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Teachers Should Blame Raila: Sossion Decries Betrayal and Misuse By Raila

Nominated MP Wilson Sossion says had ODM leader Raila Odinga used his influence in government to intervene and stop alleged interference in the management of teachers’ unions. If it wasn’t for that, he would still be having his job at the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) where he served as secretary-general until June last year when he resigned.

Sossion said: “The dictatorial tendencies of the Jubilee government under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta led me to resign from the union leadership.”

“Raila Odinga betrayed me by allowing the government he had joined to interfere with teachers’ union,” said Sossion who spoke at Kebebiti in Belgut constituency on Thursday during the burial of Kebeneti Secondary principal Joel Mutai who died in a road accident.

The ODM lawmaker blamed Raila for all the woes teachers are facing currently, and urged teachers to vote wisely in August.

Sossion quit Knut after nine years at the helm, ending a three-year protracted war between the union and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) over several issues, including teachers’ salaries and promotions.

The unionist also found himself in bad books with the government over his push for more teachers to be hired.

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The former Knut boss’s disapproval of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and his sustained campaign against it did not also go down well with some education Education ministry honcho’s and his tough stance is said to have contributed to the pressure for him to quit.

Sossion, who has since joined the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) of Deputy President William Ruto, was swiftly replaced by Collins Oyuu who was elected just a day after he resigned.

“That is why I joined UDA and I am now supporting Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency. At the moment, all the unions have been killed by this government. Civil societies are silent. They can’t even speak on behalf of citizens anymore,” he said.

He expressed confidence that Ruto will win the presidential contest on August 9 against Raila, who has been perceived to be his main rival.

“Ruto will win the election and reverse the retrogressive laws passed by the Jubilee regime,” said Sossion who was accompanied by Belgut MP Nelson Koech and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Kericho branch officials, led by executive Mary Rotich.

He added: “The government is currently targeting political parties through the Political Parties Bill now before the Senate. Even if the President assents to it, it should be nullified by the courts.”

The two MPs dismissed CBC terming it a fraud and a venture meant to make business for some people.

“A good curriculum must be understood by teachers, learners, and parents. It must be exciting and inspiring. It must not be frustrating,” Sossion said.

Koech termed CBC a burden to parents. “The education sector has to be streamlined. The Ministry of Education, led by Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, has run out of ideas. We will ensure those officers who have mismanaged the education sector get fired after the next General Election,” Koech said.

Sossion and Koech also hit out at the Jubilee government over the failed laptop project for Standard One pupils.

“Kenyans made a mistake by voting in the Jubilee administration in 2013. This time around, Kenyans must be wiser and vote for Deputy President William Ruto,” said Koech.

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