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TSC Sets Dates For Responding to Teachers’ Transfer Requests

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has set the dates for responding to teachers transfer requests.

TSC  has also set the timelines for approval of transfer requests for teachers within their Sub Counties.

According to TSC, Sub County Directors should sit and start to act on transfers requested by teachers in their areas of jurisdiction from 22nd November.

Sub County Director, Human Resource Officer, together with Curriculum Support Officers in each zone in the Sub County will be part of a committee in charge of approving teachers online transfer requests.

The transfers will be approved on priority basis. Teachers who are school administrators will also be considered.

However, the team will only deal with transfer requests that have been acknowledged.

Details show that some school heads and their deputies are nearing retirement and there is need to balance out staff.

Some schools are also lacking school heads and deputies. Some have deputies who are only acting as school heads but lack the requirements for confirmation.

Many school heads and deputies have applied to be transferred to new. Schools early next year.

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Transfer letters will be issued in January ahead of school reopening to successful teachers by the Sub County Directors.

Following a motion that quashed TSC recruitment and deployment policy. A teacher can only be

Some teachers were delocalized in 2016 others in 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 and 2022.TSC will

consider the time the teacher was first posted.


Pending: This is displayed once the teacher’s application is successfully delivered awaiting remarks from respective supervisors.

Acknowledged: This is displayed if the teacher is eligible for transfer and awaiting the availability of vacancy and or the teacher’s suitable replacement.

Not Approved: This is same as when the teacher’s request is regretted. This is applicable if the teacher has not met conditions set as per the transfer policy for example having not served in the current station for a period of not less than five years since first appointment, lack of suitable replacement or vacancy.

Approved: This is displayed after the transfer committee approves the teachers transfer request.

The teachers transfer letter is then issued through the principal in the case of post primary institutions and through the County Director in the case of primary school.

Withdrawn: it simply means it was not successful or was successful and a new one can now be placed.

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