TSC Hints Plans To Save Teachers Money And Time

TSC Hints Plans To Save Teachers Money And Time

The teachers service commission, TSC, has revealed her grand plans to go fully digital any time soon. If the move is embraced fully, then there will be no more sending hard copy documents to the headquarters, or receiving hard copy documents from the headquarters.

Analog services

Among the TSC services that have remained analog and are soon getting digitalized include; sending recruitment letters to newly recruited teachers and heads / county directors, sending promotion letters, sending transfer application forms, receiving transfer letters, requesting and receiving confirmation under PNP terms, sending casualties, sending study leave letters, among others.

With the digitalization of these services, teachers will spend very little in sending the required documents to TSC Through EMS and other services. They will also wait for shorter whiles to get communication.

Each service will have an online portal, where the teacher will simply key in his or her details and await affirmative action. There will be no more sending hard copies to the headquarters and this will save teachers a great deal, both financially and timewise.

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The profound changes in service delivery that TSC plans to fully implement had begun, though currently, they only apply to some services. Among the TSC that have gone digital include:

Teacher performance appraisal and development, TPAD

This began with manual self-assessment through filling of hard copies in 2017. However, it is purely done online currently through tpad2.tsc.go.ke. This has saved teachers the agony of pocessing and preserving very huge files. All the evidences can easily be uploaded in the portal, where they will remain preserved for ages.

TSC Job applications

Another area where TSC has gone fully digital is application for jobs and promotions. initially, teachers would travel far and wide, submitting their application letters and photocopies of their documents. Averagely, a teacher would spend at least ksh. 10,000 on travelling and photocopying, each time vacancies were advertised, and another amount to attend interviews.

Currently, all applications are done online and applicants only spend on airtime bundles. Even promotions and secretariat Vacancies at TSC are applied through the TSC career portal.

Study leave approvals

TSC has been communicating study leave decisions through postal office, which has been taking quite some time to reach the recipients. In the latest development, the study leaves were not sent via posta, but through online platforms. This communication was very timely and saved applicants from unnecessary frustrations of traveling far and wide to camp at TSC headquarters.

Even missing documents like study leave forms and bonding agreement forms were communicated online this year and the affected teachers acted promptly via email or whats app. This move saved them a great deal.

Pay slips

Until 2015, teachers were receiving their payslips through the institution’s postal address. This would take time and inconvenience teachers who wanted to secure loans for various purposes. Worse of all, school heads and those closer to them, would know all your secrets, especially if you were had a very little net after massive loan deductions.

With the introduction of online payslips in 2015, teachers can enjoy a lot of privacy and convenience since the payslips come in time and teachers can send them directly to the banks.

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