TSC Begins Nationwide crackdown on Non-Vaccinated Teachers

TSC Begins Nationwide crackdown on Non-Vaccinated Teachers

The teachers service commission, TSC, has launched a nation-wide crackdown on teachers who are yet to take the covid-19 jab.

In what seems like a command from the TSC headquarters, TSC county directors have already began sending memos to their sub county directors, directing them to take daily records of vaccinated teachers and officers.

“You are required to coordinate teachers and officers under your respective jurisdiction to get vaccinated. Provide data on those vaccinated using the attached template,” reads part of a memo addressed to the TSC sub county directors by their county bosses.

The sub county directors will be reporting the data obtained to the county directors daily at 2pm, who will in turn forward the records to the TSC headquarters for counterchecks.

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What this implies is that principals will be tasked to collect this data and report to the TSC sub county directors daily. Details required from the principals are names of the newly vaccinated teachers under their jurisdiction daily, their gender, and the daily grand total.

For teachers to have their names captured, they will have to show the message from the Ministry Of Health, indicating that proof of vaccination.

Prior to this directive, the teachers service commission had given teachers a maximum of seven days to have full dosage of astra zeneca vaccine, prior to which, disciplinary action will be taken against them.

“What TSC is doing is to enforce the Kinyua directive among teachers, failure to which there will be penalties such as withholding the next salaries for those who will not have taken the jab upon the expiry of the seven-day notice,” said a source, who sought anonymity.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) gave the tutors, from both public and private schools, seven days to take the full dosage of the Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine in line with a directive by Public Service head joseph Kinyua that all pubic servants take the TSC doses or face unspecified disciplinary measures.

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