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TSC Likely To Extend April 30th E-mail activation deadline

The teachers’ service commission, TSC, is likely to extend the deadline for TSC email activation, which had been set to be April 30th 2021. This is after it emerged that s considerable number of the email addresses are not recognized by outlook365, thus are not working. Some of the temporary passwords too were being rejected even after applying the keyboard case rules to key in the right cases. What this means is that the affected teachers will not only be unable to get email notifications, but also to upload the documents required in office365.

It has also been realized that majority of the interns and the newly employed teachers have been left out in the email activation exercise since they have not been captured in the TSC data system and TMIS.

A senior official argued that the initial date line might not work for the affected teachers till the faults in the system are fixed. She hinted at a possibility of extending the email activation exercise by at least two weeks.

“Extension of the deadline will enhancing fixing of these errors in email activation and also give defaulters ample time to activate their email accounts, lest they face dire consequences,” said the official who sought anonymity.

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In the March circular, which directed teachers to activate their emails, it was clearly captured that after the 30th April deadline, no currently employed teacher will be allowed access into the email activation portal.

The circular also stated that that the email will be the means of communication between the teachers and TSC and that teachers will also use its features to engage in remote learning.

Part of the circular reads, (CLICK HERE TO READ THE WHOLE CIRCULAR),

“Further, the Commission has introduced an e-platform for official emails, virtual meetings and remote learning. The platform targets all teachers employed by the Commission and those undergoing internship programmes. The platform will be used in the following instances: –

  1. a) For official communication between the Commission and teachers including transmission of official letters, Circulars, Pay-slips and responses to teachers’ inquiries amongst others.
  2. b) To promote the usage of e-learning at no cost.
  3. c) To support and promote the usage of virtual meetings. Institutions can therefore use the platform to hold virtual meetings while teachers will be able to create peer groups to carry out learning activities including mentoring and coaching.” NEXT.

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