hese Are Our Irreducible Minimums Ahead of Reopening: KNUT Tells TSC

These Are Our Irreducible Minimums Ahead of Reopening: KNUT Tells TSC

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, has given TSC three weeks to consider their demands, failure to which, it will take a stern action against TSC.The core  of the complaint is implementation of collective bargaining agreement (CBA) negotiations between Knut and TSC.

“You have strictly three weeks to remedy all these failure of which the union shall take stern action against you as provided in Article 41 of the Constitution without any further reference to you,” said Sossion during  a press statement.

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Sossion highlighted KNUT’s irreducible minimums, which TSC must meet, before teachers report in schools for term two in January 2021.

  • TSC must implement the current CBA in a proper manner. The CBA was meant for both members of KNUT and KUPPET yet currently KNUT members are locked out.
  • TSC must commence the next CBA in a procedural manner. The 2021-2024 CBA, whose counter proposal is currently with the SRC, was not handled procedurally. TSC was to hold meetings with KNUT and KUPPET separately, and listen to their proposal, and then present to them the counter offer. Upon negotiations, the parties would reach an Agreement on which offer to present to SRC.
  • TSC must pay all teachers who are members of KNUT their salary arrears for the duration they were denied pay increase. Sossion is alleging that KNUT members did not benefit from the final phase of 2017-2020 CBA.
  • TSC must immediate promote all Knut members who were due for upgrades but were denied opportunities for belonging to the union.
  • TSC must recall its unilateral suspension of the 2017-2021 CBA for KNUT members and unblocking them from benefits, being enjoyed by members of the rival union and non union members.
  • TSC must reinstate the Knut register as it was in June last year. KNUT membership has dropped from 187,471 to less than 35,000 members.
  • Promotions must be in line with the code of regulations for teachers, CORT and not career progression guidelines as TSC is purporting.

In an earlier interview with a local media station, TSC head of corporate affairs Beatrice Wababu,  dismissed Sossion’s allegations, saying that teachers have quit Knut on their own . ”There has been a narrative that TSC removed members from Knut to benefit a rival union and that is not true. If teachers left any union, they did so on their own based on a court ruling that worked against them,” she said.

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