TSC Gives  Statement Concerning Planned Mass Transfer and delocalization of Heads

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has issued a statement on the allegations that it is planning mass transfers and delocalization of teachers beginning April this year. Dr. Nancy Macharia has rubbished the claims, which had all indicators that mass transfer is looming, including her letter which proposed transfer of heads who have overstayed in one station.

Macharia says the circular dated February 26th, 2021, was only for the purposes of carrying out routine data collection of staffing status in schools.

In her interview with the media, Macharia made it clear that TSC will not transfer heads and other teachers due to the current Covid 19 pandemic situation and coming national examinations.

“The Commission, therefore, wishes to assure teachers that the Commission does not plan to effect any mass transfers as alleged in the newspaper story. Teachers must be left to continue conducting their normal teaching duties and conduct national examinations without any interference.” said Macharia.

Read also:

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According to Macharia, the Commission will only fill those vacant positions created by natural attrition.

At least school heads and the targeted teachers will have a sigh of relief.

The mass delocalization exercise began in January, 2018 and continued in April, August and December of the same year. From April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a few administrators were moved.

KNUT had earlier in opposed the planned transfers and assured the commission of a grand strike should they go ahead and implement the BBI policy on delocalization.

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