TSC Extends Email Activation Window For Intern Teachers and Other Registered Teachers

TSC Extends Email Activation Window For Intern Teachers and Other Registered Teachers

The Teachers Service commission, TSC, has extended the email activation exercise. The commission had initially set the deadline for 30th April, 2021.

According to the data from the commission, only 76 percent of teachers employed on internship and permanent and pensionable terms managed to activate their emails within the deadline, which elapsed on 30th April.

“Teachers email activation stands at 76 % compliance, hongera walimu. There is a window for Permanent and Pensionable and intern teachers who have not activated to do so in order to receive official communication from the employer,” read a statement fro the commission.

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TSC Email activation started on 15th of February 2021. The commission has not yet set a new deadline.

At the same time, TSC has offered a platform where teachers who are experiencing challenges while activating email can fill a simple form online and their problems will be ironed out.

The easiest way to access the form is by clicking  here.

In an incidence where a teacher encounters challenges, he or she will be expected to provide the following details:

S/N Required Detail
1 Type of problem being experienced
2 Problem description (optional)
3 Your TSC number
4 Your ID Number
5 Your First Name (As on ID)
6 Your Last Name
7 Your phone number
8 Your Email Address


Activated e-platform for official emails will be used for virtual meetings and remote learning. The e-platform targets all teachers employed by the Commission and those undergoing internship programmes.

According to TSC, official email will take the format of the teacher’s name, the last two digits of the TSC number @mwalimu.tsc.go.ke.


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