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TPD Training Institutions To Pay TSC Ksh. 50,000, Among Other Incentives

Emerging details reveal that the institutions approved by the teachers’ service commission to deliver TPD modules to teachers will pay the teachers service commission ksh. 50,000, along side a cost per teacher per session, which will be settled on upon negotiation.

“The accredited firms would be expected to pay an accreditation fee of Sh50,000 to TSC and a negotiated rate per teacher per session,” reads part of the contract document.

Even as the details of the training programme are slowly emerging, TSC yesterday took a very bold step in defending the TPD programmes and the four selected institutions, maintaining that everything was done legally.

Documents from TSC have shown that the commission commenced the process of identifying service providers about three years ago, where it invited tenders for provision of the TPD service and 34 institutions applied but only four qualified.

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The four institutions that qualified were Mt Kenya University, Kenyatta University, Riara University and Kenya Education Management Institute.

TSC urged interested parties to provide a brief description of the organisation as well as outline recent experience on assignments of TPD nature, a description of the methodology and work plan for performing the assignment.

TSC had also stated that before the contract negotiation, it would require assurances that the experts would be available.

On award of contract, TSC said would be done after negotiations were completed.

The commission said it has identified innovative assessment strategies to be used for the TPD programme.

TSC says the TPD is provided in law and has been in place since 2015 albeit without the knowledge of most stakeholders in education.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia quoted Article 48 of TSC Code of Regulations for Teachers 2015 which states that every teacher should undertake the TPD prescribed or recommended by the Commission.

Similarly, the regulations state that every teacher who successfully completes a TPD will be issued with a teaching certificate by the Commission.

“The Commission shall approve the training institutions to conduct TPD programmes. The approved institutions shall issue certificates to teachers upon completion of the programme,” states the regulations.

TSC regulations state that a certificate issued would indicate the effective date and will be valid for five years or such other period as may be prescribed by the Commission.

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