Odinga has requested teachers who were forced by circumstances or other people to withdraw from KNUT, to go back to KNUT.
“..And I want to urge those other teachers who have been forced by circumstances to withdraw from KNUT to go back to KNUT,” urged the former prime minister during an occasion that was attended by KNUT officials.

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The ODM leader told teachers that he foresees better times coming. Times when KNUT will be greater than what it used to be in the past and it will fight even more strongly for the teachers of Kenya. “The sooner you go back to KNUT, the better. Do not run away from a union because if you become union less, you will have nothing to defend you.”

Odinga argued that teachers have had so many grievances since they have a right to own a union and belong to the union.” Na walimu wamelia mara ming zaidi.maanake walimu wana haki ya kuwa na chama chao.( teachers have grieved a lot since since they have a right to have their own union),” said the concerned Odinga.

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The former prime minister reminded TSC that Kenya is a signatory to international statutes which guarantees the workers the right to form unions to defend themselves. “kenya sisi tuko signatory to international statutes which guarantee workers the right to form unions to defend themselves, to negotiate with the employer. That is when we are going to be able to strengthen our democracy in this country,” said Raila to the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.

Raila even assured teachers of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s support to them. ”…And I want to tell you that the president also supports teachers. We cannot allow KNUT to die,” said Raila, amidst claps from the elated crowd.

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TSC and KNUT are in a tussle of war, which has seen the former declining to remit union dues and agency fees to the latter. TSC has even given Union members a chance to quit unions online, and most members have heeded. KNUT currently has only about 34,000 members, all the way from over 145,000. The giant union is currently unable to pay workers and operate comfortable. Plans are underway to auction its assets and close 110 offices countrywide due to financial crisis.

Read also: KNUT’S Woes Are Likely To Increase: Reasons Given By Analysts

The KNUT secretary general, Wilson Sossion has even reported TSC to the labour cabinet secretary but is yet to get a response.

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