TSC Announces December Training of Teachers in CBA and CBC

TSC Announces December Training of Teachers in CBA and CBC

The teachers service commission, TSC, has planned the training of teachers in competency-based curriculum, CBC, and competency-based assessment, CBA, starting from 24th November 2021 to 17th December 2021. Both face to face and virtual modes of training will be applied.

The training, which will adopt a cascade model, will begin with the principal master trainers (PMT) at the national level, who will then train master trainers. The master trainers will then trainer the trainers of trainers (TOT). Training of TOTs and MTs will be conducted virtually while PMTs will be trained physically.

Once trained, the TOTs, which include curriculum support officers (CSOs) and CBC champions will train regular teachers physically at zonal level and special needs education teachers at county level. Both will be face to face trainings.

The specific dates for the training are as follows:

24TH -26th November 2021 CEMASTEA Induction of principal master trainers (PMTs)
26th November-3rd December 2021 Virtual Training of master trainers (MTs)
6th -10th December 2021 Virtual Training of trainer of trainers (TOTs)

  • CSOs and CBC champions
  • SNE CSOs and CBC champions
13th -17th December 2021 Zonal level face to face teacher training in each zone (regular)
13th -17th December 2021 County SNE Venues face to face SNE teacher training in each county venue

The Mode of training

The teacher training will be conducted as follows

  1. The blended model of training requires that the Master Trainers train the Curriculum Support Officers and CBC Champions both regular and SNE virtually for 4 days.
  2. The CSOs and CBC Champions (Both regular and SNE) will train teachers through face to face with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 prevention protocols for 5 days.
  3. The Master trainers will offer professional support during zonal teacher training.

Target teachers

The target participants for the training will be 2 teachers and the Head teacher from each public primary school both regular and SNE. The county directors will identify one teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teacher from grade 4 to 5 (Regular and SNE schools).The Head teachers and teachers will attend the training for five days during the zonal teacher training. The Training of Teachers from SNE schools and Asal areas will be residential.

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The purpose of this MEMO is to kindly request you to:

  1. Invite the CSOs and CBC Champions for TOTs virtual training (Each CSO to pair up with two CBC champions)
  2. Invite the SNE CSOs and SNE CBC Champions for TOT virtual training
  3. Invite 2 Teachers per school. One teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teacher from grade 4 to 5 (Both regular and SNE) for face to face training
  4. Invite the head teachers from both regular and SNE schools for face to face training
  5. Identify, Procure and prepare training venues for regular zonal teacher training and SNE training with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 protocol.

Allowances for the training

Trainees will be entitled to breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Additionally, they will be given transport reimbursement at the end of the training.

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