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TPAD defaulters and Teachers with Low TPAD Ratings to Face Punitive actions

A report submitted to the teachers’ service commission, TSC, has recommended a severe punishment for teachers who did not submit their TPAD reports. Also to be punished are teachers who consistently score low on TPAD ratings without any improvement in subsequent terms.

According to a report submitted to the TSC CEO, only completed TPADS could be submitted successfully and majority of teachers did not complete filling their TPADS. “Teachers had all the time to complete their term two appraisal but some still got closed out,” Reads the report on TPAD evaluation for term two.

The report has also revealed that most teachers do not upload evidence while appraising themselves. “Each standard in the TPAD requires evidence yet teachers just give their ratings and fail to upload evidence. What that means is that the ratings are lies.”

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TSC credits TPAD as the most effective and professional evaluation tool for teachers. Teachers on the other hand view the document as a punitive tool, designed to humiliate them and deny them promotions from lower job groups when they are due.

For any teacher attending a promotional TSC interview, TPAD ratings are a mandatory requirement. According to the TPAD’s Preamble, any teacher who consistently displays poor performance or very low appraisal ratings may after due process have his or her services terminated. Additionally, it states that a disciplinary action should be taken against any teacher who fails or refuses to complete or submit an appraisal report.

Originally, TPAD tool involved both manual and online processes and there were no strict timelines for data entry. Teachers would fill and submit the data even during the holidays after closure of schools.

The new TPAD tool requires weekly lesson attendance entries not later than Fridays of each week. After Friday, the non-submitted lesson attendance data expires and the online system rejects it automatically.

Non submitted data simply gives an interpretation that the teacher did not attend the lessons for the week and therefore attracts a disciplinary action from TSC. The disciplinary actions TSC has talked of so far include salary stoppage for the month or salary deductions.

The TPAD also requires teachers to have at least one lesson observation per term.

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