Teacher Promotion, Professional Growth To Be Determined By Performance In The Mandatory Refresher Courses

TSC Calls For A List Of Teachers Who Have Attended CBC Training

The teachers service commission, TSC has ordered for immediate submission of names of all public

school teachers who attended the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) trainings since year 2019.

Some of the teachers’ details that the school heads are required to send are; the name, school, TSC

number, mobile number, email address and year and month the teacher took the training.

So far, teachers handling grades 1-5 pupils have been trained for the CBC curriculum, and those who will handle Grade Six pupils set to be trained in December this year, as per the records in possession of TSC.

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According to the TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, at least 60,000 high school teachers will, in March

and April next year, be trained in preparation for the rollout of junior secondary. Junior secondary school will comprise of Grades 7, 8 and 9.

In 2023, pioneer learners (currently in grade 5) under the new 2-6-3-3-3 CBC system, are expected to transition to junior secondary school after sitting the Grade Six national examinations in 2022.

The information concerning the intentions of TSC with regards to details of teachers who have attended CBC trainings is not yet clear.

A section of school heads had an opinion that it has something to do with the upcoming mandatory TPD modules but upon a deep thought, TSC had made it very clear that no teacher will be exempted from pursuing the TPD modules, not even those with less than a year to retire. Furthermore, CBC trainings lasted not more than two weeks yet TPD is expected to last 30 years. Could be, those who attended CBC will be exempted from some units in the TPD.

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