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This is why TSC Has given interns a head start in the July Recruitment exercise

The teachers service commission, TSC has pre-awarded currently serving intern teachers 30 marks in the recently advertised July recruitment and replacement posts whose applications are still ongoing.

This is one decision that has attracted talks and criticisms from a section of Kenyans. A section of teachers feels that TSC is slowly making internship a compulsory requirement prior to recruitment. While justifying the essence of internship three years ago, TSC hinted that in future, all teachers will have to undergo a three-year internship programme before being absorbed under permanent and pensionable terms and conditions.

Applicants who are not currently serving as interns feel that the competition is not on a leveled play field since compensating for 30 marks to beat a competitor is impossible even if both of you are five years apart and the intern has a second class lower while you have a masters.

The 30 marks awarded to interns in the already released preliminary marking scheme will make unemployed teachers to scramble for internship posts the next time they are advertised till it will reach a level where non intern teachers will stop attending recruitment interviews to give way for the interns. When such a time reaches, according to the sources at TSC, there will be no more recruitment but confirmation of serving interns and contracting of fresh interns. Demand for internship will make TSC to skillfully stop recruiting teachers.

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For the remaining periods before TSC starts confirming interns officially, interns will be awarded marks based on durations they have served under internship.

Teachers have up to July 12 to apply online for the vacancies after which the shortlisted ones will be invited for interviews by the respective schools.

The commission at the same time advertised for 1000 vacancies for primary teachers wishing to teach in Secondary schools.

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