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TPD Starting Date Issued, As Those Planning To Ignore Training Warned

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC)Chief Executive Officer, Nancy Macharia, has issued the date when teachers will start their Teacher Professional Development (TPD) program.

Macharia said the training will start in five days’ time as she warned teachers who have not registered for the program.

She was talking in during a press briefing where she maintained that teachers who will attend the training will be issued with teaching certificates (licence) that will authorize them to teach.

However, those who will fail to attend the training, she said, will be dealt with according to the TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT).

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“A teacher who fails to undertake a prescribed TPD or take a teaching certificate shall be dealt with according to the code of regulations for teachers,” said Macharia.

According to Macharia, the training is aimed to enhance previous teachers training and asked both public and private school teachers to register for the training. She said the training will be purely online.

Her sentiments come few days after the official TPD training centres for teachers were released.

The teacher training programme is scheduled to start next week Monday 13th December 2021 and will be purely online (virtual).

TSC picked four institutions to offer teacher training. These are Mount Kenya University,Riara University, Kenyatta University and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI).

The training which takes 30 years will cost a teacher sh. 6,000 yearly. However, most TPD Service Providers have spread the fee for a period of 12 months to ease payment for teachers.

During the December training teachers will be introduced to the first module, Introductory


This program will introduce teachers to Teacher Professional Development and to the Seven Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePIS).

The introductory module has five chapters, which are expected to be completed within one year.

The content of each chapter is based on current knowledge and research applicable to the practical needs of a Kenyan classroom teacher.

After the introductory module, the teachers and the instructing leaders will then proceed to the level one module.

There will be two different modules: One for the Teachers and the one for Instructional Leaders.

Level One module will have 5 chapters. A teacher or an instructional leader will take one chapter per year for a period of 5 years but to a maximum of 7 years. Level two to Level six modules will each take 5 years.

Despite some teachers opposing the programme, the Commission has vowed to proceed with its plans to train its teachers.

“It is the question of what do we want best for our teachers, the future of a teacher in the country. the 21st century teacher. We would like to get a professionalized teacher, and that one we are not relenting on it,” said TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi.

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