TSC Spells New Roles To Aged Teachers as Minet Adds COVID-19 Cover To Teachers’ Scheme

TSC Spells New Roles To Aged Teachers as Minet Adds COVID-19 Cover To Teachers’ Scheme

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has requested its employees who are aged 58 and above to stay at home and work from home. This comes after a realization that persons aged 58 and above have reduced immunity and are at a higher risk of succumbing to covid-19 and related infections in case infected.

In the new development, all Covid-19 ailments among teachers an their dependants will be fully covered by AON MINET, the teachers’ medical scheme.

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All teachers with pre-existing medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes were also directed by TSC to work from home.

“They can be utilized in offering critical duties such as preparing schemes of work, teaching aids and marking, among others. We assure them of the safety of their jobs,” said Dr. Nancy Macharia.

According the data revealed by Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), more than 50,000 teachers are aged 55 years and above

“Some of these teachers already have underlying conditions and the employer must conduct a serious audit to ascertain the exact number and how they can be helped,” said Wilson Sossion, the Knut secretary general.

According to Sossion, even younger teachers with pre-existing medical conditions should also work from home since they are at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19. An audit report is underway to identify these teachers and relieve them temporarily.

“These teachers are now in the frontline and must be protected fully by the employer,” the KNUT boss added.

Macharia assured teachers during the Tuesday brief that their medical needs would be taken care of.

“The commission has negotiated with the teachers’ medical provider, for teachers to be covered for all Covid-19 related illnesses,” said TSC boss told teachers.

AON Minet, through its CEO, pledged its commitment to cover teachers and their dependants even with the exponential rise in covid-19 cases.

“The main insurance practice in our market, however, is to have sub-limits for preexisting chronic conditions. The teachers’ scheme does not have such sub-limits,” said Minet CEO, Sammy Muthui.

Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) national chairman, Kahi Indimuli agreed with the proposal,  but challenged Minet Kenya to communicate the same to all AON MINET medical facilities.

“We hope that they have communicated that to the health facilities so that teachers do not get turned away,” Indimuli said.

Minet Kenya issued a Covid-19 Incidence Reporting USSD code, *202*07# that will assist teachers to report to Minet, any suspected or confirmed Covid-19 cases.

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