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TSC Reveals Universities That Will Retrain Teachers And Fees For The Training

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has revealed the refresher teaching courses for the 340,000 teachers across the country and the total fees each teach will pay.

All teachers will be required to undertake modular training in selected institutions, which will issue certificates to guide promotions. This means that academic papers alone will not be used as a basis for promotions and that professional training and work output would take precedence.

The training, which will be carried out during school holidays, will be offered by Kenyatta, Mount Kenya and Riara universities in addition to the Kenya Education Management Institute (Kemi).

“Professional development is critical in that teachers keep abreast with contemporary teaching methods, what is happening in the sector, and in the rest of the world. Now more than ever, current day instructional practices must have components of technology, global learning and the potential to impact a diverse range of learning styles, areas that were not key in the earlier years of the profession,” reads a document signed by TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia.

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She says the modules will be an avenue for growth of ethical aspects of teaching and that they will also “grant teachers an opportunity for networking and testing new methods of curriculum delivery.”

“Professional development of teachers is more than retooling as the modules will also be useful in promotions. A teacher’s growth in skills and competence will see them grow in their careers,” she says in the document.

It says training centres will be as close to the work stations as possible, the training will not exceed five working days though online lessons can exceed the period as long as they do not interfere with teachers’ core duties.

Still, performance reports should be submitted to TSC in soft copy on or before the 15th day of the subsequent month after the school holiday.

The objective of the retraining is to fill the gaps in the teacher performance and appraisal tool, TPAD. Among the courses in the modules are; Integration of ICT in teaching, competency-based curriculum, classroom management, pedagogical leadership, team building, guidance and counseling, talent identification among others.

Teachers will pursue five modules, with each module lasting one year. Each year, teachers will be required to pay ksh. 6,000 towards tuition. Those who will be pursuing the courses in institutions far from their residential areas will have to foot hostel and accommodation charges.

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