KNUT Ready for Dialogue with TSC

Teachers Will Boycott 2023 Marking Exercise if Payment Delay Trend is Not Solved, KNUT

Kenya National Union of Teachers(KNUT) has threatened to ask teachers not to man this year’s national examinations following the national govemment’s trend of delaying their payments.

Speaking at Bondo Township Secondary School, the union’s Vice Secretary General Hesbon Otieno demanded an assurance from the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)that the payment of examiners, invigilators and supervisors will not be delayed this time.

He also demanded for prompt payment of the examiners’ allowances.

Otieno also faulted the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) for delaying the remittance of statutory deductions to the medical schemes teachers have subscribed to.

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“Such delays have made some good service providers to opt out,” he lamented, adding further that issues pertaining to the pension of retired teachers need to be handled by TSC and not the treasury through the National Pensions Scheme.

He revealed that the union is already engaqing lawyers who will help them draft some proposed amendments into the pensions act to allow TSC to handle pension services for retired teachers.

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