Top 8 Most Affordable Accommodation Places in Dar Es Salaam  

Dar es salaam is locally and internationally known as the ‘place of peace’ since it has a cool environment hosting a population of humble citizens. This is a place one can visit and be assured of having all leisure desired along with free services like guiding and counseling. It is a hub of exposure both to residents and nonresidents of Tanzania. Shopping centers are strategically located near the hotels, enabling tourists’ upkeep easy and comfortable.

For tourists already in Dar or intending to visit, you will never regret considering any of the hotels below for your accommodation services.


The rooms are pocket friendly being affordable to visitors of all calibers. Payments combination of both bed and breakfast is 22 US dollars per a night. This is a place one with errands to run on the internet has no problem as Wi-Fi is powerful and free. Sanitation is up to the standards coupled with adorable room and outside room services. You can easily access the ocean for a moon walk.


This place is easily accessed from the main road and well secured with a cool atmosphere. The tidiness in both compound and rooms leaves one amazed. There are different types of foods prepared at a customer’s taste and well served with well-groomed waiters. The ventilations in the rooms continuously nourish the occupants with a cool breeze and a memorable peace. With as low as 44 US dollars a night, you can secure yourself a bed and full breakfast.

Airport B10

Talk of decent and well-fixed showers in this place and your wish will be granted. The soothing breeze and a slow whistling sound of aromatic trees leave you asleep forgetting you are at the veranda. Most visitors call in due to their accommodation price which is only 24 US dollars per night, timely breakfast included. The treatment here is so awesome as you are woken for breakfast by the most respectful waiters. All types of drinks are served according to one’s taste.

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Amariah City Center

The beauty in this place pushes one to prolong a stay without plan due to its state of the art structures and viewpoints. It is a small heaven down here well positioned near many attractive sites for visit. Its price talks of its uniqueness from the rest, costing only 43 US dollars. This is cash you pay without pain as the wonderful services talk for themselves. Here is a place u can go for a camp or holiday without worry as most things like shopping centers, entertainment, shore sides, counseling among others are at your exposure.

Oyster Bay Protea

The coolest place one would ever wish to be. A place you can clearly hear birds sing melodiously and the wind whistling. If you want total peace of mind, contemplating only on what pleases you most, this is the place to look for. Rooms here are well ventilated besides being spacious, giving a lot of privacy. 75.5 US dollars is still a mockery to this paradise.

Sleep Inn

This place is equipped with rooms capable of accommodating two people each with his or her bed, at only 32 US dollars per night, inclusive of breakfast. Security is top-notch as each room is installed with a landline just in case of emergency. The balcony is spacious and well positioned to enjoy the viewing at whichever angle one is. This is a place not specified to a particular group of people, but anybody can go or any meetings can be held.

Park Regancy

The hotel is near business center where you can comfortably walk and back. Rooms are fumigated after every three months to keep them free from any harmful viruses, pests or insects. No problem with the network in terms of calls and browsing. Only going in for as little as 31 US dollars a Shillings.

Mbezi Resort

Room services very recommendable. All rooms are furnished with fans and heaters in for self-warming during a cold night. Within the Compound is playing ground and a swimming pool, designed for guests who are keen on their physical fitness. Charges per a night are 30 US dollars.

Hinder Restaurant

Both food and drinks served at a cheapest imaginable price in restaurants of its caliber. It is positioned in a hidden quiet peaceful place. The taste of the food served demand one to visit again and again within a single month. It’s less paying charges of 54 US dollars cannot be compared to the general services offered and neatness of the rooms inclusive of the entire compound.

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