Possible 2020 TSC Internship Interview Questions

Grand Salary Scale Mergers That Will Greatly Favour Teachers With Lower Salary Points Per JG

Senior master ii, deputy principal 3, senior head teacher, senior lecturer and curriculum officer 1 at job group D1, initially at salary point 2, have been grouped with those at salary point 1 and 3, receiving an additional ksh. 5,027.

Senior master3, senior lecturer iii, head teacher, deputy head teacher and curriculum support officer ii at job group C5, salary points 1-5, are grouped into one salary scale, with a new salary of ksh. 62,272. Those at salary scale 1 are the biggest beneficiaries with an additional ksh. 10,640.

Senior master IV, senior lecturer iv, SNE senior teacher, and deputy head teacher ii, at grade C4 T scale 9, and salary point 1-4, have been merged into band 1, with a new basic salary of ksh. 52,308.Those initially at salary point 1 are the biggest winners, with an increment of ksh. 7, 021.

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Teachers’ January 2021 Basic Salary Scales After Pension Deductions

Secondary teacher I, lecturer I, SNE teacher 1, and SNE teacher IIAT JOB GROUP C3 T scale 8, are all merged into one salary point. Members of salary point 1 in in the same T-scale will have ksh. 4092 extra in their salaries.

Secondary teacher ii, SNE teacher ii, lecturer 11 and senior teacher ii, at job group C2 salary point 1-4, are now grouped into one salary point, with a basic salary of ksh. 34,955. Members of salary point I in the same job group will earn an additional salary of ksh. 3713. Those who will be disadvantaged in these new changes are teachers at job group C1, T scale 6, who will retain their initial salaries and allowances. The changes will also not apply to teachers serving under the schemes off service.

Also those affected are teachers who are currently serving interdiction. For this group of teachers, they had discipline cases and TSC used their personal files to determine the effective upgrading date upon completion of two years after reporting.

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