Top KCSE candidate Attributes Maths, Chemistry A’s To Babu Owino’s Online Classes

Top KCSE candidate Attributes Maths, Chemistry A’s To Babu Owino’s Online Classes

When Covid-19 struck, schools were closed and the education calendar was disrupted. KCPE and KCSE candidates were unsure of when they would sit for their exams and some schools rolled out online classes to ensure they completed the syllabus in good time.

Embakasi East Babu Owino took it upon himself to aid students and offered Mathematics and Chemistry classes for free on his social media platforms.

At first, the move attracted a lot of criticism, some accusing the legislator of trying to ‘sanitise’ his name but this did not deter him.

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He selected a few topics that he deemed examinable and glided through them with ease, well, this was expected as he holds a degree in Actuarial Science.

The classes, which were often conducted on Fridays, soon attracted more people and Babu took students through Chemistry classes, dissecting organic chemistry.

On Monday, KCSE top candidate Robinson Simiyu acknowledged the work of Babu, saying he benefitted a lot from the classes.

Although Murang’a High School had already rolled out online classes for their students, Robinson stated that Babu’s Mathematics and Chemistry classes came in handy.

“I would love to appreciate Babu Owino because he went a step further and started teaching.

“I remember his Mathematics and Chemistry lessons…they really helped. Our school had online lessons but there are students out there who did not have that privilege. I benefitted from the lessons and I believe there are many others who did,” he said.

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